private turning the pages on happily ever after // flora + reveal

Jan 5, 2023

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Everything was so cruel. The world, the Gods, Starclan all had to be playing some sort of prank. This couldnt have happen. It shouldnt have happened. After everything with the twolegplace maybe things would’ve looked up to be better. To find some solace and enjoy the time of new leaf and green leaf. Yet everything was turned on its head and caused a whirlwind of panic, anger and sorrow to cascade through their body. Cream paws had been padding and pacing the grass of the twoleg fences. Not only being so close to the place again causing them outrageous fear, they needed to talk to her. She was the only one who could understand and the only one she could turn to. Though how long did it take them to come out of the twoleg nest?

Cream fur was bristling, tail lashing back and forth behind them, and they had been muttering to themselves. A tell-tale sign that they were nervous but it was intense this time. They might as well be having a conversation with themselves at this point but it would make them sound insane that was for certain. The young warrior sighed softly and shook their head slightly, looking back up to the fence and hesitated at the base of it. Flora come out soon please They thought to themselves desperately.

A few hours ago, it was nearly late morning and the sun had even full rose into the sky yet, and had come back from talking to Fireflypaw. Honeysplash had been not feeling very well since a few weeks ago. At first they thought it was allergies or some sort of cold that could come and go on their own. But then it turned into not keeping any food down, feeling so tired all the time and it was feeling like more than just some flu. So, of course, they went to Fireflypaw to ask for some medicine for the sickness- but that wasnt what they walked away with.

Panic started to clench and swish in their heart, making it harder to breathe and their head swam slightly with the feeling. Honeysplash lowered her head a bit as if she might vomit on the grass but alas nothing came up and she just felt worse than before. She stopped her pacing to sit down and shifted with the inability to sit still. Honeysplash trained her eyes on the fence before bunching up their back legs, flinching at their poor leg, and then got up on the top of the fence. Hoping if Flora could see her then she’d come out sooner. Please i need you.

  • 78199381_aoTXrQHcRsrwjrB.png
  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 29 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike // Crushing on; Flora and Chrysaliswing
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


It was a pretty well known fact that Flora liked to sleep, she was usually one of the last daylight warriors in her neighbourhood to greet the group that walk to camp together due to that. She never usually slept past dawn though, especially since the foxes… She tried to actually be up earlier these days, attempting to curb the habit. That ultimately had backfired as her body just felt more tired these days, resulting in that deeper sleep.

She was only to be disturbed out of it by a stray beam of light that peered through the windows and straight onto her face. The shift of dark to day behind her eyelids caused her to groan and subsequently wake up. With a loud yawn she stretched and stood up from her comfortable bed, she had claimed the couch last night much to the dismay of her house folk. Trying to shake her fur out so it was its usual fluffy self instead of the compressed mess that came from when she was sleeping.

Overall, Flora's morning routine was pretty average. Nothing out of the ordinary, she had found her way over to her bowl, filled with kibble for the morning. She frowned as she didn't notice her sibling around anywhere today, they must have been out already. While looking for him she had noticed a figure on the fence as she gazed out the window, at first she thought maybe it was Blue but they seemed bigger than that. Blinking the sleep out of her eyes had brought some clarity, eyes widening when it was actually Honeysplash out there!

While seeing her friend would usually cause Flora to beam in delight she found herself rushing out to meet them out of concern. The maine coon never pressed the matter but the cream warrior seemed to dance around the topic of Twolegplace. Over time she had stopped trying to get an answer, deciding it was something that she wasn't willing to push. “Nana? What are you doing here?” She found herself calling out as she poked her head outside of the little door her house folk had recently changed to fit for her. Rounding the corner to find her friend on the fence that she had spotted earlier, so it definitely wasn't a dream that she conjured with her half awake mind, Honeysplash was real and on her fence.

Long gone were the days of her getting stuck in the old one and having to pitifully wait to be pulled out. The maine coon cautiously walked towards the base of the fence, gesturing with her tail for Honeysplash to jump down beside her. “Do you want to come inside? I have some food, we could share it!” she offered in an attempt to play host. Concern evident in her voice as she noticed just how frazzled and upset her friend seemed to be, her own fur bristling in unease at the sight.


