try telling stones / Denali

Green nettles crown the receding canopy above the sprinting warrior’s skull, a galloping black wraith as he pursues with a relentless pace, weaving through the pine forest with skillful twists and bucking over fallen limbs. Finally, he pins the fleeing rat with a punched-out splay of claws, it turns with yellowed teeth and black eyes, but blunt force and sharp canines crush down on its head, and it screeches with rage and agony before falling limp. Only then does the pressure of Thistleback’s jaws pull away and he pants with bloodied jaws slack as to taste the sudden scent of stranger.

His hackles do not rise, nor even twitch. This could be one of the rogues that had been terrorizing Skyclan lately. Oh he hoped so, Thistleback lets a slight smirk dance over his lips.

He licks at his teeth and sweeps his cold grey gaze over the ferns and bramble with a slow turn of his pinched maw. " What brings you this close to Skyclan border? " he speaks, making sure the other knows he’s aware of them. Placing a paw over his kill, he waits for the other to speak.

  • — super rusty writing comin your way! sorry this is late oml @DENALI

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    forty-eight mns. EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Former Lead warrior of Skyclan 12.22.22 - 06.2023
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22
    Father of Coyotecrest, Eveningpaw, Briarpaw, Damsel, Sunflowerpaw, and Rosepaw.
    — mentoring none formerly Snowpath & Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

જ➶ Soft and dainty paws press against burning black asphalt. It hurts such soft paws but they need to cross the street to get to the other side where the darkness of shade can help them. So they step as quickly as possible, paws pattering before they find themselves upon the equally hot concrete of the sidewalk. It takes them a moment to a shuffling dance before finally there is the soothing feeling of grass under paw. A deep sigh of relief expands his chest before being released and then they step forward now. Eyes of aquamarine, shimmering like the sea themselves observe their surroundings, taking in this side of the neighborhood that they have never quite seen before. Two toned colored figure steps carefully as he comes to an openining in a fence. One in which they pause to smell for just a moment. The scents that greet them are strange, deep and numerous. Telling him that there are many cats here but how come? He has been sheltered for much of his life and has not even thought of the idea of many in one place. His aloof expression doesn't change but he is thinking, debating on what it all means.

A soft click of his tongue is nothing but a vocalization. A sharp noise to relay his sudden surprise at a voice speaking. They blink dreamy eyes as they look upon the tom, his thick corded muscles and tattered fur telling of his moons outside of a home. Should they pity him? They are uncertain and it makes them slightly uneasy. Rhinestone collared neck shifts as he turns his head, blinking slowly but also not wanting to appear as a problem for the other. After all he is pressing his paw down on something furry and limp. They can smell blood and it makes his stomach tighten and twist. The scent seeming to grow thick and permeate the air making them turn their head up just slightly. "Skyclan?" Gentle voice is confused but also curious as he takes a moment to settle down, maned fur curling around himself. "I don't know what that is but I decided to do some sightseeing today. Although perhaps I should have waited till the evening. It's dreadfully hot out here today, isn't it?"
The smell of asphalt is faint, telling of the stranger’s journey throughout the city. Meeting eyes with the other, Thistleback’s hackles stay flat and his jaws shut as he listens and observes.

Wispy two-toned rosetted fur, it’s hard to not follow the patterns as if to appreciate the duality of it all. He himself stood simply black and white, with a chipped purple collar to split such simple colors. If not for the brushstrokes of war he wore along his body in furless splashes of pink he wouldn’t have much to behold in the way of pattern. This one- however, had fur as if painted in Starclan’s image itself. The voice of the lonesome wanderer is gentle, like the sea at midnight.

The wanderer seems relaxed, clearly unaware of the potential penalties of trespassing clearly as they even carry on to remark upon the weather. Amusement now takes a firm hold of Thistleback’s muzzle, and he settles his hocks to the ground as he sits. " indeed, hot enough to drive one mad " he agrees with a low chuckle.

" sightseeing? there are rogues outside these borders that will carve that pretty fur of yours off for the sport of it, love " he tsks with a warning, but never loses the slight smirk with his words. " Skyclan is a who more than it is a that. Warriors of the pine forest, hailing mostly from the twolegplace but living as a colony. " he explains briefly.

" I am Thistleback. That is my warrior name- I assume it strange to you, but my name before Skyclan was Tommie " he introduces himself.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    forty-eight mns. EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Former Lead warrior of Skyclan 12.22.22 - 06.2023
    Father of Coyotecrest, Eveningpaw, Briarpaw, Damsel, Sunflowerpaw, and Rosepaw.
    — mentoring none formerly Snowpath & Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

જ➶ "Drive one mad?" To them that sounds awful. He does hope that no one gets so hot as to lose their senses out here. But they never know. They have been sheltered for much of their lives. Living with their parents and siblings, never knowing what the world outside truly was like. Perhaps that is why he escaped this day, to venture out and see. "A terrible thing, I would think." Rather literal or not. Soft sea eyes flick away from the scarred tom and rests upon his own paws. Delicate lashes brushing against their cheeks as the puzzle over that for another moment before his ears pull back just slightly. Rogues? They finally look back up to the other perplexed and he slowly seems to look grateful for the warning. "Oh, that must be what the town is buzzing about lately. Some say that ruffians are about and I don't intend to try and meet them. Thank you for the care and I promise to be as aware as possible." A small smile pulls at his muzzle then, shoulders relaxed at this conversation with an outside cat. He seems okay with his intrusion and that makes them more comfortable.

