pafp Try to get away | take a break


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Dec 1, 2022
SOMETHING NEEDED ME ONCE ✿°.✧ ————————————
Watching over kits keeps Bramblesong more than busy enough, but it's also a hard habit to break: in her free time, she cannot stop herself from watching her clanmates with the same close attention as she would an unruly kit. The same protectiveness, too. She has made children of the whole clan, fretting over adults as much as she does apprentices and newborn kittens, though the prickly warriors rarely subject themselves to her caretaking with good graces. She knows she should stop – they're not her children, for all that she projects that misspent affection on them all, and she knows some dislike her overbearing ways. She knows, and won't: Bramblesong did not survive forty moons on her own by giving up easily. They're hers, every single caustic and ill-tempered cat, hers to watch over and worry about and care for.

Unfortunately she is only a queen; the role comes with some disadvantages. Her words weigh heavy in the ears of kits, but warriors are all too happy to dismiss them, thinking her sphere of influence limited to the nursery, her softness irrelevant to their violent lives. As if she had never hunted, never fought, never been where they are; as if she did not earn her scars as they did; as if her position is a burden to be suffered and left behind at the earliest opportunity rather than a deliberate choice, a way to prioritize the nurturing of life over the dealing of death. She will not begrudge them their opinion: she was the same, once. But she takes it as her mission to prove to them that her usefulness goes beyond what her claws could achieve, were she to unsheath them once more.

It's only a matter of finding the right way to do it. Warriors take some persuading before they will allow themselves to be taken care of; sometimes, outright trickery as well.

Take Chilledgaze. She has been worried about them lately – it's easier than worrying about everyone at once in the grasp of leaf-bare, and the deputy has given her plenty of reasons for concern. They seem to be everywhere, doing everything, trying to keep the clan together by sheer force of will. Their efforts are appreciated... But Bramblesong worries they are running themself ragged. Shadowclan's greatness can wait: this cat needs a nap. Seeing as she cannot make them take one the way she would a kit, she decides to try something else.

Bramblesong sits outside the nursery, heedless of the cold, and waits for her deputy to walk by. She calls out their name, in that cheery, high-pitched but firm voice she uses to corral kittens.

"Chilledgaze , dear, would you happen to have some time to spare for me?”

She doesn't have anything she requires their help with, but perhaps she can convince them that keeping her company and taking a break for a moment is a task of the Utmost Importance for Shadowclan's wellbeing.

  • Love
oh how they needed the rest. it must have been pretty bad if others could see that. they did their best to hide it, but when everything was going the way it was, with the stars actively working against them, how could they even begin to focus on looking better? every last one of the shadowclanners looked worse for wear. they looked out of it, more on edge and feral. there was nothing that chilledgaze could do about them which only made it worse. they had to do something. they couldn't sit around and rest when their clan was actively starving. as they drop a scrawny thing of prey on the barren kill pile, their ears twitched back and forth. their dulled gaze looked around before they straightened themselves, rolling their shoulders and heading back out of camp. they're stopped, however, and the sound of bramblesong makes them spin on their paws. she needed something. very well, then. chilledgaze wasn't one to refuse a warrior in need, or rather a queen.

"what's the matter? you need something? are the kits hungry again? are you? i can go get something. i can go to the carrionplace and find something if you need it. just give me a moment to collect my thoughts, okay? i can get you what you need."
  • Crying
Reactions: Bramblesong

The sound of tiny bones scattering sounded behind Bramblesong and what looked like the skull of a rat skittered between her legs with the black and white kit in hot pursuit, he tumbled forward, swaying in his usual awkward manner before coming to a stop in front of Chilledgaze where the vermin skull now settled next to the deputy's paws and he tilted his head up and leaned back to look at them; nearly falling backwards in the process.
"Hi hi, do you want to play?" Magpiekit turned, head tilted down and angled to look back at the nursery queen with wide blue-violet eyes, "Can they play with me? I finished eating." As evidence by the clean picked rat skull, he had not wasted time rolling around and had actually sat still long enough to strip the prey down specifically so he could play with the parts left behind. Turning his attention back to Chilledgaze, or as much attention as his easily distracted mind could offer, he raised a paw and curiously traced it over his own muzzle before tapping his chin; mimicking the placement of the other black and white cat's own coloring and wondering why his was only on his throat. Maybe those were the most important parts, so they were highlighted, "You must see and talk good to have the star spots there."

SOMETHING NEEDED ME ONCE ✿°.✧ ————————————
Bramblesong listens to Chilledgaze's slightly frantic reply and thinks, Oh, it's so much worse than I thought. She knows the anxiety that grips the deputy, has felt it while kits cried with hunger, but it breaks her heart to see the pied cat bear the weight of it seemingly on their own. There's so much to do, and never enough cats to get it all done. Already Chilledgaze looks ready to jump away, running to and fro and never stopping as if their sheer determination might save the clan.

”No, no, nothing of the sort,” she hurries to reassure them. Now if only she could keep them in place...

Like a little miracle, a rodent skull goes rolling between her paws, Magpiekit close behind. She watches him come to a skidding stop in front of the deputy and smiles, purring slightly, at his enthusiasm. Yes, that could do nicely.

