camp TRUE REFLECTION - coming out


Jul 29, 2023
There had been a lot to think about since Gracekit had that realization that being a she-cat didn't feel right. She had thought long and hard about what that meant for her and, she realized that maybe she wanted to be like her father. Strong and cool, someone to look up. And not a she-cat, but a tom.

He looked to his paws. He. It felt right, and he wanted cats to know but... he didn't want to make a big scene. What if it distracted the cats getting ready to go on the journey? Maybe he could just keep it to himself, but it would make him feel worse every time he was called a she-cat. That meant it was out of the question.

But was it really okay for him to make this decision on his own? Did he have to get explicit permission from Chilledstar and Frostbite? This was scary and he wasn't sure what to do.

Gracekit took a breath and decided to just... speak. "I-I... I don't wanna be a she-cat anymore. I wanna be a tom, if... if that's okay." He willed himself not to cry, but the anxiety was catching up with him. He closed his eyes and flattened his ears. This was too nerve-wracking to have been a good idea...


Scorchedpaw has had to come to his own realizations in his life. Maybe not of the gender variety so much, but his sexuality has changed drastically. It's not easy growing up, as there's certain expectations that are meant to be followed. And when they are followed, sometimes you don't realize that things can always be different. You can always make it so. And for him, that was realizing that he also liked toms on top of mollies. It wasn't easy, but it felt too right to ignore.

When Gracekit announces that he is now a tom, there's some surprise but ultimately admiration. To be so young and to already know what your true nature is? It's commendable. He's commendable! "It is totally okay! Congrats on figuring out who you truly are." The anxiety of the admission is a lot, he's sure. As Scorchedpaw sees the kit close in on himself, he goes over and lightly bunts his head against Gracekit's trembling form.​

Wheatpaw’s first memories of Gracekit had been tinged with tears. Trying to clean the sobbing mess when he (she, back then) had been set upon by two rude apprentices had made the wanderer worried for his future. What would Gracekit do when he was older? Would they be filled with the same suffocating anxiety on their first steps outside the bramble wall? Could the kit bring himself to coat his own paws with blood when the time came to catch some prey?

Wheatpaw was leaving soon, She was resolute on that. But the Somali lookalike knew that fear for Gracekit’s future would always be in the back of her mind, no matter how many moons passed. That was why, when stuttering squeaks suddenly sounded and autumn ears drank in their meaning, Wheatpaw let out a sigh of relief.

It seemed the girl had grossly underestimated Gracekit’s bravery.

“That is fine with me, little one.” The wanderer didn’t pretend to act like she could relate to the kit’s feelings, but she didn’t need to. The Somali lookalike couldn’t imagine giving up being a she-cat, and in all honesty the sudden statement sounded strange at face value. But if someone as small and scared as Gracekit could speak with such conviction on the subject, then it must be taken seriously. She didn’t need to grasp all it’s intricacies, the apprentice just needed to accept it.

Wheatpaw stands and approaches Gracekit, purring loudly.
“I have met many in my travels, but I believe you may be one of the bravest cats I have ever encountered. I am sure you will grow into a fine tom.”
He remembers when he came out to his adoptive mother. It wasn't tactful like Gracekit was doing, he stomped up to her and told her flat out that he was no longer a daughter. She blinked at him and accepted it, probably the only good thing she's ever done. From then on, Frost lived his life as a tom and was perfectly happy that way. Now, Frostbite stands before his daughter, making the same decision.

Gracekit wishes to be a tom, and he smiles at him.

He walks over to him and gives him a gentle lick on the head. "Of course it's okay. I know exactly how you feel." He says. " It was brave of you to come out and announce it to so many cats. I'm proud of you, son." He says.

He loves Gracekit so much. He's ready to support him down the same path that he had taken so many moons ago, the one that he had taken alone. He had lived his life alone, and he won't let his children suffer the same.​

they know it all too well. not feeling comfortable being their assigned gender. they wished that had the luxury, but they didn't. difference was, gracekit was a hell of a lot braver than chilledstar ever was. ever is. they don't tolerate anyone being misgendered but they can't help they recoil and shut down when it happens to them. why? the stars knew and they chose to keep it that way. with a sigh, they nod their head as they stand beside frostbite.

