camp TRY TO TUMBLE | mossball


Dec 3, 2023

The night has been - put frankly, terrible. Involving lots of tears and disruption from the little tom, who takes after his namesake. The familiarity of having a pelt to nuzzle into has been comforting, but it's not his Mother. The camp is a world away from home, although fed and cared for, it's entirely different. Long gone are the siblings pressing in closely. His chest aches at the realization. Regardless of the wretched loneliness that hounds him, the longing for the company of his family - he's quickly finding ways to make his own fun. Since sunrise, despite the fitful night he has energy to spare.

It's taunting him, he's convinced. Sitting there, round and green, it practically calls for him to hit it. Waddling over, he pushes it with a paw. A gasp of surprise is earned. It's rolling! Moving and tumbling away from him. "I got it." The words of the almost two moon old are soft and gaspy, something shyly delighted in them.

Moving so the mossball rests between his paws, he rounds his head outside the nursery entrance just to see how busy it is, accidently kicking the moss ball away with the distraction. "Oh dear. Oh no." Antkit gasps as he watches it roll outside the nursery. His round eyes track it's tumbling.

He's ready to tuck his head away, to retreat shyly to the confines of the nursery and leave the moss ball to the likely fate of being stood on. Instead, he gathers himself together and ventures outside, allowing himself a little shiver at the cold. He's not sure how, but seems it's rolled far.. Into the snow. Unknowing the fate of what happened to mossballs when in contact with water. "My mossball please." He requests. The tiny tom with folded ears tips his head up, unsure if the quiet tone is heard.
  • Love
Reactions: BLAZESTAR
Oh, you lost this,” a deep voice rumbles. A tiny scrap of moss almost floats into the side of one of Blazestar’s massive dark golden paws. He nearly misses the sensation, it’s so light, and one more step would have led to the little toy being flattened. He’s glad he catches himself—glad he hears the tiny request from the mouth of the nursery. Blazestar turns his dark blue gaze to a tiny ginger kit with folded ears, sitting politely and eyeing the mossball with earnest blue eyes.

Blazestar smiles and gently bats the mossball back in Antkit’s direction.There you go, big guy.” After a heartbeat, he lowers himself so that he’s on the kit’s level. This is the kit who’d been brought in from the borders, he remembers—one of them, anyway. One had gone to Butterflytuft—this one, slightly older but still so small, had been given to Mottledove to care for. Blazestar looks at him with soft eyes and says, “How are you liking it in there?” He knows not where the kit came from before, what kind of environment his mother had carried him away from, but he knows adjustment is hard for a child so young.

, ”

A request so quiet it almost went unheard. Rex didn't hear it. Good thing someone was listening though. 'Cept the daylight warrior nearly bumped into Blazestar as the bigger tom stopped to avoid crushing the kit's toy. Recoiling some, he giggled a bit as he sidled around the leader. Forget why he was following Blazestar around.

"Ooh, what's that?" He chirped, gesturing to the tiny green thing that the Boss Man shoved towards an itty bitty little orange blob. Nevermind. That little orange feller looked way more interesting than some green ball. "Woahhh, real tiny baby. What's up, bro?" Cheeks pufferfishing out he squinted at the small kit. Whose kid was this? He didn't know everyone (or anyone really) in Skyclan, still trying to get a grasp on the simplest of names. He bit his tongue till Blazestar was done talking. "What's your name, lil' bro?" Rex was a whole deal less tactful.

  • "SPEECH"
  • picture of a fish goes here
  • TYRANNOSAURUS REX KABOOM he/him/his, daylight warrior of skyclan, 37 moons / ages on the 1st.
    large dark red-orange tabby with low-mid white markings. big empty-headed blue eyes. wears an american flag bandanna. talkative, annoying and straight up stupid as hell but he means well.
    frequently uses words wrong in posts, correct word will be included in ooc section
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ will avoid battles for the time being
    penned by reaver ↛ @reavurse on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Haha
Reactions: HAWKSPINE
Hawkkit doesn't have much of an opinion on Mottledove's new kitten yet. All she knows about him are four things: One, he's super quiet. Two, he's orange, but a lighter orange than Blazingkit. Three, his eyes are the same kitten-blue as Butterflytuft's kits. Four, and most importantly, he's the tiniest thing she's ever seen without being one of the little wiggly things that are Butterflytuft's kits. And, bonus, his kitten-toys are equally as tiny!

"That's the tiniest mossball I've ever seen!" Hawkkit announces, much too loud for the hour, completely unaware of whether or not she'd been seen approaching the trio of toms or not. Her hazel eyes are wide as they peer at Antkit, twigs sticking out of her haphazard fur as usual, and she presses her paws together politely as if she hadn't just caused the loudest sound in the SkyClan camp. Mossball is boring, but for little kits they have to have the biggest possible mossball. Otherwise they won't be able to use the same mossball until they're apprentices! "We've gotta get you a bigger one."