TRUE BLUE [ intro ]


Apr 25, 2024

( ) she's anxious. of course she is- she's always anxious, and nothing she ever does seems to help. everyone seems to think it's normal, a common side effect of being so young and quiet. still, it feels like maybe she's more anxious than any other kit her age, and no one seems to notice it. she thinks her mom might be too busy handling her siblings' wild energy- dogwoodkit's sunshine outlook and talkative personality, whitekit's boastful air and intense presence... only ricekit is quieter like her, and even then, her sister is observant, smarter than she seems. stormkit finds herself forgotten about (or at least, this is what she feels, despite whether others have tried to include her.) she admires her leader and deputy, wants desperately to prove to them that she will be a good warrior when the time comes. her fellow kits, besides her littermates, don't seem to take notice of her. sometimes she thinks that all she does all day is kicking around pebbles and following her mother around. she doesn't ever want to bother her dad for attention, overthinking brain worried she'll interrupt his warrior's duties.

the moral of the story is... she's anxious, and she's bored. like always, like every single day. dual-hued eyes flick around camp from where the small girl sits outside of the nursery, trying to catch onto anything she could interact with without being a bother. she hates to be underpaw, hates to dash across camp with her siblings while the warriors are coming back from patrols. the other kits are playing, and she doesn't know if she wants to join anyway. a soft rustle of wings attracts the girl's attention and she rips her gaze from the rowdy game of mossball occurring across camp to focus on shimmering, iridescent wings as they flutter past her head. a silvery blue dragonfly flits through camp, sun glinting off of its shiny surface as it floats on the breeze. stormkit narrows her eyes, watching intently as the insect lands upon a stalk of long grass, causing the blade to shiver, and the kit lets out a soft breath, a small smile gracing her maw. the anxiety ever present in her mind melts into the background as she observes the dragonfly. so enraptured with the insect is she that she doesn't notice the sound of pawsteps pattering behind her.

  • // don't mind the girl, she has a background character complex,, come interact w her!! "#758ba4"

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    blue tabby with low white and blue/green heterochromia a long-furred blue feline with darker blue curling stripes that splash across her chest, flanks and tail. white floods the fur around her neck, the tip of her tail, her stomach, and paws. dual hued eyes of sky and forest make her pretty in an innocent way, and her body is small and lithe, although her fluffy fur makes her look larger.


Bouncing and tumbling truly are the best things in life. How could they not be? The feeling of weightlessness as one soars through the sky, landing on ready limbs only to jump back up again and roll a somersault back down. She is laughing and giggling as her thick coat bounces up and down with her, occasionally blinding her as thick bangs settle right overtop her kitten blue eyes. She is of course winning at mossball, she's naturally gifted at the game and being a bit larger than the other kittens doesn't hurt her odds. It's during a small break that she notices one kitten hanging out near the nursery. She has to blow up on the hair covering her eyes, but she does see that it's Stormkit. That's so silly! Why isn't her sister out playing with the rest of the kittens? It's a lovely day out afterall.

She doesn't fully take notice of what her sister is up to when she pads up behind her. Only after she calls out a loud "Whatcha doing!?" and the dragonfly retreats does it add up what was happening. With a gape of her mouth and the most apologetic eyes a kitten could have the words start dribbling from her mouth "Oh Stormy! I didn't see it I was being too loud I am so sorry it was really pretty what were you going to do with it?" kept at similar apologize until movement caught her eye "WAIT! Stormy it just landed on a different leaf, LOOK!" just as she said the little insect had made home on another branch just a few hops away from the two dense furred kittens.

𓆝 . ° ✦ Weedkit prefers to observe rather than to play. In the rare moments that the fairly serious young tom is playful, they are usually with Fluffykit or Daisykit. He pokes his head out of the nursery, observing as if he is some sort of authority over the younger kits who are playing outside. He notices that Stormkit sits far from the game of mossball, and feels a pang of empathy go through him. Is she being left out? Does she want to play with the others? A thousand questions echo through his mind, disrupted by Dogwoodkit sending the dragonfly away with a shout.

"If you yell at it it'll just keep flying away," Weedkit states matter-of-factly as he approaches the pair "Stay quiet and move slowly if you want to see it up close." Weedkit doesn't feel as haughty as he probably sounds, but he absolutely does know that he knows better than either of these young kits. Of course he does. He's older and has more experience, so by more virtue... He's smarter. His apprehension about the world outside SkyClan's camp is not to be regarded, of course, because he's smart for being fearful of that too.

The older black and white kit's eyes go to where the dragonfly has landed as indicated by an encouraging Dogwoodkit. "See, like this," Weedkit crouches down and moves slowly towards the leaf that the insect has perched on. Though he doesn't draw too terribly close, the dragonfly does not seem perturbed by his presence. "If you move slow, it won't want to fly away," he explains in a whisper, and gestures for the siblings to join him in watching the dragonfly closer.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

    longhaired black tomcat with low white spotting. born 11/9/23 and ages realistically 1 week every Thursday. Follow along with his growth here!