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Flora had become something of a sturdy figure in her life. She was always so chipper, so positive and always there for them. There wasnt anyone else she’d tell first than Flora but her voice felt like it was trying to swallow itself. The minute she spotted a chocolate head pop out of the cat door, the young warrior wanted to jump down and race to her. Yet her paws felt like they froze to the post and she wanted to turn tail and run. Maybe if she ran fast enough then this would leave and never have to be a thing. Though that was wistful thinking.

Flora called out to her and she straightened, forcing herself to move, and watched the Maine coon walk over to the base of the fence. The minute the gesture was even hinted at the young warrior had hopped down from the fence and onto the grass below. She looked at Flora with round, deep green eyes and she found panic swelling in her chest and making it very hard to try to talk. Everything wanted to spill from her lips yet her own fears and sorrowed kept them at bay like a dam ready to break.

Honeysplash opened her mouth again but only a squeak came from her, before her gaze adverted downward. They couldnt face this alone- someone had to know. You trust Flora. The warrior padded towards the daylight warrior and her bottom lip started to quiver. The walls she kept up around herself for moons now started to crack and crumble as if shaken by a great force. These harsh tears rolled down her face suddenly and it was like everything just dissolved into thin air.

I’m so scared F-F-loor” Honeysplash started out and her words started to cripple and waver under the rush of distraught feelings that ran through her body. Devastation even, “H-Heee’s gon- hate me” She tried again to speak and it all but was futile, and she reached her friend before her hunches dropped to the ground. Honeysplash held her head low to the ground and her shoulders hook with the intensity of her starting to cry. Starting to finally let it all out.

I-I I’m with his kits, Flora

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 29 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike // Crushing on; Chrysaliswing and Flora
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


The sudden tears had immediately set Flora into panic mode, this wasn’t the first time she’s had to comfort someone in tears but it was the first time that it had been a friend. The maine coon hated seeing others upset, while she understood that this was a natural way of life, better to let your emotions out than keep them bottled up. A tail curled up by Honeysplash’s side as Flora found herself curling beside her protectively. She figured that they would tell her if she wanted her to move at all, she expressed herself through touch and honestly she wasn’t sure how to comfort someone without it.

I-I I’m with his kits, Flora

This revelation had stumped her momentarily, maw agape with shock. She stuffed that feeling of surprise down, the last thing Honeysplash needed was an interrogation or to think that she was somehow upset over this news. It wasn’t something that should concern her, outside of being there for her friend anyways, no matter how nosy she was. “Chrysaliswing’s kits?” she had found herself asking, though she had a feeling she already knew the answer.

This felt familiar, she herself had been in a situation like this before. Finding out your bearing the kits of another all by yourself is a shocking process, she hoped that Honeysplash wouldn’t in fact be alone during this. “He’s not going to hate you” she cooed gently, nuzzling her face against their neck in an attempt to distract her. Would he? Flora didn’t actually know the tom so there was a very real possibility that he might. If he had any common sense he wouldn’t, she liked to see the best in everyone. That being said, if for some reason he hated them for something that was equally in his control then that philosophy of seeing the best in others would meet its match. The maine coon’s tail flicked in irritation at the idea, yet she willed herself to remain as neutral as she possibly could.

“You’re okay Nana, it’s okay. I’m here for you, I know it’s hard but try to not think about that right now. Can you take some deep breaths with me?” The last thing the warrior needed was for their friend that she was confiding in to freak herself out. She took a deep breath, then exhaled, hoping that Honeysplash would follow her lead. Spending a moment in silence before deciding to speak up again. “If, for some reason, and I’m not saying that this is the case. That he hates you for this, I will knock some common sense into that mouse brain.” the declaration came with a light a huff, letting herself express just a small amount of frustration.

That was short lived, taking another deep breath she sighed to herself before continuing, trying to get to the point. “No matter what, you're not alone in this. You have your kin, you have your friends, you have me. I’ve dealt with this by myself before, it sucks. So I’m not going to let you go through that alone, just say the word and I’ll be here to help.”

