camp trying to start a fire ✧ PATROLS

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How serene and bittersweet this moment would be if it didn't also require the fading memory of faces that would not stand in the crowd today.

Standing as a stiff reed-like aberration near the willow tree that had rotted away most of its leaves, the stark fur of a scruffy molly stands in half-blended opacity with the frost and snow that drifts lazily through the camp. It is one of their warmer mornings, sun-kissed and struggling to melt the layers of ice that cling to the ends of branches and edges of the river but it does little to relieve the tension that festers under the surface. Rogues would offer them no peace, even after successfully being driven from their camp once and she does no relish how many more bodies will be buried at the wrong end of those infectious, disgusting claws.

"I'll try to make this quick," she starts, a numbness in her paws setting in that had little to do with the temperature and more to do with a rising fear that crept through her extremities. Tired eyes show their weight where creases form heavy bags beneath them, water-lines a too-bright pink that tell story of lack of sleep, tearful moments spent in private or a mix of the two.

"With the continued harassment from strangers from beyond our borders, I'm expecting extreme vigilance from everyone... no fooling around, no spitting at each other. Our enemies do not live with us," she says, affixing a frigid stare onto Asphodelpaw where he slinks somewhere nearby his mentor probably hoping to be freed of his punishment. The hard gaze moves after a few seconds, waiting for her own to be met before launching into assignments.

"Make sure you check on how our neighbors are doing if you can- SkyClan I'm leaving to you, Pikesplash. I'd like you to take Ratwhisker, Feathergaze and Hazewish along. Hmm... and bring Barkfang and Maplepaw." Maybe getting that old grouch in the company of some of the younger crowd would teach him to ease off of Dawnstorm some... mistakes are bound to happen but she wouldn't suffer his critiques when he hadn't proven himself an expert either.

"ThunderClan's been quiet, I'm assuming in a show of good faith. Let's keep it that way for now... Aspenhaze, if you wouldn't mind," she looks them with an unreadable expression, flickers of doubt and apology and guilt bubbling uncomfortably in her chest, dying on her tongue to even ask for them by name. Petalnose was still recovering and with one less lead warrior to rely on... maybe she could trust them to take this instead? "Have Foxtail go with you- this'll be Eelpaw's first official assignment to the border! Dawnstorm and Gillsight can accompany you as well. Frogmouth, I know you plan to retire soon but maybe take Wavepaw?"

"Sunstride has made us aware that Sootstar's been driven out of WindClan's territory along with her fellow hare-brained lunatics... this is good news for us! Let's make sure they don't mistake our relief for weakness- Iciclefang, I'm trusting that to you. Splashnose will be taking Minkpaw... You can have Rookfang, Mosspool and Dipperfrost as well." With a patrol full of so many, young accomplished warriors and eager-hearted apprentices- minus Cicadapaw, who looked ready to keel over and die just to be done with it- it would send a clear message that RiverClan were not to be trifled with in WindClan's new era.

"Because I don't think that these little ambushes we've seen will be the last, I'm taking a patrol of you with me to track where these rogues might be running off to... it'll be our responsibility to prepare, do some recon work to make sure our clan-mates know what areas to avoid. Crashingtide," she starts, knowing his wry apprentice will be beyond frustrated to be under her careful watch still, even outside of camp, "Silverbreath," and he who had been caught with his paws inches in dirt to break the warrior code by Petalnose no less, would not leave her sight either. "Perchberry, Sapfoot with Claypaw, and Robinheart... you'll be apart of that group."

She thinks to assign playful work to the kittens in the nursery again, especially now that her own toddle around and could do with directed exercise to entertain them and keep them behaved but.. her stomach twists to acknowledge a pair of hazel eyes and so she opts to move on to more important things... to things that didn't make her flinch. "Hunting will be done under the guidance of Snakeblink- because we need prey so badly I'm hesitant to send many apprentices so it'll be Willowroot, Dewcloud, Brookstorm," her heart seizes to be apart from her now too, "And Swiftfire. We're counting on you..."