"and you have full permission to kick anyone's tail who doesn't respect that of you, kiddo."

he was doing a good thing for himself. chilledstar respected that fullheartedly. they respected anyone who could so easily speak their truth. good. he would be a good warrior one day.

tags. ↟↟↟ Gracekit was a denmate to him and Pinekit had vaguely noticed the tabby kitten’s recent frustration. This could be what it was about? She no longer wanted to be a she. Pinekit tilted his head and for a moment he just stared at Gracekit. He had never thought that was something to do. He felt fine as a tomkit, but Gracekit must have hated being a shekit. If she hated it so much, he supposed it didn’t matter if she wanted to be a tom too. It was an obvious fix. Slowly he dipped his head and blinked, realizing he’d been staring in shock.

”That is okay,” Pinekit offered after a delay, as if his opinion meant anything much. Chilledstar, Frostbite, and others had already agreed reassuringly with the cream tomkit. Overall, he wouldn't mind there being another tomkit in the nursery.

sweet like honey
———— ( ) ————
Honeypaw knew extraordinarily little of Frostbite and his children. The most she confidently knew was that Frostbite... had children! She knew their names, too, at least some of them - Poppykit was cute and easy, and Gracekit was another easy name. What in the stars was a ptarmigan though? Well, it wasn't something she'd need to worry about today! That wasn't the child that seemed to have gathered the massive (by ShadowClan's standards, right?) crowd around them. The sun-toned apprentice nearly stumbled over her paws when she heard Gracekit announce that he wasn't a girl anymore, and didn't want to be one. Tufted ears stand alert as she slows her paws, deep copper eyes narrowing slightly at the crowd. An apprentice she shares her den with responds first, slowly followed by the trickle of their clanmates including his father. Honeypaw turned to pad toward the confessing kit, head tilting curiously.

Was it really... that easy? Huh. Not that speaking up about it was easy, Honeypaw couldn't imagine having to make her Clanmates look at her wholly differently. But rather just... deciding to not be a girl anymore! That was pretty cool. Besides, ShadowClan could always go for more toms. "It's okay," Honeypaw purrs in affirmation after Pinekit, meandering to stand close to Gracekit alongside Wheatpaw. "I think it's pretty cool! If anyone gives you a hard time, I bet your Dad will tear 'em a new one!" Another thing Honeypaw knew well: Frostbite was an incredibly protective and caring father.

———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
The sound of a kit warbling up an announcement caused Scalejaw to pause in what she was doing (which was boring ass den repairs, if she had any opinion on it.) Her head turned, ears perking as others approached and spoke to Gracekit- he was deciding for himself. His own fate and journey. A warmth of remembrance spread across Scalejaw's chest, and she padded over. Standing next to Chilledstar, she bumped the leader gently with her own shoulder and offered a tilt of her head.

Golden eyes shifted to fix upon Gracekit. "Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise. Don't let them change your mind." She spoke honestly, shifting into a sitting position. "You are the only cat that can do that for yourself." Scalejaw stated. She hadn't had an issue with her gender- sexuality was a whole different thing- but she felt comfortable in her skin. She could hardly imagine the pressure of feeling uncomfortable in your body and having to face a whole world about it. A tiny grin touched her face, amusement sprinkling in her eyes as she heard Honeypaw's statement.


[penned by dallas].
A small crowd of cats soon had gathered and, to Gracekit's surprise, they all seemed to be fairly supportive. They called him brave. He didn't feel brave at first, but knowing that the cats of ShadowClan were supporting him and thinking he was brave for being able to declare it so openly... And to know that once upon a time, his father had been like him...

"Thank you," he murmured. No longer would the tears be of crushing fear and anxiety. Instead, they would be of overwhelming happiness and joy.


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