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Blazestar has been itching since the day his children were born. They're safe, he knows, in ThunderClan, tucked against Little Wolf, guarded by Howling Wind and Emberstar, but it's not the same. He finds his thoughts are often occupied by his kits now, and damning his position as SkyClan leader as he now can't be with them as often as he'd like. He can't even check on them or Little Wolf as much as he wishes he could -- he's only grateful ThunderClan is an ally, and their border meetings are friendly enough to get news when he needs it.

But now the kits are three moons old, old enough to visit their father safely. Toddling, bright-eyed, fluffed-up against the autumnal chill in the air. Blazestar leads all five into camp as though he's a mother duck and each child is a chick. "They've arrived," he announces, pride creeping into his voice and flashing in navy eyes. "Have fun, but behave, all of you! Don't pester Daisyflight when she's busy, and for StarClan's sake, stay out of Dawnglare's den!" He attempts -- and fails -- to give each kit a stern look. His face is soft with love for his children, for their mother, and so is his heart.


you don't have to wait for them <3​
Oh, she'd been waiting for this day! Butterflypaw approaches with a ducked head, sheepish smile resting on her muzzle. Feathery tail waving in brief greeting, the apprentice looks to her mentor before peering at the five kits, eyes twinkling. "Hello, all of you. It's nice to finally meet you," She mews shyly, but the smile remains. New faces always make her nervous, but these are kits. Blazestar's kits. That makes this introduction a whole lot easier! Paws fumbling, she tilts her head in thought, imagining the kits' trek all across two whole forests to get here. Most kits didn't even get to leave the camp until they were apprenticed - these guys were exceptions with their father being SkyClan's leader, huh? Lucky them! She's sure their denmates are green with envy! Whiskers twitching, Butterflypaw looks back to the leader and trills, "How long can they stay?"
"Pops!! You've gotta see the bugs in ThunderClan's trees! They're so big, and, and-" Fireflykit is quick to begin rambling about the odd bugs in the trees, the creepy-crawlies that his siblings and other kits can't stand. His smile is wide as he circles his father's large body, running in circles around him. Around, and around, and around.

Have fun, but behave, all of you! Don't pester Daisyflight when she's busy, and for StarClan's sake, stay out of Dawnglare's den!

His father's warning is met with a stubborn huff, the kit slowing down in favor of turning to look at the pretty she-cat that walks over, eyes squinted against the harsh sun. His fur fluffs up, and his cheeks burn with embarrassment. He turns to his siblings, as if waiting for their response, before he figures he should introduce himself first. "I'm Fireflykit!" He quickly introduces himself, eyes shutting quickly as the trees shift to reveal the sun. His eyes are sensitive, but he can't quite understand why. A soft whine parts his lips, and he quickly scurries to hide under the massive fluffed stomach of his father to get away from the irritating light.

"What's your name?" He asks the pretty apprentice with shut eyes, lashes fluttering softly.

His mother had been worried and rightfully so. It had been the kits first outing and she had fretted over them all morning. If Burnkit ever had to get groomed again it would be too soon. He didn’t understand what the big deal was. Why did he have to look good if he was just going to go and get all dirty again anyways. He had protested a few times, loudly making his opinion known before finally giving up and resolving to let his mother groom him however much she pleased and then they were off. He had to admit he was nervous.

The black kitten stands behind his father, glancing around with bright orange eyes at the camp that they now found themselves in. It was very different from thunder clans camp that was for sure. “Which ones Daisyflight?” He asks, casting each cat that passed a curious look.

When a tortoishell she cat comes by he’s almost tempted to ask her if she’s Daisyflight but there’s no way. This she cat looked just a little older than they were. His eyes dart to his brother, irritation prickling just below his pelt. Of course Fireflykit had to be first to speak. He was first to do anything. Burnkit brushes it aside for now though, waiting to hear what the she cats name was. He was feeling a little overwhelmed when he looked about, head spinning as he realizes he will have to remember all the names of the cats here.

Howlkit had practically been bouncing off the den walls when she heard they were to be visiting SkyClan. How exciting! Not many kits got to leave camp at their age, let alone go to a completely different clan too. Oh, how she would rub it in the other kits' faces when they got back. We got to go to SkyClan and you didn't! Nyeh!

She followed their father eagerly, looking around in awe as they left their ThunderClan home, and arrived at SkyClan's less familiar camp. Well, camp was different at least, but the trees and other fauna in their territory weren't too dissimilar to home. Blazestar announces their arrival to the SkyClan cats and before any of them can break off and potentially cause trouble, tells them to have fun but behave. Howlkit nodded her head obediently, albeit a little disappointed at not getting to pester Daisyflight or visit Dawnglare's den. Actually, the latter was probably a good thing, it probably would have smelt just as gross at the ThunderClan medicine den.