  • Crying
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-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- The sound of his name was almost enough for her to start bawling all over again as they tried to rear together their sobs and fears. Picking up shattered pieces she had worked so thoroughly to put up. All the moons she spent trying to protect herself and it was all in vein. It felt like it was all falling apart because- because- what if it happened again? What happens if- She felt her eyes well up and she looked at Flora as the chocolate warrior was around her now. Honeysplash found solace in burrowing her face into the warriors’ side and trying to hide from the world in her fur.

Flora states that Chrysaliswing was going to hate her, and she didnt fully believe that. He had said it was her own fault. That it was her that had tried to do something stupid and wrong. That they where the reason behind all the actions and he had done nothing to make her think otherwise. He is going to not like me even if it had been a little She thought sourly to herself and it only caused her to sniffle more.

The chocolate she-cat then requested she take deep breaths, which she tried to do but they were shuddering and harsh. Her heart pounded in her ears like she had just ran across the forest from the moorlands, and her face stung with her abhorant crying. Honeysplash breathed with the other and nodded a little at her words, trying so hard to listen and believe- Starclan did she want to believe- but her own fears clutched at her throat. Flora assures her he wont hate her and that she’d knock sense into him if he did and she did believe that one thing at least a little.

Honeysplash felt her lip quiver slightly and she adverted her green gaze down, not alone. That was what she had feared most? No- that wasnt what scared her of all things- “What if i loose them again?” She whispered softly, like it was the biggest secret anyone could utter, “I nearly lost my leg the last time-” She bit her lip and tried to keep her words inward, but she wanted to trust Flora. She wanted to tell her friend everything under the sun and not have to carry it forever on her shoulders.

The cream and white warrior leaned her forehead against Floras’ shoulder and sighed heavily, her breath shaky like she might sob a little more but at least not so heavily, her voice was barely audible as she said, “I dont want to loose them again

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 29 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike // Crushing on; Chrysaliswing and Flora
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


In hindsight she probably shouldn’t have said his name. She muttered a soft “sorry- I didn’t mean to make it worse” and curled up a little closer. Flora didn’t mind that Honeysplash had burrowed her face into her side. Small purrs emanated from her throat in an attempt to help soothe her friend. She wasn’t sure if this was helping but she hoped to StarClan that it was. Did this count as heartbreak? Surely it did, she didn’t fully comprehend the circumstances surrounding this to occur but it felt like heartbreak to the maine coon.

While breathing was a subconscious thing that anyone could do she couldn’t help but beam with pride when she heard them try their best to take deep breaths with her. “You’re doing great, just focus on breathing” she would utter other small praises while listening to the warrior try to breathe. She closed her eyes and took a moment in silence, listening the breeze trickle through the leaves around them, there was a chime somewhere in the distance. Flora absentmindedly recalls the weird sound coming from her neighbour Sandra’s twolegs toy that they seemed to enjoy hanging up.

Honeysplashes words caused her to open an eye, in confusion for a moment but quickly she understood what the molly was saying. “Oh- oh Honey…” was all she could say at first, shuffling herself so that she could rest her head on top of the warriors. Bringing a chocolate paw to rest against a cream and white paw, taking a moment to collect her thoughts; unsure of what the best approach would be.

“It’s okay to be scared about the idea of losing them, don’t let that fear hold you back though.” She briefly pauses, keeping her tail wrapped by her side. “I’m no medicine cat so I can’t help with that side of things. Stars be willing though you won’t lose them. So I know it's hard but try not to lose yourself in the what ifs. It can be dangerous to think like that, cherish and celebrate the time that you’re currently spending with these kits.”

It felt a little heavy, she wasn’t sure if she was doing this right. It was hard to try and be a comforting force when you often spend your time not thinking about things like this. It was far more important to Flora at least to spend time celebrating lives rather than worrying about if they could be lost. Adding kits to this equation is difficult though, it’s hard for a mother to not worry about that. A small chuckle filled the air, blending with the chimes in the distance “even though they’re not technically here yet, I’m sure you get what I mean.”
  • Love
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