private TRISTESSE \ morningpaw

The light of the cave rained away, whipped by the winds of dreams into an image. A clearing, star-written and cherished, one he had walked many times before. StarClan had to have known, to greet him so readily- he came here to search for answers.

Berryheart was, of course, often the type to prefer working things out without being told- his paws were talented at experimenting, and he healed through a passion for knowing. So too had he come to realise, however, that he could not let ThunderClan down through his love for finding out information. There lay a patient within his den, unmoving and unhealed, despite all that he had done. Little Blue was not getting worse, but neither was she improving- and he could not, no matter what, let Blue and Sunset down again.

In his care, their kit would live. Foolishness had killed two already.

A shape of dawn light materialised before him. Kinship glittered in his eyes, starlight-brimming. Upon a knocked-aside jaw, a small smile skimmed- saddened, dampened by the knowledge of death bringing her here, but happy to see her nonetheless. "Wisps," he purred, adoring.

From quivering starlit grass, a pale cloud of tortoiseshell-printed fur emerges. Blue eyes round with wisdom and excitement glitter toward Berryheart. “Uncle! Welcome,” she mews warmly, padding forward on tiny paws. She meets his purr with one of her own, rumbling and soft as chick fluff, and she rubs her face adoringly against the slant of his muzzle.

How are you, Berryheart? And—and how are Burnstorm and Moonwhisper?” At the mention of her living twin, some of the gleam dies in her gaze, replaced by anxious shadow, but her smile remains strong. “You’ll be happy to know that Mother is here, too, and she is at peace.” She sits politely before her russet-splashed uncle, tortie tail curling around pointed paws. “But you didn’t come just for that this time, did you?” Her smile fades, replaced by something thoughtfully and carefully neutral.

, ”

He returned her starry embrace, eyes alight with stars as she looked at her. It was a source of despair that he could only meet her as a spirit, but equally warming to see how she had grown wise and wonderful among the stars. "I am well," he murmures, voice feather-soft despite the toil it took to get here. "And so are they. As fiery as ever, though." A small flicker of sadness blinked in his gaze, replaced soon by the strength of his neutrality. Whispers and Little-little often squirmed with spitfire, broiling with everything they felt they had to prove.

Mother is here too, and she is at peace. He dipped his head at the knowledge, thankful but silent in Shady's case. It still hurt him to think of her, and to reflect on the what-ifs. And of course, knowledge glimmered in Wisps' gaze- spangled knowledge he would never be able to understand. He nodded, expression suddenly stony and vaguely solemn. "I am here to ask..." He picked his words carefully. "For guidance. Little Blue is not getting any better... I worry it is out of my paws."

Askew eyes searched her face for an answer- he would take anything, even the one that would hurt most.