private twenty-something socialist | clover

Dec 3, 2022
Smudged chocolate paws brought the stocky warrior back through the gorse tunnel of ThunderClan camp. He stepped aside and nodded to his patrol members, taking a moment to speak an encouraging word to one of the apprentices who had identified stale fox scent. He watched them disperse into their dens and various crannies of the camp and sighed contently. Dewfang raised his head to the sky, noting that the sun was at its height, smiling warmly on the frost-freed ground.

The warrior crossed the camp to reach the nursery and he bent his elbows deeply in order to peer through the brambles. "Clover?" He rasped, lowering his body completely to the ground now and tucking his legs underneath his chest. "I've got something for you. All the way from the Thunderpath." Dewfang purred.

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Who are you really?

As the sun grew at its highest, Clover still waited in patience for Dewfang's return to camp, sunflower eyes staying locked onto the enerance of the nursery walls while the younger kits whom were forced to keep inside played about, long black ears stayed perked as the rustling of the entrance caught her attention and they'd blink slightly as Dewfang's raspy voice made its appearance, talking about how they had found something on the thunderpath and that was what got the little kit to perked onto their paws.

"You went all the way down to the thunderpath? Was it scary?" she would asked in a curious tone as she padded closer to the warrior with a round look in their tiny gaze, she would want to hear all about it but Dewfang had said he had gotten something and she paused slightly "er...what did you get?" another question jumped from her lips, something normal from kits, and yet she still attempted to try and limit the questions to the best she could, yet this seemed more of a necessary question than that of a foolish one of course.
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Dewfang grinned, tucking his chin into his light chest-fur. "Not as scary as meeting a WindClan cat." He purred jokingly, uncurling one of his paws to rest in front of his laying body. He looked over the kit to make sure nothing was amiss. When he was satisfied, he relaxed again and twitched his ears to listen to her.

"As you know, new-leaf is coming, and the plants are starting to grow again. I saw this." He carefully lowered his head to tease out a single clover flower that he had hidden between his toes. The method of transport had bent one of the leaves slightly, but he was much more pleased with it than the alternative of carrying such a delicate thing in his mouth.

"I thought of you, Clover, and wanted to bring it back." He smiled.​