/ linked loosely to this thread- in which Daisy’s (bad) health advice was ignored.

Her advice being denied so adamantly had caused friction enough in Daisyflight’s thoughts that her mind had been smoked with the topic for days. As the snow had thickened, as did her belief that proactive, effective countermeasures against sickness should take place. While not one to fall prey to any kind of cough, as she groomed so frequently, many of her clanmates might find it harder to stave it off in the cold weather. The slow-soak of snow tangled the stomach and stung the paws.

The blizzard had thinned now, slush pooling in the forest’s crooks and gullies. Cobweb specks still swilled from the black above, wispy projectiles lacking the ferocity of nights past. With a shoulder packed with pain and a stubborn streak forming after the border confrontation, Daisyflight took it upon herself to prevent anything worst befalling her. Rain was, unfortunately, out of the question in the frigid conditions so she’d just have to settle for snowfall. It would be an experiment, at least.

If all went well, a night out in the cold would steel her immune system for a good chunk of the remaining leaf-bare. Nose high to the sky, the molly sat stiffly outside the threshold of the warriors’ den. It was rather uncomfortable, what with paws flush against the snow, but needs must!

A sly eye was offered to any nearby, her whiskers taunting the moon’s weary glow to spark along their length as she tilted her chin. “Care to join me? I plan to sit out here until sunrise to cleanse whatever sickness might be afoot." The calico shimmied her ears in what she assumed to be an inviting gesture. It would be good to bring others on board, or at the very least set an example.
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Mushroomkit had not had much interaction with the former deputy, no there'd never quite been an opportunity, so when eyes far greener than her own invite her to sit an odd sort of vigil, she pauses.

"Green is a deadly color."

She heralded the high priest well, but... that was one thing she could never latch onto. For why make the deadliest color green if nearly all of Mother's creations bore its hue? It never did make sense, so she took to questioning Dawnglare instead of Mother's choices. So when the invite is offered, she takes it. Her headaches, her fevers, her itchy eyes, her aches....herbs would dull them for a time but she felt like a leech, a parasite, using so many of their precious herbs. Perhaps this cleansing would finally free her from it.

"...Okay." Her voice is soft and hesitant, yet resolute as she shakingly moves to lay beside the older molly. Her legs feel stiff from the cold already, the steadily growing feather-like qualities of her tail not enough to keep it from going numb without company to help warm it. Infact she felt far colder than usual, pawpads and fur beginning to grow damp from more than just the mucky snowmelt.

...Perhaps this meant that the cleansing was working.

While she likes the muffled stillness of snowfall, the tail-end of leaf-bare is a very different story for Orangeblossom. The white snow turns to slush, ugly and unsatisfying, and it makes the promise of warmer weather - too warm, in fact, and the slush reminds her of being forced into the shade to stave off heat exhaustion last greenleaf.

Tired from a day of stretching and strengthening exercises, Orangeblossom hesitates in the doorway to the warriors' den, and peers at Daisyflight with a critical look. Why was she sitting out in the snow? To undermine getting sick? ... In the snow, where it's cold? Stars help them all if she replaced Dawnglare one day - their medicine cat was batty enough, but this was downright dangerous. "You'll be doing the night watch then, Daisyflight? Be my guest." Brown eyes drift to the kit at her side. It was one thing for a fully grown warrior to do something this ridiculous, but getting a kit in on it was worse. "Mushroomkit needs to go to sleep before the moon clears the trees, though."


  • orangeblossom, deputy of skyclan
    — mentoring vulturepaw and eveningpaw.
    ✦ 25 moons, she/her
    ✦ fluffy white and ginger cat with brown eyes. torn left ear, scar on right foreleg. injured!
    ✦ bi, single. @ on discord for plots.

Thistleback is licking off pine sap from his wrist as he makes his way to the warrior den to lay with his wife. Their time in the nursery had drawn to a close with the apprentice ceremony of their daughters. He halts as Orangeblossom looks to Daisyflight skeptically, reasonably so to some. Informing the woman of bedtime for the small bundle seated next to her tricolored coat. " rest well, Orangeblossom " he greets and pays respectful wishes toward the deputy.

" you’ve got to walk on rocks to make tough paws " he murmurs in agreement with the molly, settling himself in the slushy snow. Letting the grip of numbing cold lace around his limbs and hocks, his chest and neck heated from the irritation of his healing sensitive neck is suddenly relieved, but relief turns to numb like the rest of his body. His toes have always been numb though, be it from climbing metal fences his whole life only to switch to bark in his later moons. He felt nothing in them.