”Only if they agree to it, she gently tells the kit. Turning her gaze to Chilledgaze, she adds, ”I wouldn't want to impose, but I'd enjoy your company if you can spare the time... And so would Magpie kit, it seems.” Eyes sparkling, she gives the kit an affectionate nudge with her nose.

With the way things are the tom is not accustomed to being awake during the day. For the most part he sleeps and sleeps the morning light away and finds himself active and doing all his work at night. So to see his glowering olivine colored eyes peering at the deputy as well as at Bramblesong is a rare sight. He doesn't look particularly happy, nose twitching from the cold but he doesn't look mad either. He just seems watchful, eyes narrowing just slightly. It seems Chilled is running themselves ragged but then again what's new. Did they not pass out before because of this very same thing? He supposes lessons aren't often learned. Shifting the tom turns his gaze away from the pair and to the child that wants to play. For him he would have said no, just to give Chilled an actual break.

But this is not him. Nor is it his health. Instead he finds himself curling back up where he was and shutting those eyes of his to the world. Not his problem.
they didn't get it. no one did. to give so much of themself was the only way that chilledgaze could feel real. no one would even spare them a passing glance if they were still a warrior, but they weren't anymore. they were shouldering so much responsibility, to keep this clan on their paws– even if it meant they couldn't be on their own. their ears only twitched at the kit wished to play with them, which in of itself was an odd request. chilledgaze didn't necessarily... deal with kits. minkpaw had been the only exception when he was but a little tadpole, but now that he wasn't, it felt awkward all over again. they supposed as the deputy they needed to change that. their future needed to trust in chilledgaze. their paw drew over their paw with a heavy sigh before they gently nodded their head to the kitten, offering a softened smile.

"sure, little tadpole."

they answered, before their brows furrowed. star spots? oh they see. the little one was talking about their odd white markings upon their face. chilledgaze often forgot about them. but who were they to crush a kits idea of what all of this meant, so they only nodded.

"i suppose that maybe i do. but not as good as you. maybe you should be deputy in my stead."

they reached out to gently ruffle magpiekit's fur that lay on top of his head before they returned their attention to the worried queen. they had visibly relaxed when bramblesong had said that she didn't need anything that urgently. thank the stars– chilledgaze needed a nap. they listened for a moment before dipping their head respectfully to molly.

"i can do that for you. hey, magiepiekit. if you go and properly pin dewspider, i'll give you a badger-back ride to right outside the camp's entrance– just for a moment."

they settled themself down to a seated position, beginning cleaning their pelt, with a scrunch of their muzzle.

"you're worried, aren't you? are you gonna tell me what about, or am i just gonna have to guess?"

they knew that look. they'd seen it over and over, and they absolutely had given it. bramblesong wasn't as sneaky with this as she thought– or perhaps she hadn't been trying at all. they weren't mad at all. they just would have preferred the honesty of it. had bramblesong simply said she was worried about the deputy, chilledgaze would have sat with her anyways. they needed the break.

SOMETHING NEEDED ME ONCE ✿°.✧ ————————————
Chilledgaze is good with Magpiekit — but that shouldn’t surprise her. Their patience and care for the clan has been proved time and time again. It still warms Bramblesong’s heart to see the two interact, the way the deputy gently redirects the kit’s energy towards Dewspider, who watches from a little distance away.

They sit next to her and she thinks she’s achieved her goal — until they speak again, asking about what worries her in a way that suggests they are not fooled by her schemes. Taken aback, Bramblesong stares at Chilledgaze for a moment before chuckling self-consciously.

”I’m sorry. I’m so used to tricking kits into going to sleep early, I forgot some cats can be reasoned with.” She also worried that they would react poorly to her concern: they have all been on edge, lately. ”But yes, you’re right, I am worried. I’m used to going hungry in leaf-bare, but… ” She waves a large paw at their surroundings, encompassing the camp and their clanmates in the movement. Her eyes linger on Magpiekit, the only one of her charges she can see from her spot. The tenderness that rises in her chest feels like it’s squeezing the breath out of her lungs. ”It’s different when we have to take care of others, isn’t it? I only look after the kits and queens, and it’s already a lot to deal with. Meanwhile, you care for all of us, all at once…”

She trails off, gazing softly at Chilledgaze. She can't take the weight off their shoulders; they wouldn't want her to, anyway. But she wishes she could ease the strain somehow, lighten the burden they carry so readily. ”I just hope you know that if you ever need anything, anything at all, be it a break or a favor, I will always be glad to help you. It’s the least I can do.”


Tadpole? What was that? A flicker of recollection crosses his maw as he remembers someone referring to them as the wiggly little babies of the marshlands frogs; he'd never seen one but if they looked like him that would be terrifying.
"Maybe." Magpiekit trilled in reply, but he didn't think he would be very good at being deputy when he couldn't see over the tall snow mounds surrounding the camp and also maybe he liked the nursery more. Bramblesong was there and he liked her, deputies probably didn't get to nap as much. After another thoughtful moment, chewing on the toe of his paw raised at his chin, he decided against it. "No actually." The kitten's big blue-violet eyes flitted briefly to the side as if seeing something, a slow rocking nod coming from him that sent his ears flopping comically back and forth.
"They think you should stay deputy." He squeaks out cryptically, before turning with a happy pivot and prancing over to Dewspider resting listlessly and observing them at a distance.
There was no attempt made at stealth or subtly, he lumbered over and threw himself dramatically across the sleet gray tom's back.