TRUST IN ME ♡ "tour"

( ) "You look lost."

Perhaps the declaration had been sudden, but it held truth. A little worm stood out amongst these others, fresh and bug-eyed. Wide eyes betrayed his innocence. He seemed little more than a wanderer to Valentine, though one with little sense. Luckily for him, Valentine was keen to pick up on these things. His senses were clear as the morning sky, and mind sharp as a freshly-plucked feather. Few could fully comprehend a presence as great as he.

The tom stands on his toes. He can feel the dirt caked between his pads, but it's fine. He's stronger than the ashes of some dead beast, and still, he will treat it with care. Not ever aspect of Her can be pretty. This, he knows well. He tilts his chin to the sky, his tail is held upward in a clear show of strength and charisma. "This one can take pity on even worms like you! As I'm sure you have seen." Honeybee, this worm a traitor. Perhaps it is foolish of him to put hope in those undeserving of it. A deep scowl crosses his features for but a moment, before he returns to the pinnacle of wisdom he provides.

He nods towards the nearby holly bush, a cursed place the children seem to crawl to and from on any given day "This is the poor attempt of locking away children for education, their paws are small and their will to learn even smaller. Someone ought to wrangle them," he adds with a pout. With a glance at Locust, it would once again occur to him that this one is quite small, and further yet, he hasn't a clue where this one came from. Another escapee? He observes him with scrutiny, takes a side-step away for safe measure.

His eyes scan camp. There are a number of things he could point out... The resting grounds, where there strange excuse for prey sat. Oh, but first. He nods to a nearby branch. "That is where I sunbathe. You are not permitted." He nods, satisfied with his warning.

[ Awful tour for @locust. ; no need to wait <3 ]
Harpy can already feel the red tinge of annoyance, an exasperated noise escaping him that sounds like a medium between a laugh and a groan. Valentine. He recognizes the thick fecker immediately, his nose wrinkling as if he'd tasted something particularly foul. He's gallivanting about with the newbie, Locust, both insulting the children of the clan and insinuating that there are branches that are off limits in the same breath. A roll of dull blue eyes follow swiftly.

Slinking up behind Valentine, he'd aim a swift cuff over the sepia's ear, which he (embarrassingly) has to raise up on his haunches to do. "Tryin' to scare him back to the Twolegplace with your shite, are you?" Harpy does not agree with Locust's decision, but ultimately, it's Locust's decision alone. He has no interest in trying to change the mind of disloyal cats. If they're prepared to abandon their housefolk, they are beyond repair. He steals a glance towards the young tom, his tail tip twitching.

"Don't listen to this yahoo, mate. If he had brains he'd be dangerous." He snorts once more, and as if to prove a point against the sepia, Harpy ascends the tree to perch atop the aforementioned branch.
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