Jul 1, 2023
In the cool damp darkness that suddenly surrounds them, Honeyjaw finally begins to miss ShadowClan. Silly isn't it, just how that works? His heart's still pounding in his chest, a runaway beat there's no controlling, and aside from the heavy breathing, there's.... nothing. No frogs croaks, no patrol chatter, no wind rustling through needle-leaves. Deep breath. He turns to look around.

Maybe that's the best part of being a night hunter– his eyes adjust quickly. It's not completely a surprise to see that he's not alone in here, but the sheer number of faces looking back at him is a sharp reminder of just how massive and important this journey is. He walks around them in a silent headcount, his shoulder brushing many others. Does he know all of their names? Will he lose any of them on this pathway out? "Okay, hey, all of you, we're okay aren't we? Nobody's bleeding? It's me, Honeyjaw. Sound out your names." Magpiepaw is close enough and familiar enough that he doesn't need to hear from him; hopefully his eyes will work just as well in this darkness. They're going to need it if they'll get out.

    ——  a short-furred dark chocolate point tom with the smallest splashes of white on his forehead, front paws, and tail tip. well-built, but overall average in size and unremarkable aside from his lightly curled ears and the magnetism of his smile. seems to show signs of aging earlier than expected with a salt-and-pepper dusting.
    ✦ NOTICE honeyjaw is currently on the journey and will not be active outside of retro threads, or finishing those he had previously posted in! please message me on discord for plots or interactions between journey cats.
  • "speech"
Darkness. At least the moonlight lit up SkyClan's territory most nights, illuminating shadowy corners and divots in the earth. A bright ball in the sky was a constant, whether the sun or its pale counterpart, but here no light dared to pierce through. For the longest time, Slate had always imagined death to be like this — cold, pitch-black silence. Nowadays, he wasn't so sure of anything anymore.

A cough hacked from his lungs, dust and dirt clinging to his thick pelt and settling in the stuffy air around them. They were safe now, he thinks, but where were they? And most importantly, where did they go now?

A voice makes itself known. Honeyjaw? Who's that? There were so many cats on this cursed journey that he could really only care to remember the names of his own clanmates. Many scents around him mingled with one another and it was difficult to tell who was who. With his sense of sight diminished significantly, it was now crucial to rely on his nose, ears, and paws to gather information about his surroundings. "Er... Slate." The lead warrior replies hesitantly, fur now beginning to lie flat in the wake of a literal storm of crashing rocks. He would be fine with never having to experience that shitshow ever again.

Tentatively stepping forward, a large paw made contact with a wet and cool substance. It soaked his toes and he instantly pulled away, cringing and flattening his ears at the unpleasant feeling. "Ugh..." Was that water? He could only hope it was water.

  • slatechibi.png
    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles

He has not left Honeyjaw's side since he was shoved initially during the ensuing chaos of the cave trembling around them, though he could see fine it did little to take the edge of his worries and it was only when the rocks had stopped falling and the dust settled did he find a moment to breath. Magpiepaw did not realize how shaken he'd been until it had stopped and he could feel the adrenaline easing off, leaving behind a twitching tail and flattened ears to smother the fear scent that was surely wafting off him in waves. Be strong.

" anyone hurt?" He asks, warbling tone into the darkness where he sees the shapes of cats but can't tell at this distance if any are wounded or stumbling about. He'd smelt blood briefly as he was shouldered to safety and only hoped whatever injuries were had could be wait until they were out to be checked; it was clear now that the group had split up in the rush to get out of the way of the collapsing ceiling of stone and he could scent no other ShadowClanner other than his guardian in the vicinity. Oh, he hoped they were alright...
He hears a cat call out, Slate - and recognizes it as the dark SkyClanner who acted as though he was forced to be here given his chilly demeanor. Well, that reminded him of home a bit given Chilledstar also acted as if they did not want to be there. The thought is enough to soothe his nerves and earn a smile of amusement.
.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
Darkness. It was suffocating.

The mad dash into cover was unexpected. The rock slide still moved and rumbled as they had plunged for safety, but now all was still, and they were buried alive. Buried. Batwing's eyes squeezed shut, shoulders tensing. He knew it'd be useless, anyways- he couldn't see anything with them open. Akin to what Slate felt, the moon had always accompanied him on his nights out. Even on the brief intervals where the moon hid away from the clans, stars lit their path instead, guiding them home, safe.