Sweeping her tail in dismissal of those groups, she turns to the few who remain still gathered with eager eyes and impatient paws.

"No more mistakes... no more openings to invade camp. I want it watched all hours of the day. Nightfish, you'll be standing guard in the mornings with Carawaypaw and Cricketpaw and come sunset, you'll be relieved to swap shifts with Coyotecreek, who'll have Otterpaw and Beepaw to stand watch with him overnight." Anything to keep Smokestar in camp, anything to promise him a night of protected sleep.... The smell of copper, a vision of black and white and red at her feet makes the blood rush from her face. Never again... Keep him here. Keep him safe.

"Ravensong's looking for some helpers as well.. anyone who has the time, please lend him your paws." Her eyes trail towards the pitch fur of their medicine cat where it stands in wild contrast to the pale apprentice beside him. Her head dips in a small affirmatory nod before moving to a crowd of bubbly kittens to say her farewells for the afternoon.

⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆

LEAD: @PIKESPLASH ( & @/nettlepaw ) , @maplepaw. , @Hazewish , @Feathergaze, @RATWHISKER

LEAD: @Aspenhaze ( & @bubblepaw ) , @FOXTAIL ( & @EELPAW ) , @Wavepaw , @DAWNSTORM , @GILLSIGHT

LEAD: @iciclefang ( & @CICADAPAW ) , @ROOKFANG ( & @/bumblepaw ) , @Minkpaw! , @Mosspool , @DIPPERFROST

LEAD: @Snakeblink ( & @turtlepaw ) , @willowroot , @DEWCLOUD , @SWIFTFIRE , @brookstorm
optional prompt: while hunting, one of your patrol members comes across a thin brown skin that smells really good

LEAD: @lichentail , @CRASHINGTIDE ( & @Asphodelpaw ) , @Silverbreath ( & @/goldenpaw ) , @claypaw , @PERCHBERRY , @robinheart

MORNING: @Nightfish ( & @/carawaypaw ) , @Cricketpaw
optional prompt: while standing guard, your group notices something shining on the ground just off the stream near camp
NIGHT: @coyotecreek ( & @otterpaw ) , @BEEPAW
optional prompt: what your group mistakes for a beast growling is actually just someone's stomach... seriously...?


Things were getting interesting again, that much is for certain. Though, if Aspenhaze had the choice, they would immediately allow for things to slow down. Dealing with rogues once again… when will karma finally give RiverClan a break? Maybe never. Either way, life goes on.

Their mate being stuck in the medicine cat den doesn’t give them any peace of mind, but maybe whatever patrol they get assigned to will help calm their nerves as they get out of camp for awhile. They’re a little surprised at Lichentail assigning them as a lead, though.

They notice her expression, and give a small smile to the deputy as thanks for thinking about them. Once Lichentail is done with every assignment, they bow their head. “I wouldn’t mind at all. Make sure you stay safe while we’re gone, yes?” Aspenhaze says earnestly, unlike their usual teasing tone.​
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𓆝 . ° ✦ Mosspool simply nodded as Lichenhaze announced she would be going to the Windclan border, but internally she was thrilled. The news of Windclan's supposed change of heart had spread quickly, and she could not help but be intrigued. Of course, she did not trust it one bit. Even if Sootstar had been driven out, that did not mean the sickness that she had spread within Windclan would be cured so easily.

She remembered how she had grown close with the Windclanners who had taken the journey with her, then watched as their clan had been just as savage as ever after their return. She would not make a fool of herself like that again.

Still, she wanted to see this new Windclan for herself.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.
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Crashingtide gathered for the patrols, his eyes locked onto the deputy as she spoke. He knows that he is on thin ice, just like his apprentice now. Hearing his name to accompany Lichentail on this recon mission, the tom nodded. "C'mon, Asphodelpaw. We can't leave Lichentail waitin'." He tapped his apprentice with his tail and tried to push him in the direction in which they needed to go.