( ) so enraptured is she with the sight of the insect that stormkit does not notice her sister's approach until the bigger kitten is almost on top of her. dogwoodkit shouts out a greeting, and dark blue ears flatten in distaste as the dragonfly takes flight yet again at the noise. shaking the surprise from her body, stormkit turns dual hued eyes of disapproval onto her sister. "doggie!" she whines, little tail tapping against the ground. "you scared him away!"

she has half a mind to hold this grudge until warriorhood, but the pale face screws up in upset and blue eyes sparkle with apology, do stormkit lets it go, pressing her muzzle to her sister's in comfort. "it's alright," she murmurs, and offers dogwoodkit a soft smile. "we can find him again. i was just watchin' him cause he looked pretty," her gaze flicks to weedkit as the boy pads up, and she will nod sagely at his advice, paws pitter-pattering against the ground as dogwoodkit spots the insect again.

as the black and white kit crouches and begins moving closer to the dragonfly, stormkit will attempt to copy the boy's crouch, tail sticking out straight behind her as she dances over on oddly bent paws. doing her best to remain quiet, the blue swirled tabby breathes gently in awe at the sight of the resting insect. "what'd do ya think he's doin'?" she wonders aloud.

  • // "#758ba4"

  • 81166334_Nm1jdszqp4yzGgg.png

    blue tabby with low white and blue/green heterochromia a long-furred blue feline with darker blue curling stripes that splash across her chest, flanks and tail. white floods the fur around her neck, the tip of her tail, her stomach, and paws. dual hued eyes of sky and forest make her pretty in an innocent way, and her body is small and lithe, although her fluffy fur makes her look larger.

Once again, voices interrupt her sunbathing. A green eye cracks open in frustration though ebbs to mild annoyance once she finds who the culprits were. Stormkit and Dogwoodkit, two of her three siblings; Weedkit, too, though she finds she cares less about him than anyone there...

Envy burns a hole in her chest as she watches Weedkit instruct her siblings. That was her job. Ricekit was supposed to be the one with the most knowledge, Ricekit was supposed to be there to help guide her siblings, not Weedkit.

Playing with bugs was also her thing and the kit feels another flash of jealousy, her lip curls just slightly. All of the sudden she decides she doesn't like bugs anymore and she huffs in indignation. "Being stupid," comes Ricekit's voice in response to Stormkits admission of wonder. "You should crush it. Teach it not to show its face around the camp." the words come out unnecessarily crueler than she wanted them to be but she makes no effort to apologize.

  • ricekit
    cis female ,, she/her ,, 03 months
    kit of skyclan ,, heronstep x cauliflowercurl ,, sibling to
    regal, curly-furred white she-cat with striking green eyes
    "speech, f0a78e" ,, thoughts
    too young ,, single ,, not interested at all
    smells like hyacinths & lilies
    penned by chuff
"Hunting, most likely. Dragonflies are very vicious to smaller bugs: the best hunters in the forest." Either unaware or uncaring of the near-spat beginning to unfold, Orangestar joins the pawful of kittens in bug-watching. The leader is far enough away that the dazzling insect doesn't take offense at her presence, and makes no move to shuffle closer as Weedkit and Stormkit crouch down to get a closer look at the iridescent visitor. Her whiskers twitch, amused and pleased by the young SkyClanners' curiosity. Would Dogwoodkit scare it away? Or would she quiet herself, to creep closer like her denmates and watch the dragonfly silently?

"When you're apprenticed, you'll see more of them near RiverClan's border. They like the water." It's nice to think about them again. She remembers a passing obsession with the insects in her youth, a greenleaf spent observing that has led to knowledge in these later moons.

Orangestar tilts her head slightly, casting her gaze towards Ricekit. She seems unusually unenthused. "Do you want to get a closer look too?"

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    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

Like Stormkit, Lionkit is perfectly content with observing the rambunctious happenings of the nursery from the sidelines. It isn't as if Lionkit does not possess a playful bone in his body — he enjoys playing, just mostly with his littermates and mother as he's most comfortable with them. He's slower to warm up to the presence of other kits; he likes Sangriakit and Coffeekit, but they aren't in SkyClan all the time. So, some days, he does not do much in the nursery besides watching the others and entertaining himself.

Today, however, mostly everybody's attention had been captivated by a winged visitor. Even the soft-spoken Lionkit could not help but toddle after the other kittens, fascinated by the flying insect. It was different than that of a fly, bee, or butterfly. Its wings were beautiful! "A dragonfly...?" The torbie point echoes Orangestar, who appeared to be very knowledgable on the subject.

Blue eyes remain fixed onto the dragonfly before they flicker toward the direction of the leader. A bit sheepishly at first, Lionkit inquires, "Uhm, Orangestar, what's a firefly? Are they like dragonflies?" Lionkit's brother was named Fireflypaw, but he had never given any thought to what a firefly actually was. As of right now, Lionkit could only assume that the two things were similar because they sounded alike.