Home. The thought caused a pang in Batwing's chest. He was trying to remain still, but even just the thought of being stuck here and never making it out was making his paws itch. The tiny cuts on them was giving him grief, but he had other things to worry about. Particularly if they were going to make it out of here alive. His ears twitched as Honeyjaw began to speak, introducing himself. What scents he could distinguish were ones of his own clan- Hailstorm and Little Wolf, at the very least.

Batwing spoke up quietly. "Batwing. I do have small cuts on my paws, but they can wait." He informed. Despite the tremor in his heart and the squeeze of fear in his stomach, his voice was impossibly steady. Being blinded wasn't uncommon to him. He spent a few moons lain up in camp directly after the Great Battle without his sight- what was a few hours, possibly? His ears twitched and rotated, whiskers quivering every now and again.


The rockslide had probably been the scariest thing she had ever had to go through in her life save for the time she had been trapped in camp during the fire while pregnant, but back then she had had to be brave for the kits who were growing inside of her stomach. Now, she only feared for her life and it was a terrifying thing to think that if she is not fighting for another then she is afraid. The only thing that had kept her paws moving in that moment was the comforting presence of the warrior next to her. He had gotten her to move, gotten her to safety and even now, in the darkness, she finds her pelt brushing against his. It is the only thing she has to hold on to. She feels as blind as a newborn as she squints into the shadows and comes up empty. She hears cats moving, the shuffling of feet an exhale, but she sees no one.

"Little Wolf. I'm-I'm okay but Hailstorm... he has a cut on his nose" she remembers looking up at him while they were running and seeing red. It is likely that if he had not been there it would have been her who would've gotten hit by that rock and who knows the damage it could've done.
Complete darkness. Hailstorm can't help but feel the fur on the back of his neck beginning to prickle in the slightest as he holds his breath for a heartbeat or two before feeling the smaller body of Little Wolf next to his. He finally exhales feeling his body beginning to relax and presses against her coat in return before turning his attention to those in the dark, his ears flicking back briefly brushing against his skull. Honeyjaw begins asking if anyone's hurt and to say their names, Magpiepaw echoing the hurt inquiry. He debates between answering or not but the little molly next to him speaks up and rats him out which saves him from a possible infection, at least, he let's out a dry chuckle "It's just a small scratch really," But he'd make sure to see Magpiepaw, whether it was now or later, since he had a feeling Little Wolf would probably chew his ears off if he didn't.

"Hailstorm... If it wasn't a little obvious," He says in a lighthearted tone with a sheepish grin curving his maw and he stays where he is still rather dazed from everything that had just happened within a blink of the eye. They could've died and it makes him wonder if the others had reached somewhere safe or... He tries not to think about it as he silently prays to Starclan to keep the rest of the groups safe.

  • 5_by_caviesh_dg4bkw8.png
    ✦ 47 moons old
    ✦ thunderclan warrior
    ✦ bisexual demiromantic; single
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✦ semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength and his burly build
    ✦ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✦ penned by bosstaurus
The cats that sound off aren't all that familiar, but he does his best to memorize them anyway. Slate's the one he'd...bickered at so short a time before, and Little Wolf and Hailstorm are ThunderClanners. Is... is Batwing ThunderClan as well? The sudden swell of their numbers is somewhat claustrophobic, but he reminds himself that just about now, they don't have the same borders they did before. All of these cats are here to save another. He will honor that as best he can, even if his tail twitches with both anxiety and curiosity. "Right. Well. Sounds like you're all alive, at least. Paws might be trouble, but your nose won't fall off, will it? Just saying, since we should...probably start trying to find a way out of here, if we're ever going to complete this journey of ours." His nose twitches as he adjusts to the dank dark scent that surrounds them, but as his eyes adjust it becomes less troublesome.

He can even begin to see the shapes of the cats around him in their totality, and the paths that curve and break before them. "If any of you need a moment to rest, speak up now. Otherwise, I see a path up ahead. It's a little narrow, but...should be able to fit. Everyone else see what I'm talking about?" Yes, yes, he's already looking back on that moment with a cringe of regret. Of course they don't. Of course. ShadowClan.

  • OOC.
    ——  a short-furred dark chocolate point tom with the smallest splashes of white on his forehead, front paws, and tail tip. well-built, but overall average in size and unremarkable aside from his lightly curled ears and the magnetism of his smile. seems to show signs of aging earlier than expected with a salt-and-pepper dusting.
    ✦ NOTICE honeyjaw is currently on the journey and will not be active outside of retro threads, or finishing those he had previously posted in! please message me on discord for plots or interactions between journey cats.
  • "speech"