private TRUST IN THE ALL KNOWING I \ howling

Jul 27, 2022

Cradled by low sunlight, mahogany-striped- unmistakably the shape of ThunderClan's deputy. How she had gotten so far out here alone was beyond him for a moment- but wisdom worked quickly, and he surmised how long it had been since he'd seen her in camp. Alone-time had been pursued, but it was not the usual sort. No, no... the pull of her maw into a frown, that misted sadness in her eyes. The look- he'd seen it in reflections. Lost kin weighed heavy on the heart, and- well, Howling Wind did not receive prophecies as he did. Her ailment might well be unfixable in life- but he had a destiny. He had his mission, to prevent drowning in one's tears. What was unfixable in life was fixable by the severing of it.

Rash he was not, though. "Howling Wind." A soft greeting, combed with fondness. As sincere as the sunlight touched her fur, he made tentative approach, ensuring not to startle her. He needed to be sure this ailed her so. "Are you... suffering? I am here to lend my help, if needed." If he was correct- before him faced his destiny. But seeing her, sat before him- surely he was right. The loss of a grandchild. So young, so senseless... surely it pulled her soul too far down.

It's been days since Morningpaw's death, and accepting it hasn't gotten easier. She still gets up every morning. She doles out patrol assignments, she joins in on them sometimes. She tries her best to hunt for her clan, her family that is still around. But that aching in her heart does not subside. She spends her nights and mornings alike praying to the stars above, hoping so desperately that her darling granddaughter can hear her. I hope you're warm, She thinks. I hope your grandfather is keeping you company. In StarClan, she is safe at least. She tries to take comfort in that.

Howling Wind hadn't heard Trufflepelt's approach, so she startles upon hearing his voice. Gaze flicking towards him, she blinks in surprise before relaxing back into her sulking crouch. "It feels like that," She admits, a sad smile on her face as she looks to her clanmate. A heavy sigh leaves her and she gazes back towards the sky. He says he's here to help, and it touches her heart to know he wants to be there to support her, lend a shoulder to cry on. He's a good friend, she realizes. A dependable warrior and clanmate. "Thank you," She mews, swallowing hard to fight back the tears that threaten to return.

A confirmation. A thanks. To lose kin, to lose young kin no less- it was a sensation that ripped the heart asunder, and Trufflepelt knew it was a wound that never fully healed. Never until one saw them again, a pleasure that he had not been privy to. No ancestors of the Clans, Trufflepelt's own children would not dwell in the plane of the Stars, but he had learned in his time here that it had not been his destiny to reunite with lost kin, but to offer others the same respite. Glorious, glorious day. How wonderful he felt that he would finally be able to fix a heartbreak that seemed unfixable. No one deserved to suffer, not when their kin awaited them on the other side. Freedom from her heartbreak waited for Howling Wind at the tips of his claws. It waited for Little Wolf, too. Blazestar, Berryheart, Burnpaw... all of them, he could offer salvation.

Here was a starting-place. And how happy they would all be, to stand together again in the Stars.

Whip quick, his claws leapt from their prisons. So long had he awaited this moment, the culmination of his Star-written destiny. To prevent the drowning of one in their own tears. To rid the world of suffering. To send pain to the Stars to be removed- so the earth and the afterlife would be painless both. All his weight was thrown upon the molly, digging his claws into her shoulder as he pinned her to the ground. Oh, how quick a goodbye could be. It had to be quick. He wished not to cause her more pain. "You will be free soon, my friend." His tone was joyful, tall form stood over her, backlit by the cold sun. He beamed with pride, tusk-toothed maw stretched in a reverie-razed grin. "I shall miss you."
A light snow has begun to fall, she notices. She's still gazing at the cloudy sky, that solemn smile still resting on her muzzle. At least she has a friend with her. At least she's not alone.

A weight slams into her and she lets out a yowl of alarm. Hitting the cold ground, she blinks up in surprise into the gleeful eyes of Trufflepelt. "What-" She breaks off with a pained hiss as claws sink into her shoulders. Confusion washes over her as her heart rate picks up, chest pounding with shock and fear. Fear. She's scared and once again meets his crazed gaze. His words send a cold shiver down her spine as her own eyes grow wide with horror. Oh stars...he's going to kill her. She fights for a moment but she has no leverage. He's bigger than her, and her muscles are weakened with hunger. "Why are you doing this?" She whimpers, voice trembling. He's her friend! He's one of ThunderClan's most trusted warriors! He wouldn't do this! Again, she wills her body to move, to fight, but she's paralyzed in shock and terror. All she can do is stare up into the proud face of Trufflepelt, at the joyful grin that is plastered to his face.

He wasted not a moment. She did not deserve to be in pain any longer- and though her green eyes swam with fear, a sad inevitability, he knew in his heart he was helping her. StarClan had given him his duty, had given him his lesson- to not stand idly by as others fell victim to the drowning buildup of their suffering. His smile remained- she deserved a good thing before she moved forward into the afterlife. She deserved a last memory- one that cemented that the one who saved her meant the best for her. She would be thankful when she reunited with Morningpaw- and then, when the rest of her family joined them. "I am saving you," he said gleefully, before ripping his hind claws through the flesh of her stomach.

Blood thickened the air. A sickening smell, but a necessary one. His friend, his friend. Today he had done an honourable thing- had forgone selfishness in servitude of his duty. StarClan wanted to cleanse people of their suffering, he was sure of it, just as he was sure that Howling Wind now lay dead at his paws. "You are with Morningpaw, now." he said, voice thrumming with gratitude. Pride oozed from him like the blood from her punctures. "Poor Little Wolf... losing a child. She will be in pain no longer. You shall see her soon, too."

Threat veiled in honeyed righteousness, he took his leave. To find the rest of them, to find the grieving mother and her children. ThunderClan would see the joy he had brought them, soon. Their land would be barren of grief, and StarClan would have fixed the wounded souls sent there.

/ out >:)
  • Wow
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Reactions: DetectLife and Jay

Her gaze, burrowing into Trufflepelt's, widens. Her breath hitches in her throat as she feels warmth ooze down her sides. She glances down, sees the red, how it stains her stomach. "N..." A hard swallow interrupts her, and when the tom steps off of her she flops weakly to the side. Harsh, ragged breaths grow shallower. Her eyes feel heavy, and she feels as if she could sleep for a thousand moons if she lets herself fall into a slumber. Looking up is dizzying, but she catches one last glance of her attacker before eyelids fall shut.

Poor Little Wolf... losing a child. She will be in pain no longer. You shall see her soon, too.

Fear strikes her heart. stay away from her! But she can't talk, she can't move. Blood pools at her stomach and he's leaving her there, alone. Believing her to be dead. And soon, she will be. Somebody, help me. The snow continues fall, silencing the world around her as she lays sprawled in the forest.
  • Crying
  • Wow
Reactions: DetectLife and Jay