try and make it right [practicing]

The trees’ leaves have begun to peel away, falling like red and brown snake shed across the forest floor. The coming of a new season, a colder one. Falconpaw remembers clearly that he had been born sometime during the coldest of the seasons, but he doesn’t remember much from his first few months of life. He’s heard that the coldest time of year is the hardest to hunt in, the hardest to exist in, and ThunderClan will need all of the warriors that they can get to provide for the clan. Unfortunately, Falconpaw can’t call himself a warrior yet. It’s a sting, the thought that Stormfeather had managed to become a warrior before him, but he supposes her injuries balance it out. Either way, though, the boy has set his sights on improvement, and he knows what he must do to achieve it.

He’s found a tree just on the edge of camp, where he’s certain his striped pelt is visible to anyone within camp who hasn’t yet settled down for the night. The tree isn’t too tall, but it’s tall enough to provide a challenge—and its bare branches are brittle, already having caused the apprentice to take a tumble (or seven). Frustration tenses his shoulders as Falconpaw braces his forepaws against the trunk once again, worn bark providing little grip as he begins to draw himself up its side. He quickly makes it to the same height he’d been at before his last fall, but after that the only available holds are a tangle of broken branches caused by his own prior attempts. He clenches his jaw and lifts a paw to test out the unbroken part of a branch, clinging carefully to the tree and trying to ignore the shaking in his limbs. He can’t be getting tired already—he has so much more practicing to do. He needs to make it to the top of this tree before morning!

Pale ears flicker backward at the sound of paws disturbing the leaves somewhere behind and below him. A clanmate, and probably a warrior who seeks to scold him for being up past the last patrol’s return. He knows, he knows that rest is important. But how can he rest, how can he sleep, when his clan will need him soon and he still isn’t prepared to help? He can’t just sleep, not when there’s training to be done. Not if he wants to pass his assessment the second time—if there is a second time. Will Burnstorm give him another chance, or is he doomed to be Falconpaw forever?

No. He won’t be Falconpaw for any longer. Before snow fully covers the ground, he’ll receive his warrior name in front of the whole clan. Which means that he can’t have any distractions like being told to go to sleep. He needs to get this right this time. With a careful flick of his tail, the boy calls out softly, "I know, I know, I’m up late. Just… just let me try one more time, okay?" He hopes that whoever has stumbled across him isn’t in too dreary a mood, but he also doesn’t stop himself from continuing, "Promise—I promise I’ll go to sleep after this. Just one more try." If a bit of desperation bleeds into his tone, then that’s between Falconpaw and the stars, isn’t it?
[ find me way out there ]

⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ most of thunderclan had settled for the evening, all patrols returned safely and those who weren't already in their nests headed there. all except for falconpaw, who had been attempting to scale a tree for who knows how long. idly, she keeps an eye out on the apprentice. after watching him tumble right back to the ground, time and time again, she approaches.

instantly, nightbird is met with pleas to keep going at the apparently unscalable oak, promises that falconpaw will go to bed after one more try. doubtful. in truth, she didn't really care much if he stayed out here all through the night, trying and failing. it wasn't her apprentice that would be weary come dawn patrol.

"stay out here all night if you need, doesn't affect me," she speaks distantly, licking a paw to drag over her torn ear. "if you wanna make it up, though, relax, plan your route. you can't act like a leaf up there and expect a different outcome than the ones that have been fallin' off of it all season." nightbird sighs, it wasn't really her business what another warrior's apprentice was doing, but watching this was just... sad.

  • IMG_0032.png
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-seven moons.
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Howlingstar is chatting across camp with another warrior, idly talk about how their hunt went before she bids them a good night. The night's start earlier now, a sign leaf-bare will be here soon, and her mind is already racing with thoughts and worries when she turns around to go back to her den. But voices catch her attention at the edge of camp. Falconpaw with his claws sunk into a tree and Nightbird nearby, giving him pointers. Now that she thinks about it...hadn't Falconpaw been trying to climb that tree earlier in the evening? He's still at it, She thinks, blinking in surprise as she pads closer.

