no angst Tweedle-De {Silly time} Tweedle-Dum



WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————

Lilypad was excited. Not that it made her mood any different from any other day, but in the brown tabby's mind today was extra special. And why, you ask? Because today was the day she had promised Barleypaw and the others how to find and gather honey. She had known it was the day because of the humming of bumblebees that had remained constant near camp for about a week now. Surely there would be a hive nearby.

She had invited many other cats to join them, hoping that they could extend the fun by going hunting or even battle sparing afterward, but that was of course dependant on whoever else had answered her call to join her and the apprentice. Trotting through the forest, she would turn to Barleypaw and meow warmly, "First thing you gotta know about finding a hive, is to know where to look!" She would stop in her walking and look over her shoulder to her friends and clanmates, "Any cat here know where to find one?"

She knew the answer of course, but it was no fun if she was the only teacher when there were so many others around to also share their how-tos.

@barleypaw. @Goldenpaw! @FROGLEG @Stumpybounce @Roeflame . @Burninggaze

feel free to post before those tagged! This is just a fun silly thread for characters to let lose and relax for a bit.

[penned by zaeya - ]
Barkjaw was no fan of honey. In truth, he was no fan of bees, or most any bug. Their bugging buzzing bustling served only to bother him– and to make his skin crawl, even if they do not quite touch him. When he doesn't think about them too much, everything is fine. Yet the second they are brought to his attention, there is no ignoring the squirming. LIlypad says hive and Barkjaw shudders all the way down his spine. Right up to a sharp flicking of his tail and a shake of his head. He has been on the receiving end of one hive's overprotective nature before. That the molly would willingly bring others along to this disaster zone does little to quell his worries of their safety, or her own damned competence.

With a low noise that speaks wholly of Bark's displeasure and quiet unease, he signals @STORMYPAW to follow along. "For StarClan's sake, why'd you want to find one o' those on purpose? If you need a bite, I'm sure Berryheart would have you covered. No need to go risking all that trouble."

  • ooc:
  • ──── barkjaw, with bark referring to his dark coloration, and jaw to his acidic words as well as his debilitating bite.
    ──── warrior of thunderclan, and previous member of the marsh group. strong dislike for other clans, though he is not cruel.
    ──── uses he - him only, and will not respond to anything else. single, despite a lightly flirtatious nature.

    a surprisingly short chocolate tabby, though with a powerful stance and solid build that projects a greater size in competency. his eyes are pale and harsh, an intense light mint.
  • "speech"

Even before he had inherited the mantle of a medicine cat, Berryheart had been a connoisseur of honey-collecting. Many a day had been spent, in the fickle and unorganised days of his childhood, pursuing pearls of wisdom. One such nugget was the perfect way to gather honey- or, at least, the way that worked best for Berryheart. When word skipped upon the wind of a patrol of warriors seeking the sweet, sticky substance... it was not distaste that beckoned the tortoiseshell forth, but rather interest.

Ever the silent observer, the tom's uneven gaze lingered upon the small group, his own name mentioned by Mint-eyes. Expectantly, he looked over at the gathering that Tiny had assembled. "I will observe your method." Spoken levelly, his interest was clear in the swivel of his ears and the tautness of his whiskers. Not often was Berryheart entirely enraptured in something, but the signs were difficult to miss when they were there.

A lithe apprentice, long legs, and slim form. Aqua eyes contrasting a brown and black pelt, with white as if she was dipped in a can of paint feet first.

She had a head on her shoulder and she knew it very well herself, but she always wanted to learn more. And bees were intriguing creatures. always kept her distance from them, hearing of their stings being painful.

And then there were wasps, some that burrowed in the ground. Mud wasps , and they would sting even if one surrendered.

"Usually bee nests are found around wildflower areas! And in trees." she piped up, her voice excited as she hoped she was right.

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This had to be the stupidest idea he'd ever seen Lilypad have. A nest? Of stinging, vengeful creatures and she wanted to find them? Goldenpaw shook his head rather incredulously then glanced to Barkjaw as the tom stated that this was a bad idea verbally, questioning why she'd want to find them in the first place. He couldn't help but agree with Barkjaw, and then Berryheart piped up shortly after with a rather curious inclination to Lilypads' methods. A sigh left his nose as someone didn't seem to be the rational one here, but when she asked where to find them the tom opened his mouth to speak as if she'd asked if the sky was blue. Though Barleypaw was the next one to speak with the right answer and this made him twitch his tail in annoyance.

"Why do you wanna find them anyway, Lil? Looking for some new torture method?" The golden apprentice questioned back with a flick of his tail, "This is just asking for a swollen paw or more from stingers," Goldenpaw wasn't one to normally be against something like this, but he was not one for pain. Usually he'd take up Lilypad and make it into a competition or something of the nature but being stung by bees? He'd rather eat nettles for a moon.

He squared his shoulders slightly and lifted his head as he responded to Barleypaw, "Though you'd be right, they're pollinators, so they'd be over were the pollen is. Hence wildflowers or trees," He spoke matter-o-factly, feeling very confident in his answer despite him might being wrong/
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————

"We can't always leave the burden of gathering things on Berryheart, Barkjaw." Lilypad would respond as she trotted towards their destination. "What if they get stuck in camp and need someone to gather honey one day for them while they are tending to a wounded clanmate? Knowing the basics of where to find things and how to get them is important."

Her hazel eyes would glitter with further excitement as Berryheart himself choose to join them and at his words a tingle of determination would run through her small body, now she really couldn't let this lesson go to waste! She would give the medicine a nod of respect and a bright smile before looking to Barleypaw as she answered her first question. Her tail would wave behind her in approval and she opened her maw to praise her; but then Goldenpaw spoke and she gave him an incredulous look before shooting him a smile that was mockingly sweet, "You didn't have to come if you're scared of a little bee sting, Goldenpaw."

Turning back to Barleypaw she would continue, "You're right about them being found around flowers! But, the bees I'm talking about actually like being underground! I saw some crawling from a whole near some tree roots a few days ago, and that's exactly where we are going. And, they let me get pretty close to the hive as long as I moved slowly. Just be patient and graceful, so the opposite of Golden back there."

[penned by zaeya - ]

Lilypad’s energy was always contagious, her excitement a plague upon the very sloth-like state Frogleg always found himself in at times. Having been friends for so long though, he’d feel lost without it. She had a way of blooming confidence and courage, restoring it where it lay dormant.

He moves like a mantis, legs swiveling around each other with a lazy dance as he follows the patrol. Umber eyes narrowed and unseeing upon the oak canopies, he trips over a small stone or two but it’s hardly here nor there. any cat know where to find one . Barkjaw speaks his disproval with an apprentice in tow. Frogleg frowns at the back of the short tabby’s head, " it’ll be ight " he offers nonchalantly.

Lilypad and Goldenpaw are bantering lightly, Frogleg sighs and aims to place a paw between the molly’s shoulders. " hey we’re warriors now lil’ roach. No arguin’ with the kids " he chuckles as she threw a bit of shade to Goldenpaw.

" wait did you say underground bees? " Frogleg shakes his head, " you chose the tallest guy to take on an underground mission " he jokes with an unimpressed slack-jaw stare towards his friend.

  • Haha
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