It isn't long before they are greeted by a SkyClan cat, a she-cat not that much older than they are, who welcomes them warmly. Fireflykit responds first and Burnkit is also standing with them he says nothing for the moment. Which means it's her turn! "I'm Howlkit!" She greets enthusiastically. "After Howling Wind! Did you know she's the ThunderClan deputy? And she's my grandmother!"

Although it would have been polite for her to wait for Butterflypaw to respond and give her name, Howlit's attention is immediately drawn by an NPC daylight warrior nearby, the brightly coloured collar around their neck making her eyes bug out of her head as she gawks at it. "What's that thing around their neck?"

Oh, oh my gosh! Blazestars little ones are finally here, and she finally gets to meet them, how exciting! She approaches with a rumbling purr and soft, adoring eyes, curled ears perked forwards. Oh, they were all so cute! One, two, three, four, five, she coulds, oh, Blaze and Little Wolf must have their paws full! "Hola, bebés!" affection as she coos, bouncing on the tips of her paws. Two of them enthusiastically speak to Butterflypaw, which etches out a small chuckle from her throat. Then Howlkit, she thinks because thats at least who she said she was, asks about the collar around the NPC's neck, and silently she looks down at her own bow placed upon hers. "It's a collar! We wear them because they're pretty." she grins, a teasing tone in her voice. Last time she tried to tease a kit, it had gone terribly wrong.

Next she turns to Blaze, offering him an encouraging smile. "They're adorable. You're a great dad." she speaks towards her friend, blinking slowly. What a wonderful blessing indeed, so many little ones, idly she can only wonder if their visits would become less frequent as the snow begins to pile upon the earth.

Oh, how he'd been waiting for this day!

Blazestar's kits were coming today, and Greenpaw couldn't wait to meet them! He couldn't wait to befriend the leader's kits, to make allies with the future of ThunderClan. How exciting!

He awaits the litter by Churrodream's side, a gift at the ready for the newcomers. He keeps the pine cone close - one that he'd carefully chosen, made sure it was the best he could find between his lessons.

And then they arrive, all... five... of them? Well, that's a little more than he expected, but that just meant more friends!

He hurries over, pine cone cradled carefully within his teeth. Butterflypaw gets to them first - how unfair - and, perhaps its the least shy he's seen his older sister. Good for her, he decides.

"Hello!" he greets the group of kits, "I'm Greenpaw! Oh, here --" He carefully places the pine cone down between him and the kits, nudging the gift towards them as an ounce of nervousness rises within him. What if they hated it?

"I brought you a gift! It's a pine cone - there's plenty of them around here, but, your - ThunderClan's - trees are all leafy, so, I don't think you have these over there," he explains.

One of them - Howlkit - speaks about who she's named after. That Howling Wind's the deputy of ThunderClan and her grandmother. Greenpaw thumps his crooked tail on the ground at that.

"Oh! Daisyflight's my mom. Did you know that?" he tells her, before glancing over to Butterflypaw, "Hers too! There's five of us, just like you."
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It is Churrodream that answers her question, informing Howlkit that the object she was so intrigued by was called a collar. "Huh," Howlkit says, before nodding as if this all makes sense and she still wasn't as confused by it as before. Her amber eyes snap to Churrodream and the bow on her own collar. "I think yours is prettier," She tells Churrodream.

Her attention then shifts to Greenpaw and the pine cone he has brought with him as a gift. Howlkit looks at it thoughtfully for a moment before looking back up at Greenpaw and grinning. "So you have four siblings too?" She tilts her head as she speaks. "That almost makes us a matching pair! Tell me do you have brothers? Are they as smelly as mine?"
His siblings ask more questions than he does, and the attention is quick to go to them. He doesn't mind it, in fact he listens to them chat it up about the collars some cats of their father's clan wore. He doesn't see why someone would need something bulky like that on them; since it was just to make them look pretty, though..

"I want a collar! Pops, can I have a collar too?" Firefly chirps out in question, head tilting up to let closed eyelids flutter. His father was so big compared to him; would he big as well, when he was older? His tail whisps behind him, the kit kneading the ground softly. Though, Howlkit's question about 'stinky brothers' makes Fireflykit giggle away.

