Nov 17, 2022
"See that reed patch over there? Give me a few stalks."

Ravenpaw instructed the brown tabby tom from his elegantly seated position by the apprentice den. Pine was a curious thing—his eagerness to contribute to Clan life ought to be admired. He was nothing like Ravenpaw when he first joined. His kitty-pet ancestry was a source of scorn to the other Clanborn cats. He wished to go back, but with tensions rising, loyalty being questioned, and his brother staying here, Ravenpaw had to wait it out until leaf bare was over. He wondered if he would ever get a warrior name.

"Right, that's it." He shook himself out of his thoughts as he waited for Pine to come over. He had a pile of feathers at his paws.

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"nothing but pain on the edge of a knife"

Pine gently bit through the bottom of the reeds, carrying them back to Ravenpaw as quickly as he could. He’d been surprised when the black tom had offered to teach him how to help around camp, but had immediately said yes. The tabby was still wary of the older cat, but found himself looking at the ground less; he still never made eye contact, though, for that would have surely invoked Ravenpaw’s ire.

Curious, Pine set the reeds down, looking at the feathers by Ravenpaw’s feet and waiting for instruction.

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Ravenpaw noticed the wariness Pine had around him. Although the tabby was not making eye contact, the black cat's eyes remained wide and staring at every move. He was only a few months Pine's senior, but he had never been in this position before—unofficially teaching another a skill for the first time.

"Thank you." He mewed, leaning his head down to pick up the reeds with his teeth. He placed them down at his feet and set his paws to work. "Watch closely as I weave it." Ravenpaw instructed, unsheathing his claws and slowly braiding the two in a way together. He was naturally talented at this, as he had extra toes on his front paws, giving him more dexterity.

After a bit, he stepped back and looked at his half-woven piece of nest. "Now, would you like to try?" He inquired, eyes round.​

"nothing but pain on the edge of a knife"

Pine stared at Ravenpaw’s paws as he worked the reeds together into the edge of a nest. When asked to do the same, the tabby took two from the ground and slowly tried to copy the dark apprentice’s work. When he finished, his looked more like the feathers than like the half-finished nest. Pine quickly rushed over, biting off a mouthful of reeds and depositing them in front of the older cat. He nearly looked Ravenpaw in the eyes when he said “Show me again” and sat down, watching intently.

✦ ★ ✦
Ravenpaw blinked as Pine copied his method. The finished product was not quite up to par with Ravenpaw's technique, but this was only Pine's first attempt. Ravenpaw sighed. If this how it was like to have an apprentice, then he would not quite be looking forward to it.

"It was fine for a first piece." He mewed, ears flicking as he watched the younger tom dart off to get more reeds. Taking the stalks Pine had fetched, Ravenpaw repeated his method, kneading and weaving the reeds not to tightly but not loose enough should they fall apart. "Where did you come from, Pine?" He asked, curious.​

"nothing but pain on the edge of a knife"
Pine stiffened a little when Ravenpaw asked, tilting his head down. ”A place nothing like this one,” the tom murmured. ”It was all pain and orders there. One step out of line and…” The tabby shuddered, trailing off. He looked like a kit in this moment, all shrunken in on himself. ”I’m glad to be here.” Pine worked up all the courage he had and forced himself to look the apprentice in the eye. ”I never was part of anything there. But here…” he paused, looking around the camp. ”Here I think I could be something. Something bigger than myself. Something happy.”

ooc // realized it sounds like he's from wind lol but no
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