His mind had continued to play that day on repeat. Since his excursion towards ShadowClan's border, Sunstride had been consumed with a sensation he could not quite describe. It was all that remained once anger had run its course. A vibrancy to his unease, a sharpened edge– it is something akin to fear, though he does not know the word beyond that. He could describe it as the knowledge of all that might go wrong. A creaking branch above his head that he cannot step away from, for there is too much to be done beneath its shade. Each step that he takes is another across the ancient wood. It will kill him, he thinks, and that is a terrifying thought, but at least he knows he would go in a fight. Once he had thought that it would only be other clans he rallied himself against. Now he feels that he stands against his own, alone as he must be.

Wolfsong stands beside him, this he knows. They would shepherd their litter to safety as they had carried themselves many moons ago. And yet, beyond him...he does not know. Even those that had raged against Sootstar seemed to have bowed with time. He feels some small prickle of shame that he had played a part in that, if only in how he had silenced them. For their safety, he had thought. And he meant that even still. He can only hope that Rattleheart feels it still, for that is where his paws tread now. He seeks them out, desperate, but what he finds is of no comfort.

Scorchstreak rests beside him, an implacable force as she had always been. The mother of Badgermoon's kits, Sootstar's right hand, his own predecessor, a traitor by all counts– he does not know which of those titles is the worst of the bunch, now. Too much had been turned on its head as of late. He should not take the risk. Not with so much riding upon this moment. Yet if he does, and she does not flinch from all that he that not a worthy cause? Is that not worth this moment's fear? In times such as this, he wishes terribly that he could lean once more upon his mate's better judgement. All that he sees with one remaining eye is a mountain's worth to Sunstride's pebble. He knows action, and reaction, and some strange hope. His worries must show across his face to two cats so likewise watchful, but he inhales, exhales, and says it anyway: "Scorchstreak. Rattleheart. Will you walk with me, a moment? There is something I must ask of you."

  • OOC.
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    ——– HE – HIM – HIS ╱╱ 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.

The calico’s tail flickers gently at her black and white sibling’s flank, though she is admittedly paying more attention to a dirt-matted patch of white fur than she is to anything that Rattleheart may be saying. Stars, how do either of them manage to look presentable when mud is this difficult to separate from fur? Though she is focused on her task, the tunneler’s ears flick in Sunstride’s direction when the tom makes his approach—he is a clanmate who Scorchstreak finds difficult to read. As deputy, surely he agrees with their leader’s decisions, and the lead warrior cannot decide whether he can be trusted with her daughter or not. He greets them each in turn, and follows up by asking them to come on a walk with him. He wants to ask them something.

Usually, she wouldn’t question any request from Sunstride. Perhaps the deputy is simply checking on the progress of the new tunnel—but Scorchstreak is in no way in charge of the project, despite being a lead warrior. Besides, she thinks that Sootstar would sooner approach her for tunneling updates than the moor-running deputy. And even more suspicious, more questionable, is that the request extends to Rattleheart as well. Does this… does this have to do with her sibling questioning Sootstar? It seems to have come a bit late, if that is the case. Still, it would be more suspicious for the calico to refuse.

Carefully, the distrust in her gaze is disguised as bemusement. An expression that she knows conveys confusion settles across her features, and she glances to Rattleheart. What do they think of this? She supposes it doesn’t matter what her sibling thinks; is a request from the clan’s deputy ever truly a request? "Of course," she murmurs, abandoning the patch of muddy fur in favor of standing up, facing the deputy expectantly.

It had been some time since Sootstar had initially returned to Windclan's camp, two children not of their own home following along at her heels, bringing chaos to them all in her wake. Her actions, whether she had expected them to or not, had caused a dark cloud to settle over them all, bitterness between groups standing behind her and those opposing her growing more prominent as time went on. Rattleheart had - rather unsurprisingly, considering how outspoken he had been so far about the Shadowclan kits - not been part of the group called upon to go to the gathering, but it hadn't been hard to guess what would happen when Sunstride was sent along on his own. He was being used as a shield, a magnet for all of the abuse that rightfully should have been aimed towards Sootstar for her crimes. Stealing Halfkit and Tanglekit was one thing, but at least that wasn't something that could be definitively blamed on Windclan - at least, not yet. Trying to stake a claim on Highstones and murdering Riverclan's deputy? Those were both things that couldn't be denied, and Sunstride had been forced to stand trial for them.

Difficult as it was for the tunneler to imagine what he would have done in Sunstride's position, he knew it wouldn't have been anything close to supporting Sootstar's actions. Which he supposed was why he hadn't been chosen to go along in the end.

In spite of his earlier silence regarding Sootstar's deeds, Rattleheart had gradually been becoming more and more outspoken in his dissent. Trying desperately to balance out his protests with his desire to remain in Windclan, where both his loyalties and family resided. He had been hopeful that his quiet mutterings and hisses would be enough to keep him safe even under Sootstar's rule, but the approach of Sunstride was enough to leave him on edge. The deputy had never been an outspoken supporter of all of her actions, but he'd never exactly condemned them either - not that he could truly be blamed for that. His head would be the next on the pike if he did, run out and banished just as Badgermoon had been. He could only hope the other's intentions were good, a silent shrug reflected in Rattleheart's eyes as he looked towards Scorchstreak.

