Turtle Power || Hunting Patrol

Hunting and tracking were definitely one of his best talents. He was relieved to be assigned a hunting patrol, because he knew he could perform it well. He was even more determined to do a good job because of the state of his clan... The state of the forest, really. This illness was going to devastate them if they couldn't feed themselves, and he was going to make sure every cat in his clan had a meal today.

With his patrol he crept through the undergrowth of the oak forest with quiet paws, having caught the scent of a mouse that was somewhere nearby. Inwardly, he wished it was something bigger. If luck were on his side, it would have been a rabbit. Mice are still fine, though! He won't complain. He was happy to stalk and eventually catch his prey with no problem. Sitting back on his haunches for just a moment, he was unprepared for what happened next.

He had not seen the turtle hidden in the bush beside him, and even if he did, he wouldn't have regarded it as a threat. But this turtle decided it WANTED to be a threat. And so, it charged forth from its bush and rammed into Rabbitnose, causing him to jump.


He looked down to see the turtle coming at him again. Why was it mad at him? He continued to step out of its way as he thought about how to deal with his aggressor. Can you even eat turtles? He's never hunted one in his life.

"I didn't know turtles had the capacity for aggression..." He says to himself.​

Burnstorm had never been the type of cat who played with his food. From a young age his mother had taught he and his siblings respect for all things. Living creatures didn't only exist for their amusement or did they only exist to provide them with nourishment. They had other purposes, everything was important in the grand scheme of things. Sure, he had never been the ideal son but he was not a monster either.

On this hunting patrol, he is all business. With so many cats falling ill it was important for them to catch as much as they could, to be on the top of their game. He is searching for his own prey when he hears a strange noise. Instantly, his shaded head turns towards the sound. Immediately upon laying eyes on the scene before him he lets out a barking laugh. Really, he does not mean to, but its just so funny. Of course Rabbitnose would be accosted by a turtle of all things. "All creatures do" he says "Maybe its eggs are nearby or something" he is not sure if turtles cared about their eggs or not but if they did it could be a good reason for why the creature was attacking the way it was.