She comes to a stop next to her lead warrior, chin tilted up as she watches the apprentice make his way up yet another time. Unlike Nightbird, the tabby is quite concerned about the rest he'd be getting tonight. What if he and Burnstorm are placed on a dawn patrol and he's too sleepy to even mark a border right? She knows he's worried about his warrior name, but sleep is important! "After this, I want you going straight to your nest, understand?" She calls up, something akin to a mother's worried scolding in her tone. Her tail flicks at her heels as she watches him, silently rooting for him to at least make it up further than he has been.
I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE — Hailstorm didn't find sleep easily he's unsure if it's due to living in the medicine den with Berryheart with just the two of them not crowded by the bodies of the other warriors or due to that grief and guilt he still felt being able to live and breathe amongst his clanmates while she couldn't. It's not a thought he entertains for long especially when he catches sight of a striped pelt trying to scale a tree but ultimately failing and notices that Nightbird's there to offer advice. Soon enough the pair are joined by Howlingstar herself and the sound of her voice taking that of a worried mother's scolding is enough to make a sad smile form on his lips, a part of him wondering if his late Little Wolf had been more troublesome as a younger cat though he pushes the thought away as his large paws bring him forth. He nods a greeting to Nightbird then a polite smile to his leader before focusing his gaze onto Falconpaw, Hailstorm thinks about the steep cliff that they had to scale during the journey and remembers how Bobbie had helped him. "There is something I should've told her. I wish I had." His jaw clenches at the memory of the fawn tabby finding him soon after the passing of his mate and how they had hid from a massive feline, he let's out a low breath. He had to focus on the present and both of his ears pricked forward as he speaks "Just try to be careful," The last thing he wanted was for Falconpaw to hurt himself while trying to climb the oak.

Hailstorm sits down turning his gaze to Nightbird as he adds on "This reminds me of when we scaled that steep cliffside." The medicine cat apprentice smiles briefly at the memory only to add on with a nod "Try finding the best spots on the oak tree to hold onto, give yourself a moment, and push forth."

    ✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS: if it isn't a fatal injury and reached in time, your life is in good paws
    ✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS: recognizes it and its not such a pleasant sight but he'll do what he can especially with marigold in paw
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ACHES & PAINS: oftentimes slips by him but he'll provide you poppy seeds for the pain and tell you to rest. if you continue to ache, he'll see what else he can do for you
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ILLNESS: ah, he notices you sneezing and hopes that he didn't catch onto it too late, he'll make sure that you're taken care of. anything more serious will stump him
    ✦✦✦✧✧ BREATHING ISSUES: will provide you the necessary space you need, ask you odd questions, and try to regulate your breathing. if it's something more intense he will call for his mentor
    ✦✧✧✧✧ TRAVELING HERBS: he'll advise you to rest and get a good meal, he'll ask berryheart about those herbs before you leave
    ✧✧✧✧✧ BROKEN BONES: oh jeez, it shouldn't be in that angle or poking out. gross. you should lay down, he'll go get berryheart
    ✧✧✧✧✧ KITTING: absolutely clueless... you were expecting?
    ✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS: do not eat poison. (he has no clue)
  • dge7u2t-148923d9-4a3f-4c3f-b8e7-4e97c3a4cb2b.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    49 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength, his large size, and wits
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Oh. It seems he has more of an audience than he thought. He recognizes the voice of the dark-furred lead warrior as Nightbird assures him that he can continue for the entire night if he wants—she also tells him to relax, which is much easier said than done. She says he can’t act like a leaf and expect not to fall. He glances at his paws where they cling onto the tree’s rigid bark, attempting to still the slight tremble of his limbs. Stop being a leaf, he scolds himself—but from behind him, a more disapproving voice calls out. The tabby-striped apprentice has never been on the receiving end of Howlingstar’s scolding before, and he doesn’t know how to feel about it. At least she seems more concerned than angry, he thinks. "I’ll go straight to my nest, I promise," he assures her, shifting his hold on the tree. He tries to see the path upward, the right ridges to place his paws in.

Hailstorm’s voice is harder to discern without glancing down, but the Tom’s gentle warning to be careful, paired with his mention of the journey, gives his identity away. The large tom’s advice is appreciated, and Falconpaw’s gaze quickly flits around the tree’s surface once again. Where are the best spots to hold onto? He thinks he sees them, but there’s no use in rushing ahead, right? Hailstorm told him to give himself a moment before pushing forth. A slow flick of his tail, and Falconpaw hesitates. "I’m—I’m doing it," he breathes out. A powerful kick of his hind legs sends him farther up the tree’s trunk, and his leg scrapes against the bark in a rough slide—it doesn’t feel like it’s bleeding, though, so he’s sure it’s fine. Isn’t it normal for warriors to get injured during their training?

Another few bursts of movement, and Falconpaw manages to claw his way to one of the highest branches of the tree, dragging himself painstakingly onto it. His claws dig in, gripping the branch as he attempts to position himself atop it. Falling from this height would be terrible, wouldn’t it—he glances over the side of the branch, seeing the trio of warriors below him. "I made it!" His voice sounds far too loud to his own ears as he looks down upon his clanmates with wide green-ringed eyes. They’re so far below… and he’s so far up. "How am I going to get down now?"
[ find me way out there ]