He was slow to push himself up to his paws, more out of having been settled alongside his sister rather than any outright reluctant. His voice was still slightly hoarse when he provided his own answer, cracked by yellowcough even weeks after being cured. "I'll walk, provided you don't mind the mud." There was a note of humor in his words, subtle but still present as he moved after the deputy. Honestly, he wasn't sure there was a single soul in Windclan that expected tunnelers' pelts to be dirt-free.
Now that they have trekked some small distance outside of camp, he cannot help but hesitate. Approaching them had been a moment of bravery. Now he is a coward once more. It had been easy enough to chuckle alongside Rattleheart's joke, or meet Scorchstreak's curiosity with a smile that he hopes is comforting. Now– now, amidst the wilder winds, it is easy to think of what he may lose. This territory was not the worst of it. What a fool he had been, to bring kittens to a place such as this. Bravery comes in quiet hopes. That he may bring something better to fruition for them. One day, even if it is many moons from now, they would understand why he had thought this place the harbinger of better times.

Sunstride does not look towards them as he begins to speak. His back and shoulders are tense, lifted tight. His gaze is fixed upon the horizon. "You know WindClan's tunnels well," he says haltingly. "Better than I could ever hope to imagine, at least. How well do you know the path that leads to ShadowClan? How deeply into their territory does it lead?" He knows of it only because of his place as deputy. He imagines most moor runners are not so blessed with knowledge. (In this moment, it certainly does not seem a blessing. A curse, perhaps. A terrible burden.)

  • OOC.
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    ——– HE – HIM – HIS ╱╱ 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.

With Rattleheart’s approval, the calico trails after Sunstride. Where the deputy is leading them, she isn’t certain, nor is she sure why this conversation needs to happen outside of camp. Still, she can’t deny that she’s curious, especially when the deputy seems to hesitate before bringing up his reasoning for bringing them out here. Looking the tom over, Scorchstreak is surprised to see just how tense he is. The calico’s body goes equally taut when the deputy asks his question, seeking information on the tunnels into ShadowClan territory. Why is he asking them, when he could ask Sootstar? Is the leader not as familiar with the tunnels of the other territories? What is this? The situation grows more strange by the moment. It’s likely that there is a mundane explanation for Sunstride’s behavior, though. Perhals WindClan be launching an attack on ShadowClan, due to some perceived slight that Scorchstreak must have overlooked.

The wisdom of attacking a clan that had sheltered WindClan’s population and helped them to reclaim their territory is questionable to her, but Scorchstreak is caught up in trying to determine why she and Rattleheart were chosen specifically. Will they be asked to utilize their knowledge of the tunnels to ambush the neighboring clan? She has been in those tunnels many times while leading patrols—she had been there when they came across what she now knows is a bear, and still she looks forward to her treks into the damp earth underneath ShadowClan’s territory. "I know those tunnels well—though I haven’t been in them since I returned from the mountains. They go fairly far into ShadowClan territory, but the wetlands cause too many structural problems to go especially far. We couldn’t use tunnels to get into their camp, certainly." A shame, truly; had the tunnels gone farther, it would be much easier to spy on their marsh-dwelling neighbors. Whether for nefarious purposes or not, she likes to know the comings and goings of the other clans.

After a few moments of silence, she sighs, glancing between the tabby-striped tom and her brother. She has prided herself in the past on her patience, but between the difficulty of her apprentice and the cryptic questioning, she finds herself short on patience. "What is this about, Sunstride?" She asks her own question, intrigued.

Hesitance had been a marked part of Rattleheart's life for far too long. He had spent too much time blending into the background, and making himself small. Information gathering was always a boon, yes, but nowadays he found himself wishing that he had spoken up sooner. Taken up more space in the past so that his voice wouldn't be one of the silenced among the crowd of those that weren't considered Sootstar's finest. Scorchstreak's silence had been strategic. Well-planned, and meant to escape Sootstar's ire - an anger that, these days, seemed especially unpredictable. His own, though? Had been born out of sheer cowardice. A desperate want to avoid the center of attention.

He refused to make that same mistake anymore. Not when he considered so much of Windclan to be family, some in a very literal sense. The tunneler refused to let things continue to go downhill, not when he had his siblings and niblings to look after. Not when his friends could be in danger. Not when Venomstrike could be in danger.

Sunstride's hesitance was enough to clue him in on the fact that, whatever they were doing, it wasn't something well approved. Whether that mean there was a lack of approval from Shadowclan itself or Sootstar, he wasn't really sure, but he felt had had an inkling. Especially when their tunneling queen herself was absent from this little clandestine meeting. He shot a brief look back in Scorchstreak's direction, as if he might be able to reach into his sister's mind and know what she was thinking without issue. Her answering was enough to get him to chime in, gaze flicking over towards the direction of Shadowclan's territory. "I'm much the same as Scorchstreak, I know the tunnels fairly well from my training. I haven't gone into them often, but they're stable as far as they go, and I believe I'd still be able to navigate them. Any journey to Shadowclan's camp fully would take some trekking aboveground eventually, though." No matter what Sunstride needed the information for, Rattleheart couldn't really imagine him just charging straight into Shadowclan's camp anyways.

His sister questions the deputy first, and he anxiously churned the dirt and light frost beneath his paws, wondering if it was wise to ask anything else. In the end though, he found he just couldn't keep his curiosity at bay. "Is it... is this about the kits that came from there? I've already heard that they aren't really orphans." His voice was soft and low, as if Sootstar might somehow be able to hear him even though they were a decent distance from camp.