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She draws closer at Lichentail’s rallying call, sitting neatly with her tail curled over her paws as the deputy gives the day’s assignments. She’s called to lead a patrol to the WindClan border, and her eyes narrow as she dips her head. She agrees with Lichentail’s assessment—just because Sootstar is gone does not mean they can let their guard down. Sunstride had just as readily claimed Highstones in his mad queen’s name—who knew what the rosetted leader would be plotting once he had his Clan settled. She dips her head. “Yes, Lichentail. We’ll go at once.

Iciclefang’s blue gaze seeks her patrolmates—and her apprentice. To Cicadapaw, she murmurs, “Ensure you’re ready. We’re leaving for the WindClan border.

  • ooc:
  • image0.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 20 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Stormywing.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- His maw dropped, the space between his brows knit together and eyes narrowed into a venomous squint. Since when was an apprentice of his capabilities thrown onto something as ridiculous as night guard duty? Nothing ever happened at night- nothing exciting at least. Big whoop he might catch sight of an owl or watch the sunrise- Otterpaw didn't care about anything that didn't require claws and teeth.

If that wasn't bad enough he was stuck with Beepaw too! For their entire shift! The chimera had no clue what he could have done to land himself in Lichentail's bad side to waste his time instead of patrolling, but after the little quip from not listening to Willowroot he knew better than to scream and shout like a kit. Not when there were actual kits around that could do that for him.

"Whatever." He growled through clenched teeth.

  • OTTERPAW he/him, apprentice of riverclan, eleven moons.
    scruffy blue/black chimera with white undercarriage and green eyes. noticeable kinked whiskers
    adopted son to pikesplash // apprentice to coyotecreek
    peaceful and healing powerplay requires permission / / underline and tag when attacking or making an action toward
    see battle info here
    penned by beataegonkpilled on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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It's starting to feel normal. With Lichentail giving out patrols and carrying out her duties as deputy. Even though it has only been a few moons with a new leader and deputy. They've had some issues, but they've also grown as a clan. Although, there is one nagging matter and that is the strangers that keep harassing them. Something has to be done about them, but currently the clan is also facing the issue of trusting the former Ripple Colony members. With Deacon taking the life of their leader and the execution order on two cats, it was safe to say there was a bit of distrust. This can't keep up for too long. His thoughts are cut when he hears the call of his own name.

"SkyClan I'm leaving to you, Pikesplash."

He remembers that there was a time that Smokestar had given him a chance to be lead in a patrol once. He had been a nervous wreck at the time and panicked because why would he all of sudden ask him to lead anything? Not that he thinks Smokethroat at the time had done anything wrong, but it wasn't like Pikesplash was lead of much really. If anything he could be the lead of cowardice. Ah... I'm doing it again. Snakeblink wouldn't be too happy or even Lichentail. Change that is what he promised and that is what he will strive to do. "I'll head out immediately Lichentail," he answers with a dip of his head. Nerves shoot up with every step he takes towards those he has to collect for the patrol towards Skyclan. He doesn't call for Nettlepaw, knowing the apprentice was bound to show up. And if he didn't then it wasn't exactly a huge loss.

The last time we went Willow wasn't happy with us. I think we should be fine? The only cats I'm worried about are Nettlepaw and Ratwhisker. Maplepaw is young and I think this is their first time nearing Skyclan borders? I should expect excitement. Hazewish was Snakeblink's apprentice. She'll be fine. Feathergaze is wise and kind. He glances at the warrior in question. We should be good? Then, he sees Ratwhisker approach him. That much is expected, he's seen Ratwhisker leap at the chance of being on any patrol before. Heck, there were times where he's heard disputes because Ratwhisker forced his way into a group and one cat was forced to join another. In short, Ratwhisker while without a doubt having skill needed to work on getting along with clanmates. The first step being seeing outside of power.

