pafp TRY TO GET LUCKY - questions

Feb 28, 2024

Gigglekit was known for her boundless joy and endless laughter, and yet in the aftermath of having been saved by Chilledstar from an owl in camp, she seemed to have cooled down on what she was named for. She was still cheerful when the moment called for it, but more often than not, she was a tad scared or hesitant to leave the nursery, and really, who could blame her? She knew that no one blamed her for what had happened to Chilledstar, but there was still a feeling of guilt that she didn't fully understand rooted in the pit of her stomach.

With gentle coaxing from her mothers, Gigglekit had come out of the nursery for some time, but she kept close to what she knew was safe and kept a blinking eye on the sky above them all. She'd always been curious, but never particularly in the way that she'd seek out answers from others; rather, she tended to absorb information from actions and words in the moment. But with this, Gigglekit wanted to know more about the predator that had almost done away with her, and Batchaser happened to be the closest warrior to the nursery to be subject to her questions.

"Hey, mister," she called out, not wanting to tread further out into the camp than was absolutely necessary. She bounced on the tips of her toes, watching him with a deadly seriousness that just looked silly on the girl's face. "Hey, d'you know much about owls? An' why one came by the other day?"
  • ! please wait for @BATCHASER
  • 80344329_6S8RlcnnRCmX1ej.png
  • GIGGLEKIT kit of shadowclan, three moons
    blinks incessantly & uncontrollably.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.

Batchaser has heard of the owl attack, that was in camp. Heard of Chilledstar saving one of Ferndance's kits. Heard some of his clanmates gossiping about it in worried whispers. Him? Of course, he was worried when he heard that one of his clanmate’s kits was about to be turned into an owl’s meal. However, today. The wispy-furred black smoke curled halfheartedly near the nursery. He didn't go to the nursery very often given that he didn't want to be mauled by the tiny bodies of enthusiastic kittens. His long, pale tail wrapped around his hind paws as he snoozed in his chosen area.

Only to be wakened up by a squeaky voice of a kit.

He raises his head from his forepaws, blinking groggily as he slowly looks around to where the voice is calling him from. And bothered him during his nap. Huh..? Lifting a paw coated in white and moving it towards his curly fringe― The tom reveals a half-lidded golden eye by dragging a paw between strands. He pauses spotting the culprit, he blinks down at the kit. This is… unexpected. He lets his paw fall over back on his forearm. "Yes? What is it, kid?" He rasps out, with a titled head.

He looks at the lilac chimera kitten, as she bounces on her toes and has a look of kitten-ish seriousness on her face. He wants to let out a laugh, but he won't. Then Gigglekit asked him a question… about owls. Interesting.. Huh. He clears his throat before he sets off to speak. "I know some knowledge on Owls. Owls are... predator birds. They come in many sizes and have very sharp talons. They hunt at night." With a frown, he pauses thinking over what to say next to the kit. Flicking a large dark ear to the side, he hums in thought before speaking once again. "But, as for the owl who stopped by camp? Err... I do not know why... Maybe it was looking for food? No clue, sorry kid." Shaking of his head at Gigglekit, with a shrug of his dark shoulders. He holds some owl knowledge, but what those birds do in their free time? It's beyond him.

  • ( THAT'S ONE ENEMY DOWN! ) ⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆ BATCHASER.shadowclan warrior.
    cismale ; HE / HIM, fine with gendered terms. ; 31 MOONS & AGES EVERY 10TH.
    pansexual / not actively looking / open to crushes & romance
    a tall, shorthaired curly black smoke mix with half-lidded gold/green heterochromatic eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, 7077A1" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like rain-soaked pavement, mist & sweet leaf rot
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
"Owls are creatures of opportunity, like most predators." Willowburn chimed in as he padded closer to Gigglekit and Batchaser. So the owl attack was still on the youth's mind? It was an unfortunate thing, but also a good thing too given the life lessons it would hopefully drum in. Maybe now they would watch the sky with greater wariness as to avoid falling foul to aerial hunters. The tom softened his expression as he sat himself down with a sweet smile upon his features. "Has the thought of owls been troubling you?"
- ⋆ -

"They hunt at night?" Gigglekit echoed, frowning. Well, that wasn't right! The owl that had come after her had come after her in broad daylight. She was about to point that out to Batchaser when Willowburn interjected with his own knowledge of the predators, and Gigglekit thought for a minute longer, letting the information bleed into her mind as she made her conclusions. "So, the owl tried to get me 'cause he was hungry, and I was the prey he saw first?" She asked, hoping that one of the toms would confirm her suspicions.

Part of Gigglekit felt bad for the owl - it was only hungry, it seemed, but she wasn't very happy about the idea of herself becoming its source of food. She hoped that, after the owl had sustained a proper beating from the ShadowClanners, it had found something like a frog or a mouse to eat out in the marshes. Something small, so that it wouldn't take the food out of ShadowClanners' mouths. It was complicated, the way the world worked.

"Indeed that was likely the case, Gigglekit. It wasn't a personal assault against you, merely one animal trying to survive by killing another. No different from us killing and eating frogs and mice." It was all a matter of nature in the end, Willowburn had come to accept the reality they lived within. "Now then, do you have any more questions about owls? Or anything else for that matter?"
- ⋆ -

"Well, it should've picked another animal to try and eat!" The large apprentice protested, stamping her foot onto marshy earth as she approached her younger sibling and the ShadowClanners. Circle of life be damned, that had been her family member it'd tried to take, so soon after Snowypaw left, she couldn't stomach losing someone else to another's dumb idea! Her chest puffed up at the indignation, the one-eared tabby plopping down on her haunches close to the younger tabby. "Giggle's off limits, so is Morel, so is Branch... and Shade and Bone and..." she cut herself off, orange eyes growing wide at an absence felt so deeply she wore her very heart shook. 'Dad can't protect you like two mamas can, maybe if I eat an owl, I can fly over to you...' She shook her head, tail fur ruffled from distress. "Cats, cats are off limits. And to make them off limits forever, I-I wanna know how to kill an owl. Warrior, how can we kill an owl?" She tilted her head as she looked towards Willowburn, excitedly trying to prod Gigglekit with a paw to get her to pay attention to what Bloodpaw anticipated to be a top notch lecture.