private TRIGGER ♡ Starlightpaw

They were home. The torment of the rouges were no more. However, it hadn't fixed the death of the riverclan leader. Grief was still prevalent and a harsh wave that suffocated Riverclan. Next in line was a grieving widow, forced to serve Riverclan so abruptly. It made Petalnose worry if his lives would be taken so easily and cruelly. Just for them to be pushed out again.

Petalnose was more watchful. Sleep was something she fought more often just to be sure a second wave wouldn't crash upon them. But she was serious about her training with her apprentice too. Hopefully next threat to be served to them her apprentice would know how to fight. She was sure the youth was more determined than before as well.

The beech copse she had taken them, sand dry and cold underneath her paws. It reminded her of the moons spent to be homed in the temporary camp during last leafbare. A miserable time such as these. She glanced over the sandy grounds for a moment before signaling with her tail to her apprentice to stay put. A few places she strode along before turning to face them. "I want you to give your all today. No claws and teeth as usual, I don't need anymore scars, yes? Good." She calmly instructed, stretching her limbs as of preparation, "Today we're going to learn speed and wits. Try brute force if you have an opportunity." She added with a tip of her head. "Speed and agility is my specialty. But remember, blinding your victim with sand and other elements is allowed. Rely on your two other senses if I pull this trick. Every single sense is important but temporary loss in sight can be adapted to." Petalnose remembered back to when Pikesplash spat in her face, getting thrown sand in her eye and then blinded by her own blood streaming down her face during an invasion. She was sure if she had lost her eyes, she had enough experience to still easily adapt. It was an important skill she hoped to pass to her apprentice.

"Be prepared to dodge, hit and react more quickly. Now with that being said.. you may begin." Observant and expectant she stood, a curious glint in her eyes as she watched for her first move.


( )  Cicadastar is dead, and there is an empty hollow where Starlightpaw's heart should be. It's not easy to fill. They feel so small, so powerless. The rogues have left marks on all of them now: himself, Beepaw, Cicadapaw, and their fathers, one dead and one nearly so. Smokethroat's nine lives won't save him, just as Cicadastar's didn't. Starlightpaw wants to scream, wants to rip their very namesake from the sky and demand their father back, wants to tear the throats from every rogue in the hopes that maybe it'd be enough to atone for what they've done.

Starlightpaw does none of these things. Instead he stands across from his mentor, carefully keeps his claws sheathed.

"No claws and teeth, understood," Starlightpaw repeats dutifully. A spar is good, it's exactly what she needs. I want you to give your all, is an unnecessary encouragement. As if Starlightpaw could bear to do anything else. She steadies her breathing, squints her eyes against the midday sun and focuses on the cat in front of her: Petalnose, a clanmate, a mentor. Someone safe to fight. They do not begin immediately, using this safety to pause, assess. They do not quite still, back and whiskers twitching in anticipation. Petalnose is letting them make the first move; a true opponent would not be so kind.

A test of dodging, reaction time, speed. It'd be good to have something to respond to then, yes? Starlightpaw wants the full experience. Their first move is a sudden one, charging forwards directly, but not yet trying to attack; instead, they keep an eye on Petalnose to watch what she will do, preparing themself to dodge.

  • // sorry for the wait!!




It seemed Starlightpaw was determined to continue forth, a nod of acknowledgement as she accepted her rules. Petalnose watched Starlightpaw charge forward, staying put in her spot until last minute. A jump to the side served along a clawless lash of her paw, she watched to see if they would dodge or advance an attack. She had expected to hit the younger feline, but belief was set forth in her apprentice to act quickly besides her own respected talents. "Enemies will attempt to emotionally get in your head. Remember to either use those emotions to your advantage or control them." she informed within movement, "Fish face I shall call you. The most common insult of our kind, got it? Now come on Fish face, show me what you got if you have it!" she spat in play, whether she had hit or not, she would attempt to follow it by a sudden jump forward without blow to test her apprentice's reflexes and judgement. She was sure Starlightpaw wouldn't take it to heart, but a warning of the emotional play enemies had she saw deemed important. A trait she had hoped to pass; the words in the midst of battle merely escalated her actions or she had laughed off. "Insult me back. Be cruel." she urged with a narrow of her eyes in expectation.