As the tom stops in front of him, he stares for a moment. Do you hate someone as weak as me leading this patrol? Green eyes would soften and a smile would grace all who've gathered. "As Lichentail has said, all of us will be going to check up on Skyclan. They are not only our neighbors, but our allies. Do not squabble with them or among ourselves. If everyone is ready, then we'll be going now."
  • assumed to have gathered everyone for the skyclan patrol and a patrol will be posted shortly!
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 48 moons
    — bisexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
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Robinheart looks to Lichentail as they recite who will be patrolling where. She half expects to be assigned to SkyClan as that seemed to be her typical haunt on these patrols, but surprise alights sun hued eyes as she is placed on patrol with the deputy themself. Not even a border patrol but a reconnaissance patrol to track the coming and going of the rogues. Veiled uncertainty curls around her tender heart as she recalls the rogue attacks of her youth paired with the rogue attacks now. Two RiverClanners her age (or supposed to be her age) have been lost already - littermates of Brookstorm - and the tortie knows they were better fighters than her.

You’ll be with seasoned warriors. You’ll stay safe, she thinks to herself as she shakes away her doubts. Lichentail needed warriors and apprentices with clear minds and steady determination. Robinheart would try to be that for the deputy; she would try to be brave and steadfast for all of RiverClan.

The newly named warrior moves to stand near Lichentail as everyone else shifts to their patrol groups. She’s certain they’ll want to head out sooner rather than later.
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I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICKAnd Swiftfire. We're counting on you...

Swiftfire knows, in her head at least, that Lichentail's final words aren't directed at just her, but rather the entire hunting patrol that she had organized. Yet, when it came to her heart, the warrior found that her chest was clenching and her throat was blocked by a sudden lump - was she good enough for this? Guilt over being bored of hunting patrols immediately began to gnaw away at the former colonist, jaw clenching as she thought of how desperate they currently were for prey. She'd thought things were fine considering she wasn't struggling - thinner than usual, sure, but not starving - but the image of Petalnose's slim and weakened body suddenly flashed in her mind. She had thought that she was internalizing Riverclan's ideals well enough, but maybe she wasn't as far along as she had thought. The clan as a whole came before just her own wellbeing - it didn't matter if hunting in leafbare was boring.

Her green gaze flicked around the crowd in a frantic search for Snakeblink, eventually letting out a relieved breath when she saw the sleek form of the lead warrior. Bicolored paws led Swiftfire carefully over to him, dipping her head respectfully to the lead warrior and her patrol lead. "Ready to go when you are. Hopefully we come across some fish that are fat and slow." Not that she was a total loss when it came to hunting, but the thought of being able to bring back a plump fish that could feed multiple mouths made her heart soar. The thought was only more exciting if they didn't have to wear themselves down to the very bone in order to catch it.

  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    39 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
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Reactions: lichenstar
It was akin to preparing for war, wasn't it?

Lichentail looked pretty weathered down out there, mistmatched golden eyes noted quietly. Her ears twitched, watching her dip her head as she spoke, noting each warrior and leader of patrol with quick wit. Silent respect responded to even this moment, where other apprentices groaned and bemoaned their assignments- Claypaw straightened up, her ears dipping backwards. Rogue recon. She thought to herself, vision glancing towards Sapfoot before back towards Lichentail.

