truthseekers [cherryblossom]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


It was a bit unexpected that Cherryblossom had asked him to accompany her to the loner lands border. They’d never been particularly close, and he’d half expected the shecat to call on one of her friends for it instead. He still wasn’t sure what the hell Orangeblossom was thinking putting a kid in charge, but it wasn’t his job to manage her affairs. If Cherryblossom fucked up he wouldn’t hesitate to call her out on it, but as someone who had very little interest in the drama of others, he wasn’t about to insert himself into the middle of a political war that would -wuite frnakly- solve itself one way or another.

So long as the cost wasn’t Twitchbolt or any of the kits in the nursery, the rest could lay in whatever beds they’d made for all he cared.

”So what makes you think whatever killed Sootspritespark is out this way?” asked the chimera as mismatched eyes glanced toward the calico.

Quillstrike still wasn’t at full capacity, the faintest of limps still plaguing him from the shoulder injury he’d sustained a few moons prior, but he hardly allowed it to compromise his strides. He’d always been tall anyways, so he was good at covering ground. Still, it added to his suspicions on just why she’d asked him instead of someone more.. conversational. Maybe that wasn’t the right word. Quill had nothing against talking to others most of the time- he was just a bad conversationalist and lost patience with stupid cats quickly. Not to mention his blunt choice of words and indifferent tone often left him sounding bored as shit, which didn’t help things.

Even when Quill was truly intrigued by something, he often lacked the enthusiasm of others. It was just the way he was. The only big reactions that came out of him were when he was truly pissed off or when he was turning into a giant puppy-dog around Twitchbolt, the latter in which you might actually catch a genuine laugh or smile. Otherwise it was all deadpan looks, smirking sarcasm, and all the generally boring shit that came with being Quillstrike, which included a strict routine, general wariness of the other clans, and a tendency to just go along with whatever his friends wanted to do.

He wasn’t picky, so long as it was nothing that would trouble him greatly.

Which was exactly how he’d gotten roped into this little ‘patrol’ of theirs. Not that he and Cherrybossom were ‘friends’ by any meaning of the words. He wasn’t even really ‘friends’ with her mom, a generational gap on both sides. Orangestar had been equal with his mentor, Thistleback, and Cherryblossom was the little kit he’d seen grow up. But they didn’t need to be friends in order to work together, and after being cooped up by the medicine cats for so long, he wasn’t about to say ‘no’ when the Deputy was giving him a perfectly good excuse to burn off some energy and potentially flex his claws.

OOC- @Cherryblossom :)

skyclan - male - 24 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.