Those far off looking eyes seem to focus and become bright as Skyclan is explained to them. Warriors within the pines? Cats living in a colony and roaming this place and the streets. It all seems so...fantastical. so strange. "I have never heard of such a thing. That sounds amazing. It almost surprises me that they come from the town. What is it that they do all day, if I may ask?" His schedule is highly limited to grooming, eating, toy times, and napping. A bore on many occasions and they would like a break from the mundane. With ease he takes this strange name to heart, tilting their head to the side. "Thistleback and Tommie. I think they both suit you even if the first is quite odd." The gentle tease leaves their throat before he shakes his own head. This day out has become lovely with someone to spend it with. "My own is Denali. My mother named me as such. "
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Reactions: ThistleBack
" gossip that can save lives " he nods with approval, hearing the word spread was for once a good thing. This should keep Daylight warriors a bit safer.

The pleasant faced wanderer speaks again, seeming to relax further in his presence. Brandishing even a smile, that lights up the delicate features of their muzzle. Thistleback wasn’t one to seek beauty nor regard it with faith but should he have been- perhaps he had found it with this one. The soul however, well- that he could store faith in.

" I myself…am quite intent on meeting one " he mused with a curve to his lips, " my sons and daughter live in these woods, I’ll put a rogue in the ground before I see them hurt one of my loved ones " he vowed.

Denali politely raises a question about Daylight warriors, this one must’ve not met one yet, he deduces. " of course you may ask… they patrol the borders, hunt prey, and train for battles should they come upon us- and at night they return to their twolegs " he explains, " I was once a daylight warrior- but I had no home, I slept in a junkyard… kept rats away for an old twoleg " he wonders why it felt easy sharing with the stranger. Thistleback was hardly this forthcoming.

" Denali " he tries the name on his barbed tongue, " beautiful, your mother chose well " he decides in compliment. ’ they both suit you " thank you " truth be told he had chosen Tommie for himself as a kitten but perhaps it was easier to explain than truly not having a name at birth.

" It is not safe for you to return wherever you came from alone, and I was hunting-… but I am not so occupied as to deny one safe passage. " he combs his gaze over the forest around them. " you desire a walk so…Walk with me, and should you have more questions. Perhaps I will answer " he stands to dig a storage hole in the dirt for the rat, wondering if this one had the potential to be recruited as he had Johnnyflame- who had worked his way up to lead warrior as Thistleback had once. The ambition to strengthen the ranks was often hand-in-hand with the facination of a harmless curious stranger.

Time would tell.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    forty-eight mns. EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Former Lead warrior of Skyclan 12.22.22 - 06.2023
    Father of Coyotecrest, Eveningpaw, Briarpaw, Damsel, Sunflowerpaw, and Rosepaw.
    — mentoring none formerly Snowpath & Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

જ➶ The prospect of fighting one of them does not sit well with them. But then again they are not like this tom before him. He does not know how to fight or how to be efficient in hunting. They are, for lack of better words, useless and it bothers them to think of themselves like that. What purpose do they have other than to be with their up walkers and be fed and cuddled? His gaze closes for a moment, gentle sigh leaving his maw before he forms thoughts into words. "Well, I hope for your safety then. It is good to want to protect your family." They nod to themselves knowing that the other will be fine. From what he can glean from looks alone he has already lived a life of wonder, surviving on his own. Days not mandated by a baseless routine that drags on and one. Always being surprised as differences occur. As he is told what the warriors do the feline brightens up. Patrolling borders, hunting, training for battles. It all seems so intriguing to them. "Truly remarkable. And you were a daylight warrior yourself. Ah, I bet your twoleg appreciated the help...mine don't exactly care for such things." He mutters that out. But is quick to pull themselves awag from the thoughts of home.

Hearing that their name is beautiful makes them smile once more. His mother did choose well, at least that is what they also think. "You are welcome of course!" His voice is back to being light and gentle. Those sea colored orbs vague and deep as the ocean itself. Though there is slight surprise as the other says that he will walk with him. True from what he has been told it is not safe and appreciation shows in their gaze. "Thank you for the company and the care." Safe passage is what they need and he will get to ask question as well. It is a good day indeed. Watching as Thistleback buries the rat he waits for him to finish before they rise to their own paws and stretch out. The sun reflecting off the rhinestone collar as he turns to show the way back to his home. They are slightly saddened to be going back but the company is much to their liking. "This way. I live a bit away from here. My home has a white fence." They start to lead the way, scampering across the heated concrete, before pausing to look down what the clan cats call a Thunderpath. "Where do your young stay? Are their more like you? Like Skyclan?"