Claypaw's words were soft, but not warm- she was mentally preparing for the worst. Asphodelpaw isn't even the worst here. "Let me know when." She spoke this to both Lichentail and the rest of the patrol, standing with a stretch of her body. Nothing's going to happen. It'll be fine. It was impossible her mother would show up, given the distance Claypaw has hoped to track between her and here. Vision shifted to Asphodelpaw, a number of thoughts in her head before she sat back down to wait for the patrol.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

  • a large, lh chocolate torbie towering, nine moons old, she/her. well-build and muscled. a drypaw. former river colony cat.
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*+:。.。 Although Lichentail's gaze upon him was a frigid one, Asphodelpaw met it with a harder stare of determination. He understood. More than that, he knew he would have to show his deputy that he was more than just some angry juvenile unworthy of respect. And he would do just that. Although it remained a struggle not to tense in the presence of the former Ripple-Rats, he would keep in mind that for her to uphold her promise to him, he needed to keep the peace. Especially now, with rogues suddenly going out of their way to attack their food supply and break the border lines - the coincidence of the matter to Deacon and Sasha's exile once again making Asphodelpaw's skin crawl with fear - his aggression had plenty to feast on already.

So he's glad to hear his assigned patrol. More than glad - quite surprised, actually. Although he was still more than a little upset about being grounded in camp, and Lichentail's obvious hawk-eyeing, he's ultimately glad to be given any form of work as it's one more pathway he can take to prove himself again to his leaders. But to be assigned on the recon mission? To hunt the rogues down himself? Although he doubts it isn't because Lichentail simply doesn't trust him away from her careful supervision, he's still glad to be able to do something about the invading rogues, even if it's just sniffing down their footpaths. Anything is better than just sitting and waiting helplessly for the next prey-stealing. For the next attack. For the next ambush.

Flexing his claws, he mumbles under his breath, "I won't let you down" He's got a lot of making up to do, but he's certain that the fire in his belly that hungers to keep his clan safe can only lead him true. When he looks up, he briefly meets his gaze with Claypaw. He wonders if Lichentail had a reason for assigning him on the same patrol with a Ripple, if it's some test to prove he can play nice.
Once more though, his skin crawls with suspicion as he wonders if Claypaw had anything to do with the sudden influx of rogue thefts. If she'd passed on word to a loner about Riverclan struggling with hunting, or if she ever let any of the thieves go, where the best hunting spots were or where prey had been buried if-

He forces himself to close his eyes and take a breath.

"The apprentices do not know anything about the culture they came from"
Although he fights with the internal screech - how could Lichentail possibly be certain of that? - he reminds himself that his deputy is someone he needs to trust. In the very, and I mean very least, he needs to not cause issues that'll distract from the main goal of fighting off the obvious threats at hand. Just follow your orders and report back anything suspicious yeah...yeah, Asp can do that.

Blinking open his eyes, resolute, he focuses past Claypaw to his mentor as Crashingtide taps his shoulder with his tail. He nods, "No, sir" he responds politely, eager to get moving.

    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    8 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Apprentice

    Physically easy | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: None currently
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power belongs to those who take it .
His nose wrinkled. “Of course.” He rumbled from afar, standing beside Dawnstorm who had barely made a peep and that brought nothing but relief. “Do not disappoint. Or there will be consequences.” He sneered at Dawnstorm, words only for his son to hear, tail flickering. He didn’t bother to see his reaction, already gravitating toward his mentioned patrol.

A stare down it seemed, watching Pikesplash with bland hues. He paid the warrior no mind, helm tilting to stare at the others with a silent huff, rotating his shoulders. Why do you stare at me? Have I earned such attention? Or perhaps it’s wondering what I see in you, but I’m afraid I see nothing. He thought, lips still curled giving nothing away to his winding thoughts, burning yellow hues gravitating toward his son, humming thoughtfully.
thought speech
die with memories , not dreams .
He suppressed a flinch, ear flickering at his father’s word with a shaky nod, sighing softly. Right. He couldn’t afford to look weak, not if he wanted his father’s praise, even if it others didn’t see it as that, but it was helping him. He felt bone-tired, muscles quivering with the extension, but it was a familiar, welcoming change that he hadn’t felt since joining RiverClan. Mismatched hues blinked, lifting his helm to stare at his father’s retreating form, humming softly. “Of course, Father.” He whispered, glancing toward Lichentail with a subtle twitch of his tail, nodding in acknowledgment.
thought speech