TURN OFF THE RADIO — bird in camp

A splash of brown can be seen just between the trees this morning as a young lark flits from branch to branch, trying out his wings in the warm spring air. It’s clear skies today, no sign of rain or snow or any other type of weather, perfect for crying out loudly in search of a mate. The lark trills and chirps unknowing that a whole camp of cats is about to awaken to the sound of his call. When they do, he begins to mimic, to imitate the sounds and pitches of their voices, as if to say he knows he is untouchable right now for if any of them tried climbing up his tree he would simply just fly away.

Little Wolf is one of the cats who awakens to the birds screeching. Usually she quite liked the sound of bird song but usually it was not this loud, not this close to camp. She pads out of the nursery and her green eyes find the creature darting from branch to branch in the trees above the ravine they called home. "Maybe we could throw a moss ball or something at it" she grumbles, irritated at being woken up so early by a bird of all things. The bird, in response, imitates her. Mocking. Great.

Shinekit was what one would consider an early riser, but this was ridiculous. Bleary sky-blue eyes had barely acknowledged Littlewolf leaving the nursery before another shrill screech practically shattered still-developing eardrums. The ball of solar fur stumbled outside next to his clanmate, craning his neck to spot the invader. Immediately, an empty mind set to work concocting a plan.

Littlewolf’s idea was well-reasoned, but Shinekit didn’t know if any cat would have the strength to lob a mossball so far. At least, the celestial tomcat could only manage a few tail-lengths…

Suddenly the boy’s breath hitched in realization. They could just get help! Those cats he’d heard about, what were they called? Cloudclan? Airclan? Upclan? Whatever it was, weren’t they supposed to he good at climbing? If they just got one of them over here, then the bird would surely be dealt with without any trouble!

An excited face turned towards littlewolf to make his case before doubt stalled him. Flaming features drooped, and Shinekit took a moment to consider how stupid that plan really was. He needed something easier, more realistic. “we could ask it to leave?” Shinekit suddenly spoke before drawing a deep breath. “Hey! We’re trying to sleep! Could you please go somewhere else?” He shouted in a voice nearly as shrill as the sky-born intruder’s.

Realizing that his shouting probably just woke up whoever the bird hadn’t, and that it hadn’t even acknowledged his pleas, Shinekit retreated into himself. “sorry…” he muttered.​

The shrill call of a bird might've had Sloepaw's ears askew but it wasn't until a sharp mewl rang in parallel did he rouse from sleep. Slant amber sought the source of the noise, pinned to a dishevelled shadow at the entrance of the apprentice den. The apprentice couldn't help the sigh that loped off his tongue at the sight of Shinekit belting at the sky.

Slunk low, Sloepaw padded quietly to Littlewolf's side and gave a grunt of greeting, it's meaning undecipherable. Following the more conscious cats' eyeline, he saw their impromptu alarm clock. Bemused shock coloured his features before it was bled dry by fatigue. "That bird is either really brave, or really stupid." Prey whistling at their nests was definitely a new one on him.

"One of us should probably... get that. Yeah- yeah, maybe a mossball or something." Char lids winked shut in a syncopated beat, creased with sleep. Despite his own call to action, Sloepaw remained rooted in place.
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