sensitive topics [ tw. blood / gore ] fly away, little cormorant. we'll always be watching you. | cormorantswoop


PFP base art by MirAnimates on DeviantArt
Mar 20, 2024
Huge paws thrummed against the ground. Not just those of a cat, but those of a dog, too. Gray-Black tabby fur raced in the forest, swerving between trees and just a flash to prey that would have been scared away away. Cormorantswoop carried on running, doing her best as to lead the dog towards the border with unclaimed territory.

''Great StarClan,'' The ThunderClanner hissed, her huge form making it harder for her to delve into bramble thickets, so she instead jumped over them. ''First wolves, now this?!'' The dog let out a howl, picking up its pace. Cormorantswoop felt its hot breath on her tail and the dog's jaws just missed it. The gray-black tabby picked up the speed, running as fast as she possibly could as she leaped a fallen tree trunk, and then another thicket of brambles. The she-cat grunted as she misstepped and landed on her side with the thud. The dog leaned over her, and Cormorantswoop lashed out with a paw, hissing with satisfaction and she felt the flesh of its nose split in beneath her claws.

Scrambling to her paws, Cormorantswoop winced with pain as she realized the dog had opened a nasty gash in her flank. The ThunderClanner stumbled backward, but retained her balance. The massive tabby arched her back, pelt fluffing out to make her look twice her size. However much Cormorantswoop had wanted it to be, the dog wasn't fazed and it let out a snarl. The warrior's ears flattened, her eyes narrowing to slits with fear. Cormorantswoop didn't want help, though she knew she needed it. She lifted her head to the sky and let out a shriek, hoping that one - or even multiple - of her Clanmates heard her.

He smelled the dog before he heard Cormantswoop. Foul, stinking things, dogs. He broke into a run, barreling towards the scent, his pace only quickening at Cormantswoop’s call for help.

The she-cat entered his view, her pelt fluffed out in alarm as she swiped at the seemingly unfazed dog. A low growl rumbling in his throat, Tybalt leapt up on it from behind, sinking his teeth into its neck and reaching forward to hook his claws into its face and drag down through the tender flesh.

The dog let out a yelp of surprise, staggering backwards as it tried to throw off its unseen assailant.

Tinystorm was trying to make it back to camp as quickly and quietly as she could. An ugly smell was in the air. She hated dogs. There were safety numbers, and Tinystorm was not about to attack the dog first. That goal was short-lived when she heard the scream and Tybalt take off a tree lengths away. Just the three of them wouldn't scare a dog away, let alone if there were multiple; they needed more warriors. Tinystorm wasn't willing to leave her clanmates to face a potential deadly threat alone. She took a deep breath and hollered, "Dog! There's a dog!" The grey cat had blown her cover, but she didn't care any longer, taking off in the direction that the other light brown warrior had gone.

The scene was dreadful; Cormorantswoop was already bleeding, but at least for now, Tybalt was holding their own, claws sinking into the dog's face. The dog had back up into her waiting teeth that sank into its back leg. She had to let go sooner than she'd like; the dog jumping away from her teeth. At least it made space between the dog and Cormorantswoop. "Are you okay? Can you move?" Tinystorm called as she rushed over to her clanmate's side.

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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Asterfrost was already on the scene by the time Tinystorm had hollered for help. There was no mistaking that wretched howl from the foul things that stole his beauty from him. I will make all of your kind pay for Emberstar. For my damn eye!

The lithe tom wouldn't stand a chance dangling onto the dog's pelt like Stagstrike, though. His best bet was utilizing his thin frame and quick reflexes. With an angered hiss, Asterfrost took the opportunity to nip at the dog's heels while Stagstrike clung to its back, confusing the stupid thing. "Send it back howling to its masters!" the warrior snarled. In, out, in, out, and weave - he was doing all he could to nip at the dog's legs, sinking his fangs in wherever the opportunity provided, and avoiding its own staggering steps and claws.

  • 2-1.png
  • ASTERFROST he/him, thunderclan warrior, 44 moons.
    of kittypet origins. family unknown.
    chocolate tabby/lilac smoke chimera w/ high white.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Her Clanmates joining in on the battle gave Cormorantswoop the strength she needed. ''I'm okay!'' The dark warrior called out to Tinystorm, who had been checking on her. The ThunderClanner's flank was oozing blood, and it rolled down her pelt, drying in clumps in her fur. Turning back to the dog, she narrowed her eyes down to slits, fluffed up her pelt to make her look twice her size (though she's already large enough), and arched her back, hissing. Racing forward, Cormorantswoop lashed out with a forepaw, her claws raking the dog's flank and opening a serious wound. The dog let out a howl of pain as cats clambered all over it. The large gray-black tabby slunk beneath the dog, raking her claws skillfully down its belly. She then slipped out from under and reared onto her hind paws, giving the dog a sharp jab in its shoulder with a huge paw. A clever blow - one that would numb her and her Clanmates' attacker's leg temporarily and send it tumbling to the ground.

As her opponent crashed to the forest floor, the massive tabby jumped onto its back, tearing out tufts of fur and opening wounds as she raked it with her hind claws, her front claws dug deep in the dog's shoulders. The dog howled and threw the dark warrior off. A snarl of rage rose in her throat, and she called out to Tybalt / Stagstrike. ''Go for the eyes!'' The warrior then turned to Tinystorm and Asterfrost. ''Both of you, pick a flank and stick with it. This dog will either be killed, or it'll flee and run to its Twolegs. I'll take it's tail. This way, it will be surrounded on all four sides.''
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