He flexed his paw, eyeing the dampening kit-fur on the little one with a small frown. He subconsciously aims to sling his spike-furred tail across Mushroomkit's shoulders, as he would his kits when they grew too cold. Chuckling hoarsely to himself in realization, of just how absent minded the action had been.

with his daughters being apprentices now, he didn’t know how much he missed being a father to littles. Brutish and stern as he was, despite his military tune he was ultimately a selectively gentle soul. " when I was living on the streets, as a kit-stray. I would eat whatever I could fit in my mouth, and play in the rain. It’s probably why I never get the running nose " he adds with a idle glance to the former deputy. " who taught you this? … it’s not common culture " he smirks around his words, genuine curiosity and a branch extended for a clanmate bonding opportunity.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png


His own beliefs are an odd concoction. An amalgamation between what Daisyflight has taught him and what Dawnglare has preached - has engrained into his mind - mix with his own fears to create what Greenpaw believes in.

Where his curse runs rampant on the priest's words, Greenpaw can only try to tame with his mother's.

And while Daisyflight's offer is to cleanse themselves of greencough and sickness, Greenpaw sees it as an opportunity to rid himself of his curse. To wash green's deadly color away in the night's snow, trap his fatigue in moonlight. An attempt, at least. A test.

Part of him feels like he'll never rid himself of his namesake's poison, but even that part reasons with him to sit with his mother - if not to cleanse him, then to keep her company.

"I'll join," he tells her, bowing his head in greeting as he settles in where he can beside her, the fur on his paws already absorbing the snow beneath them. Thistleback and Mushroomkit are there too, and he's glad about that. Glad that someone else will take part in this - that, if this works, they'll be free from sickness too.

A sliver of porcelain was offered to Mushroomkit, the blink brightening Daisyflight’s multi-tone face. Despite the kit moniker the youngster held, she was old enough to be an apprentice and so the warrior had no qualms with her learning such a valuable lesson. At Orangeblossom’s stiff interjection, she wafted her tail dismissively.

"Leave the night watch to me, yes. And of course, should little Mushroomkit feel cold she is welcome to return to her den." A half-nod of acknowledgement swept the instruction aside, unconcerned. Her own kits had been rain-washed at a similar age. Meddling with the pebbles below, the molly lowered further into her stance.

Thistleback, his spine alight with crowfeather-fur, was stark in the snowfall. She met her fellow lead warrior with an appreciative hum, satisfied with his comments. As another street-goer, he understood the ways with which they survived. Daisyflight was not blind to the looks, slight with disgust, at her methods but well- they worked! Keeping the grime off your back and lungs clear did wonders for a cat’s health.

As her green-eyed son arrived she offered up her flank. Fondness spooled from her, proud to have him alongside them. This night would go nicely.

At the mention of teaching, common knowledge, her expression grew sly. It had been a while since she talked shop, the pine forest bedding her past oh so eagerly. “Quite right! My parents were as absent as they came so I learnt all that I know from those around the alleys. Those with patience enough to talk to me, at least."

Her dry chuckle was interrupted by a compact sneeze, the cold air burning her palette. “Ah! See, it’s already working- good riddance… Where was I? Some of the eldest would dole out their wisdom, and for them to have lived so long themselves there was no question of its legitimacy. It’s done me well all these moons." A languid stare punctuated her words, the forest around them feathering into steel-sided buildings for a moment. Days of cardboard nests and words less carefully spoken swelled within her chest. Good riddance.
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She makes no move to combat Orangeblossom's comment as the deputy arrives, noting that she placed specific emphasis on sleeping, not on getting into bed. Surely Mushroomkit could sit out here until the sunrise while sleeping as well. It was only logical, that was what had been requested. Of course, none of those present knew the young molly particularly well enough to know that she thrived on technicalities.

Thistleback and Greenpaw join them in turn, making themselves comfortable in their growing circle. Though Thistleback had assumed the child to be cold as he slung his tail over her like an oversized blanket, the lead warrior would instead quickly find out just how warm Mushroomkit really was. Oh yes, in all her worry she had not deigned it important to mention to anyone her growing ailments, though it was in part because she mistakenly believed she was getting better. She did not feel suffocatingly hot as she had when the winter first began, the cold wrapping itself around her bones as much of a relief as it was a nuisance, but she lacked the knowledge to know when someone was cold and when someone had fever chills.

"Were there lots of elders where you lived?" Surely for Daisyflight to have gathered so much information there must've been, even if they seemed like they were cranky from how she talked. It all made sense though, her grandpa and grandma were as wise as they came in her mind, and grunkle Soil too. Though hopefully Daisy had the sense to preserve Mushroom's naivety of the two old toms being a bit of an outlier when considering the harshness of the world.
