camp trying to save you .. sick ickys

A cold chill crawled down feverish skin. It felt uncomfortably hot and cold as she fidgeted around in her nest restlessly. At first Lilacfur had been convinced she was merely tired, exhaustion growing from the lack of support in their already vulnerable numbers. Training her niece along with it had begun to drag her down into unending fatigue.

When she woke that morning, shuddering against a breeze her coat normally protected her from, she felt her heart sink in realization.

I have it. I'm sick.

At once she was overcome with fear, flashing images of the Clanmates they had already lost to it. Heavy Branch, deliriously rambling in the dark of her sisters den. Lilacfur sniffed, carefully crawling out of the warriors den. It felt empty, now that so many were pulled out to support the sick.

And now I'm one of them.

Someone began to approach, and Lilacfur hissed to stop them from coming any closer. "Stay away from me! I-" A cough lurched from her maw and she stumbled, still trying to reach for Starlinghearts den. "I'm sick- I'm not s-safe-" She choked and stuttered around the tightness in her throat, wheezing for every breath.

[ sad hello's and mad high low's ]

Nettlepaw was trying to ignore everything negative in his life, and it had been going well. His mother had withdrawn, tortured by something he couldn't see. Food was becoming scarcer, and he was learning the sensation of going to bed early. And Yellowcough still rippled through their ranks, refusing to slow down. The weight that undoubtedly piled upon Starlingheart's shoulders, the fear that he could feel creeping like morning frost from cat to cat- he tried to stay the same, to stop it all.

It was easy for Nettlepaw to joke, he'd discovered. Easy for him to get on with others if he grinned, if he shouldered past it all. But- seeing Lilacfur falter, it disturbed him. Disturbed him enough to beckon him over, snowy paws showing no sign of hesitation before he flinched away. Stay away from me! He obeyed, sickened by the way those words made him feel, jay-blue eyes wide. What had he done? He'd only been trying to help, trying to keep it all...

I'm sick. His heart mended and dropped all at once, motion sickness. It wasn't him, but her. Stunned, Nettlepaw could only stare for a few moments before scanning his surroundings for a sign of someone, anyone who could help. But really, he knew... only one cat could really help. The rest would only be pretending, like- like-

penned by pin ♡

well, shit. another warrior out. another one sick. another unhelping paw. they can't stand this. why did starclan hate them so damned much? they couldn't afford this! they barely survived with healthy warriors and now with barely any? their eyes roll with a growl before they make their way over to lilacfur. they're not afraid to get sick. they don't care if they get sick. they needed to calm her down. she was getting too worked up, and if that kept going...

"lilacfur, hey. listen to me. you're gonna be okay, alright? take a deep breath."

they dont walk right up to her but they're pretty close. they can't let her freak out like this. the anxiety can't feel good at all.

"nettlepaw is getting starlingheart right now. it's gonna be okay."
Keep away, Nettlepaw.” Granitepelt puts a paw in front of his son, a protective gesture he rarely shows his kits. He regards Lilacfur with wary forest-shadow eyes. “She’s contagious. You know this.” Chilledstar does their best to reassure the gray-brown she-cat, but it’s emptiness. The cats on their foolish tadpole-brained mountain quest are not returning, of that he is fairly certain—thus, Lilacfur is as good as dead. Starlingheart will be sad, to be sure… Lilacfur is a littermate, after all, and even Granitepelt can respect that bond.

He uses a paw to nudge Nettlepaw away from his kin. “I’m sure the journeying cats will be back soon,” he tells Lilacfur with little hope in his voice. He begins to wonder if she’d gotten the she-kit sick, now that the white-furred abomination has become her little shadow. A tiny part of him hopes she has.