"The only one who's stinky is you. Mama's gonna bathe you until your fur falls off!" He teases with a toothy grin towards his sister. The gift of a pinecone is given, and Firefly lets his eyes squint open to peer at it. It was spiky, round- odd little thing to find in the forest. "That's a nice pinecone.."
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Blazestar watches Fireflykit's energized demeanor falter as the leader's apprentice approaches them. "That's Butterflypaw. She's my apprentice, and the deputy's kit," he explains to his son, nosing the kit's plush pale coat affectionately. He can see the way the little seal point ducks to hide his sensitive eyes from the light, and he frowns. Perhaps he should ask Dawnglare about that later.

Butterflypaw asks him how long the kits can stay for. Blazestar's whiskers twitch as he replies, "They will only stay for a few days, but they'll be back. SkyClan is their home just as much as ThunderClan is."

For now, though, the other kits begin to unleash themselves into the camp. Burnkit asks Blazestar which one Daisyflight is. "She's a tortoiseshell. You'll know her when you see her," he assures his son. "I'm sure she'll want to say hi, but she's SkyClan's deputy. Like Howling Wind in ThunderClan. And you know how busy she is during the day."

Little Howlkit is practically bouncing in her hazel-and-gold fur, chattering at anyone who walks by. Blazestar winks at Churrodream, who stops to talk to the kits. "I try," he purrs, voice a rumbling baritone in his chest. "They're a pawful, for sure."

Little Greenpaw approaches with shining eyes, bearing a pine cone in his white maw. Blazestar watches the young red tabby place the gift before the kits and introduces himself. "Don't think you're all avoiding baths just because Little Wolf isn't here, by the way," he gently warns Fireflykit and Howlkit. "I've got plenty of cats to help chase you down if I need to."

- ,,

A trot drew the deputy into camp as she returned from a patrol. Noisier than normal chatter from within hastened her pace, mismatched ears falling back slightly. What had been a growing frown fell away into a surprised smile at the sight of Blazestar and his little ones. Her name already on the breeze, a curt, purred trill announced her arrival.

"Who do we have here? Blaze’s strongest?" Warmth in her throat maintained the purr. Daisyflight had been anxious to see his children, to get to know the newest Skyclanners. Or- half skyclanners. Their mother would no doubt impress her own ways onto them, and she had no intention to step on the tail of that. A shame they couldn’t stay amongst the pines more often however, further from Windclan at the least.

Lifting a yarrow-paint paw to ruffle her son’s head, pleased at his friendliness, Daisyflight came up beside the new father and nodded along with his words. "Here I am to see!" She gave a mock flourish, twisting her voluminous tail behind her.

"Dreadfully busy I’m afraid. I can always find time to track you down for your grooming though, it is important." What might have appeared as teasing was laced with seriousness, though not unkindly. To her, maintaining a clean pelt was a key part of staying healthy. A knowing look was levelled at Butterflypaw and Greenpaw, having had many an open conversation about the topic with her own kits.

Having introduced herself, Daisyflight took in a steading breath. From there, she counted up each of the young cats and endeavoured to remember their faces and pelts. She could not imagine being away from her kits for periods of time as their leader had to, and planned to keep the distance between the family as short as possible. They were to be welcomed, within reason, at their borders.
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Butterflypaw's face heats up fervently as suddenly many young eyes are trained upon her. She never did like having too much attention on her, and so she fumbles with her own name, bashful eyes immediately finding the ground. Luckily, her mentor rescues her, introducing her to his children as his apprentice. She lifts her dandelion gaze again, smiling in embarrassment. Her younger brother arrives and she steps close to him, brushing her pelt against his for the sense of comfort. "It's very nice to meet all of you," She mews softly, a politeness to her tone.

She catches her mother's gaze as she arrives, a small giggle escaping her. She quite likes Daisyflight's grooming! It's soothing, and it was always her favorite part about staying in the nursery - so much grooming! Even now, she tends to seek out the blue and cream molly to share tongues in the deputy's free time.
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Fireflykit responded to her comment about her brothers being smelly, by claiming that she was in fact the smelly one. She pulls a face and looks to her father for support but to her horror tells them they wouldn't get out of having baths whilst they were here. Well that was a shame but she supposed Little Wolf wouldn't have been best impressed if they returned to ThunderClan all mucky and smelly. "Well we'll just have to hide from you then," Howlkit tells her father, a mischievous glint in her eyes. She looks to her siblings for further backup.

As they are talking, another cat appears, a short calico she-cat who they quickly learn was the aforementioned Daisyflight. Whilst she admitted she was quite busy she told them that she would always find time to hunt them down for their grooming and Howlkit did not miss the look that passed between her, Butterflypaw and Greenpaw. Perhaps this Diasyflight was not a cat to be messed with.