camp Try making faces ☄ PROMPT


Hot headed!!!!
Nov 2, 2023
*+:。.。 "Prey is for cats who work for it" Swifthawk would hiss, pulling the mouse right out from under Singepaw's watering fangs. The boy snaps his teeth shut into a harsh snarl, glaring daggers at the warrior he knew wouldn't make for a great opponent to argue with. Still, he tries anyway, grumbling lowly, "I'm hungry. I didn't have breakfast today" through still-gritted teeth.
Swifthawk only smirked, shaking his head with mock sympathy before saying, "Then you better clean up the elder's den as quick as possible before the last prey is taken for the day, have fun!" before adjusting the mouse in his grip and promptly heading off to eat Singepaw's dinner. The boy would watch, eyes blazing with rage. He knew he wasn't Shadowclan's favorite youth - he knew he wasn't a good kid by any means, but that didn't make swallowing the consequences of his actions any easier. Punishments against Sin were a little harsher, rewards were a little more delayed - never enough to be cruel, of course, but enough for Sin to know biting the hand that literally feeds you while you're still not allowed to hunt was a bad thing.
Swifthawk in particular had little patience for Singepaw after his many rows with other apprentices, being a softy for the youths Sin has bullied.

But to leave him with the task of cleaning the entire elder's den?! He couldn't possibly finish that! The apprentice would look despairingly at the den, his stomach growling in its own irritation. But there was nothing else to do about it besides get it done, so with heavy paws he began to make his way to the medicine den, where clean moss has already been gathered by previous patrols to be dispersed in cats' nests. As he drags himself there, he does peek around, wondering if there's any chance he can convince anyone to help him with this task. Probably not with a lot of groveling..."Aw damn it!" he whines. He didn't think he'd be reaping what he sowed so early in his life!

  • PROMPT (Re-imagined): Sharing a meal together is a good way to bond, but you have to catch it first and that’s sometimes a team effort.

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    4 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowkit, Sneezekit)
    Shadowclan — Kit
    Apprenticed to Pipitclaw

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: faint scars on flanks from an owl attack


Singepaw was in luck then because Basilpaw had watched the whole show go down between the younger apprentice and Swifthawk, and that made him plot his own plans of getting a chance to get out from having to train with Spiderwing today!. It was a win-win situation was it not?. Singepaw really didn't look like he wanted to do any chores today and Basilpaw would happily swap places with them! In fact they could swap mentors!. " Hey Singepaw!! i heard you got stuck with cleaning the elders den duty!. Do you want me to help you out?. Two brains are always better then one you know! and much funnier too!" he spoke as he approched them with a big wide grin hoping Snowpaw would forgive him just this one time for interacting with her rival and worst enemy!. This did not meant they where friends he promised her that!. Basilpaw just really needed a get away right now!. In fact Singepaw could have ditched the chore to him entierly and he wouldn't even complain about it. Maybe he even would get praised for being so nice and generous for offering to take one of his denmates chores for them!. That might even get Pipitclaw to pat his head again. A dreamer for sure could dream!.


"hey. looks like you need some help kiddo."

being camp bound wasn't exactly fun. they know that. they're stuck in camp and doing very minimal until they're officially cleared and are allowed to return to patrolling and hunting. as a workaholic, not being able to do anything was painful. their ears twitched back and forth, picking up bits of moss in their teeth, offering a tip of their head to basilpaw.

"and three are better than two. come on. if you all finish with no complaints, I will let you share the biggest piece of prey on the pile."

they nudge the both of them gently before stepping around them to go and change out the bedding. it sure beats just laying around in their nest doing absolutely nothing.

swallowpaw 04 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan apprentice

" Hey- What about me? What if I help? " Comes swallowpaws chirped out complaint - she'd been slaving away all morning already (actually it'd only been a few minutes) but now just because sin' whined he was gonna get the biggest prey? That wasn't fair! lip quivers and mismatched eyes narrow where she stands, paw thumping the ground - " I didn' even complain once about being on tick duty, 'cuz I'm the like best apprentice ever, " she adds - ignoring the fact she only hadn't spoken aloud because her mouth was full of awful crunchy bugs. It's frustrating being camp bound even now that she's become a paw, and sharing a mentor with snowpaw certainly doesn't make things better.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

T E L L - M E - N O T H I N G - L A S T S ( - L I K E - I - D O N ' T - K N O W ?- )

*+:。.。 Singepaw's sharply pointed ears would snap up when Basilpaw called his name. He'd squint warily at the older boy, not in the mood for any poking or prodding from Snowpaw's little boyfriend. "Yeah" unlike you who got to have the whole world laid at your paws when you were my age he keeps that particularly bitter line to himself though as he turns and faces his denmate. But just as quick, his arched stance relaxed with surprise, the rest of Basilpaw's cheery attitude finally breaching Singepaw's flattened ears. Help? Did he want to help? He supposes he wasn't surprised though - Basilpaw was a goody-two-shoes...still, Singepaw couldn't help but shrug, his pinched expression easing into the ghost of a smile as he mumbles, "I mean if you want to" would be the closest Basilpaw would get to a grateful 'thanks' from the boy.

The red-tipped boy would startle when next to approach was Chilledstar of all cats. They remained a controversial figure to Singepaw since the meeting. It was hard not to fault them for the tyrannical rule they'd set in place, giving Singepaw the false illusion of apprenticehood with none of the actual freedom. Although he could never quite bring himself to hate the leader - they were too fucking cool after the owl attack, damn! - it was difficult nonetheless to keep his glowering to himself. "Woah, seriously?" was his response, however, when they offered their services. A leader doing lowly apprentice tasks? That...was kinda neat, actually. "WOAH, seriously!?" was the next erupted phrase as Chilledstar sweetened the deal with a tasty dinner.
"I'm fuckin' starvin'!" he exclaimed, bouncing forth with renewed energy. Swallowpaw's arrival was a cherry on top as Sin always enjoyed spending time with his weird suddenly-turned-sweet sibling, "You literally aren't" he responds competitively, aiming to throw a freshly rolled ball of moss at her, "But hurry up and help or ill get your portion of the biggest prey! oooh I wonder if it'll be heron" his mouth watered at the thought.

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    4 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowkit, Sneezekit)
    Shadowclan — Kit
    Apprenticed to Pipitclaw

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: faint scars on flanks from an owl attack