  • granitekit . granitepaw . granitepelt
    — he/him ; warrior of shadowclan
    — heterosexual ; taken by Starlingheart
    — short-haired gray tom with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Meg

She would never say it out loud, not to Granitepelt not to Chilledstar not to anyone in her clan but Starlingheart is afraid. Afraid and tired in a way she had never been in her life. A part of her is scared that the journeying cats would not make it - or if they did it would not be in time. So far, she had been spared from this awful disease but how long before it spread to her too? What would ShadowClan do if their only healer got sick? If she died and Magpiepaw never came back? She doesn't want to think about it so she busies herself with other things, like going out to gather herbs, which she was always in constant need of it seemed.

She is returning to camp now when she hears her son cry out for her, Immediately, the herbs fall out of her mouth, forgotten at the camp entrance as she rushes forward "Nettlepaw? What is it, I'm here" she says, her voice and her eyes filled with an abundance of concern and worry for her son. Her gaze inspects his body and she leans in to give him a quick sniff but she smells nothing - sees nothing. And then her eyes fall upon the scene in front of her.

She presses her nose to her sons head in a quick gesture before she runs off to attend to her littermate. "Come on, to my den Lilacfur can- can you make it?" she speaks softly, her broken voice hushed as if she worried that if she spoke too loudly she would spook her. "Once we- once we get there I'll give you h-honey and-and stuff to make you feel better" she couldn't cure it, not entirely, but she could at least alleviate the symptoms with what she had. She shoots Granitepelt a grateful look when she gets the smallest chance to, she could only hope his words would ring true and the cats who had left from the mountains would be return quickly.

  • ooc : — ​

  • 57481195_eU7dbr873IhoDGh.gif

    ➵ she / her
    ➵ shadowclan medicine cat
    ➵ mates with granitepelt
    ↪ mother to nettlekit, flintkit and ghostkit
    ➵ a scrawny and small framed black and white she cat with short fur and green eyes
    ➵ toyhouse [ ]


siltcloud & 16 moons & female & she/her & shadowclan warrior

For the first time in days, siltcloud feels something other than numbness - panic creeping in as she wakes that day, unable to help but overhear lilacfur's words. First poppypaw, then loampelt, and now lilacfur - will any of her friends remain free of starclans claws? Concern flicks through green eyes as she hesitates, uncertain - is it worth getting close, risking getting ill herself? A glare is thrown the healers way when she arrives, but she stays quiet, claws kneading the earth anxiously. There's nothing she can do - not now anyways. She can only... pray she supposes. That the journeying cats will return with mroe herbs, that lilacfur will survive until then.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • A dust hued cinnamon tabby with white markings and sage green eyes. Her fur is dull and unkept, her figure frail and slight, and she most notably has five toes upon each of her four paw. With the death of loampelt, something within siltcloud seems to have changed - no longer is she as soft-spoken as before, instead easily snapping at her clanmates and throwing herself into training her apprentice.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#ddadaf]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


The delirium that blinded her gaze softened enough for her to recognize the snow-dipped form of her nephew. Regret sharpened into splinters in her stomach, twisting into her core. She didn't mean it, she didn't want him to think she was upset at his concern but... She couldn't risk losing more. No more family, no more Clanmates. She must be the last of them that gets this.

"N-Nettie-" Her breath is grasped from her maw and Chilledstar has come far closer than she wanted anyone to be. Her chest quickly rose and fell in quick succession, shaking her head in exasperation. "No- no! You'll get sick too. I can't let you get it. I could never..." Her distaste for the white-struck cat dissipates in the face of their comfort. She can't bother shouldering the weight of holding her grudge, not right now. Tears threaten the corners of glowing amber as they track Nettlepaw's form with her littermate approaching fast.

Shakily the rosette would confirm with a single, tentative paw forward. Granitepelt's reassurance is dull against the mountain of overwhekming stress building within. For the sake of her kin present, she doesn't voice her disbelief. She can hardly hold her head up high enough to meet their eyes, but she can tell who's paws kneaded against the soil. She avoided Siltcloud's gaze deliberately.

"Honey... h-honey sounds nice." Lilacfur murmured, steps careful though shaky as she moved toward the medicine den.
[ sad hello's and mad high low's ]