sensitive topics [ TW: BLOOD ] keep your claws off of me | bluespark


New member
Mar 13, 2024
Blue-Gray and white fur swerved between the trees of the pine forest, paws thrumming against the ground. A stocky she-cat was leaping fallen tree trunks and herds of bramble thickets as she led a fox away from ShadowClan's camp. Tail thrashing in the wind behind her, Bluespark picked up the pace, racing towards the Thunderpath - ShadowClan's border with ThunderClan. She stopped just short of the bushes, holding her stance. Head and tail held high, Bluespark flattened her ears against her head and dug her claws into the earth beneath her, baring her teeth in the beginnings of a snarl as the ShadowClanner faced the fox.

Bluespark narrowed her eyes as the fox lunged at her, and the warrior reared back on her hind paws, lashing out with her forepaws to catch her attacker across its snout. The fox let out a yelp of surprise, its dark eyes flashing with rage. Snarling, the fox lunged forward once more, able to land a blow on Bluespark's back. Hissing, the ShadowClanner kicked out with her hind legs, her claws opening deep gashes in her opponent's chest and shoulders. Bluespark's ears perked up and swiveled in the direction of her Clanmates' battle cries, feeling her own blood rolling down her back and through her fur.

Thank StarClan!

[ ''speech'' // thoughts // attack / defense ]
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With the courage of someone who had nothing to lose, the cinnamon tabby burst through the undergrowth with a permanent snarl frozen upon her features. Memories of flashing teeth and an apprentice's blood upon the snow fuelled Ferndance forwards - six moons had passed since Sprucepaw had died protecting her kittens from a fox, and the presence of another set the quiet she-cat's blood alight. It was not just protecting those apprentices that drove her forward, revenge for someone who'd given their life for hers was just as much of a motive as she leaped. Landing upon the fox's back, her claws sunk into the haunches of the canine, the snarl that pierced her ears as a result sounded more like a monster's roar to someone who could hear their heartbeat in their ears.

When the fox shook, she jumped off of it willingly, spinning around as soon as she landed to protect her tail from a bite. Seeing a fox's face again, jaws locked around thin air and eyes full of hunger, Ferndance felt their mouth briefly grow dry. 'You took my friend's family.' Roosterstrut, bless his heart wherever it may be now. 'You took Sprucepaw.' The responsibility on her shoulders had never gone away. 'I don't very much like you!' Claws swiped at its face but the fox avoided as nimbly as a cat would, eliciting a frustrated snarl from Ferndance as she leapt back. "The eyes!" She called to her clanmate as held her ground, ears pinned back. "Go for the eyes!" It'd been why Sprucepaw's fox had let her live, with any luck, this one would be just as compliant.

Catching Ferndance's eye, Bluespark gave her a nod of acknowledgement - a signal she had heard her Clanmate. With a lash of her tail, the ShadowClanner raced forward and slunk beneath the fox, using a paw to expertly rake its belly while the other paw knocked it down. Bluespark jumped out of the way as the fox crashed to the ground. Taking advantage of the situation, Bluespark lunged forward and opened a deep wound in her attacker's flanks, then used a hind paw to rake the fox's gaze, managing to take the sight of one its eyes.
The screeches and scent of blood practically smack the she-cat in the fact, interrupting her hunt - not that she'd been on the trail of anything, anyhow. She jerks around, alarm painted across her face as she calls for her apprentice, "Sweetpaw! This way!" From what she can tell, there's a predator here, or else one of her clanmates is extremely smelly. The torbie bounds forward with a burst of speed, expertly weaving between trees with memorized locations. The sounds of battle grow louder, and soon enough she can quite easily recognize the stench of fox. Her kit has never faced a fox. Today, he would learn. "Use your weight, Sweetpaw!" She hollers at the young cat before slamming into the beast - she's not sure where she's hit it, but she hopes it'll bruise.

// apprentice tag @Sweetpaw
you can count on me

Hemlocknose heard the commotion near the thunderpath. StarClan, what is going on over there? He thought, abandoning his stealthy approach of a frog. Bursting into the small clearing to see several cats against a fox, he braced himself. It's sharp yelp stung his ears. He lunged forward and raked his own claws down it's muzzle while it lay before jumping back to watch it's next move. He kept a vigilant eye on Sweetpaw, just in case.

Emberpaw, very nearly a warrior by this point, shivered as her clan mates fought. She’d been drawn by the screams, her heart pounding, and the scent of blood sent paralyzingly nausea into her belly. Copper. Pain. Fear. Death. She needed to step in, needed to run for help, at least. But she only stared as fur and flesh blurred. Thankfully, the fox seemed out matched. Her clan mates tagged it from all sides, and it’s position was hopeless.​
Claws ripped at russet fur as Bluespark lashed out, swipe after swipe. Fox whines and howls filled the air and Bluespark let out a yowl of triumph. Blue eyes blazing with victory as her Clanmates joined in, the ShadowClanner gave each and every one of them a nod of acknowledgement. The young warrior Sank her teeth in her attacker's scruff, drawing blood. Howling in pain, the fox shook her off. Was that fear in its gaze?

''Drive it towards the brambles!'' Bluespark yowled, lashing her tail. ''It's injured, but it isn't willing to give up. Perhaps thorns will help us defeat it.''