࿐ ࿔*:・゚ — Beefang thinks over what Lichenstar had told her the other day and her lone eye focuses onto the red tabbied apprentice that's focused onto the river, a frown pulling at the sides of her mouth and a low breath slips from her jaws. Perhaps she has been a little too rough or unkind to little Roepaw after everything he has lost on the same day, the bicolored molly could be a lot more patient and sharp around the younger tom. She's the only cat he had aside from his littermates and her snout wrinkles for a brief heartbeat, she sighs as she approaches him noting that his shadow casts over the water and that itself scares any fish that he attempts to hook needle-like claws onto. Her first instinct is to tell him that he's doing it wrong but she bites down onto her tongue as she closes the distance between them "No, like this." Beefang shifts her position so that her shadow doesn't cast itself over the water and has her snowy dipped limb lifted with claws outstretched but after her demonstration it lowers itself to return at her side.

"You need to make sure your shadow isn't over the water or else, you'll scare off the fish before you even attempt catching them." Her voice a lot less rough than how she usually instructs him and Beefang remains there to catch a few fish while watching the attempts of her own apprentice. Her lone eye occasionally turning to Swirldance and Gladefrost as she checks their own progress, for a heartbeat, the black smoke feels content in being able to lead the patrol near Thunderclan with her clanmates. She'll definitely have to tell Moonbeam about it later...

As time passes, Beefang glances to the fish that has been gathered by the small group and for a moment, there's pride in her eyes but she doesn't voice it not when the shriek of a bird splits the air. "Osprey, keep alert!" She barks to her clanmates as she steps away momentarily from Roepaw noting how the bird seemed to circle and its head tilted as its eyes focused down on their pile of fish that they had spent catching. Suddenly, it dips and dives down with talons outstretched, Beefang finds herself lunging forward out of instinct as her claws swing forth finding purchase of flesh and feathers. It screeches lifting into the air momentarily before snapping "It's going after the fish! Fend it off!"


  • ooc — The patrol fights off an osprey from stealing the fish they have gathered! anyone in the patrol must roll a DC of 15 or HIGHER to fend it off ; Beefang rolled a 19 !! @swirldance ✶ @Gladefrost @Roepaw, please wait until one of those tagged have replied
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ HUNTING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ TRACKING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ COMBAT
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STEALTH
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ STRATEGY
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ SWIMMING
    ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ CLIMBING
  • dOcsURU.png
    a shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and a singular amber eye
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. distrusting of outsiders and will snap at you if y/c walks up to her on her blind side. all her opinions are IC only.
    14 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    asexual homoromantic; mated to moonbeam
    currently mentoring... roepaw ; formerly mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadaflight and loveburn
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Beefang and her apprentice share a strange tension between the pair that the molly had only seen few times before. It wasn't all that often, thankfully, and some might consider herself even lucky that her apprenticeship was not full of harsh bites and snapping teeth, leaving lashing tails and flattened ears in its wake. Swirldance, while determined, was only fueled in spite. Otherwise she loved to make for a pretty lazy warrior.

"I think the end of greenleaf is my favorite time within all the seasons." They've sat next to Gladefrost, who has been designated as their patrol friend in this moment. "Because it's not so hot every day, like all the fur on my body wants to melt off into the water. But it also isn't so breezy yet like leaf-fall. But we still get late sunsets and warm sunrises." Swirldance has taken to their chatter over hunting.

There's quite a worthy show of prey around, and Swirldance is moments too late to suggest they return with it when a shriek announced another presence. Swirldance grit her teeth with a lifted lip to see wings spread across the sky, diving for their food!

Thankfully Beefang is quicker to act- that lone eye hasn't any effect on the accuracy of swiping claws and it surged a sense of duty within Swirldance. The warrior stood- perhaps a bit too quickly- and valiantly shouted her courage. "I've got it!" Front paws leap while the ones behind stay back, uncooperative as her hips shift awkwardly and she's instead left tumbling into the water, nowhere near the osprey's line of attack.

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Gladefrost should've moved into the nursery already, but she'd been busy with her warrior duties that she hadn't found the time to settle in yet. She'd been surprised that Hazecloud sent on patrol regardless with her obvious rounding stomach, but she assumed that the deputy wanted her to do one more task before she retired to the nursery. The tension from Beefang and Roepaw was suffocating, but she wouldn't interject, as it wasn't her place to offer advice when it wasn't asked for. Beefang jhad been mauled by Swiftfire's mate, which was her apprentice's father, so it wouldn't be a surprise if there was a grudge there for that.

Her chambray gaze flicks towards Swirldance as she rambles about Greenleaf and Leaf-fall and she nods in recognition to the words of her denmate. ”I much prefer Leaf-fall and the colder seasons. My coat makes the hotter seasons unbearable.” Gladefrost would murmur until the words of Beefang catch her attention of an osprey attempting to snatch the fish they've been catching. The umber tabby races forth as claws etch forth at the claws of the osprey in attentions to scare it off, her fangs bared with a guttural growl leaving her throat.

// rolled a 15
It is evident in the way Roepaw holds himself that he does not like his mentor, the only abnormal thing being his silence as the group settles along the riverbank that was near the ThunderClan border. Though he dared not to touch the water with his paws the younger apprentice would sit near the edge of it, looking down as the rippling of fish caused his eyes to wander around. He'd pretend to try and catch fish, simply wanting a moment to himself when suddenly there was a body next to him, words of his wrongdoings leaving the lips of the bi-colored moggie as she shifts herself to show that his shadow shouldn't be over the water.

A huff of air escapes through his nostrils as he does the same, body shifting to the side so that he could still look into the water and appear to be fishing - or trying to - without issue and inwardly he simply wished that Beefang would move on soon, lead the patrol and order the other two there with them around and be a nuisance to them instead of trying her best to be kind to himself. He didn't understand why after they had been through so much the past moon she pretended to be kind to him but he didn't like it, only knew that he would simply have to endure it until they were no longer meant to be training together and it was the only thing that fueled the apprentice to want to be a warrior, to not have to listen to Beefang anymore, to not have to worry about ever seeing her again really considering she slept within the medicine den instead of the warrior's den.

Eventually she's gone and he no longer has to continue pretending, ears pinned to his head as deep thought went through him before the flutter of wings caught the fire-coated apprentice's attention and head would shoot up just as Beefang called out about the danger. He watched as it began to dive and his breathing became heavy, labored as he remembered the WindClan border, the way his body thump to the ground as the WindClanner had leapt up to drag it back down. Fur along his spine rose as he came to all fours, watched as the three warriors before him began to leap and fight, and he'd begin to do the same as he tried to shake the feeling of worry and fear from his pelt. Paws left the ground as the RiverClanner moved towards the pile of fish that the patrol had collected and jumped, claws stretched out and swiping as he tried to catch onto a wing of the bird, mimicking the movements he'd seen Rattleheart do to the best of his ability. Though a life wasn't in danger here the food that could fuel lives back at camp were and though he was scared Roepaw would do the best he could to make sure the fish was safe.

  • -- he rolled an 18 ~
  • 78389410_wHLZ7hCdLZ3oBnd.png
  • 𓆟 LH red tabby w/low white & blue eyes
    𓆟 Swiftfire x Hush
    𓆟 Brother to Amberkit and Dreamkit
    𓆟 easy to befriend/interact with
    𓆟 "speech", thoughts, attacking
    𓆟 easy in combat
    𓆟 peaceful powerplay allowed