private TURA LU ;; peach


Jul 23, 2022

He’s nervous, ever since her apprentice ceremony he’s been struck with guilt. A nagging feeling in his belly like a pecking bird, and it’s well into the afternoon and a few nights after her apprentice ceremony does he find himself staring at his paws until she returns to camp. Until he finally spots his daughter and has to resist the urge to just, smother her with his love. She was growing up, and she wasn’t his little bird in the nest anymore.

" hey Peachy…" he looks up from the ground, and levels her with a half lidded stare- avoidant almost. " I just… wanted to say I’m sorry for- trying to hold you back so much " he begins, eyes glossy with tears because if there was anything he wasn’t good at it was grasping his emotions physically.

" It’s not because I thought you weren’t ready… you were more than ready I- it was me I wasn’t ready to let go of you " he sighs, a hiccup escaping his throat with his sudden sadness. " now you’re behind- and it’s all my fault " he shakes his head slowly.

  • — I hope you don't mind the random thread! <3 @Peachpaw.

  • — Dogteeth | twenty-five moons | cis-male
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with dazzling blue eyes.
    — very gentle soul / easily upset and sensitive
    — deals a nasty bite | physically medium / mentally easy
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
  • 0yQlsKL.png

Peachpaw blinked, surprised by Dogteeth's sudden apology. She'd been so upset with him for holding her back but she knew he'd only wanted what was best for her. She was worried about not being able to catch up, but she supposed there wasn't much she could do about it now. She pressed her muzzle into her father's fur. "Its okay," she said quietly. "I forgive you. I know you were just worried about me."

She turned to look across the river, back the way she had come. She'd been too afraid to set paw in it, instead opting for the stepping stones each time she crossed it. She gave a small, shaky sigh. She wondered if she'd have to stay an apprentice forever if she didn't learn to swim.