border twenty-two days and twenty-one nights // shadowclan border patrol


Ternstar 26 Moons Female She/Her Leader of Shadowclan

—— " Smell that? " lilting voice is gentle, despite its lack of warmth - paws pausing in their tracks. "That is the thunderpath. It serves as the border between Windclan and our home, " she says quietly. There has not yet been much time for territory lessons with her son, so instead she takes the moment to teach. " Never stray to close - and never attempt to cross it without me, " They will come back eventually, to learn more and perhaps pick carrion for bones, but today they have other things in mind.

Pressing forwards again, the border comes into view, and she hums - the sight of windclans own approaching patrol is hard to miss with their lack of cover. " Behave, " is the only warning she gives - this time not meant just for Rainbowpaws ears, as gaze narrows sharply upon Snowlark and Screechstorm. Baiting Thunderclan is one thing - she will not stand for rekindling hostilities with Windclan.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

E V E R Y B O D Y - W A N T S - T O - B E - M Y - E N E M Y


The little apprentice tries not to make a face when smelling the other clan. It smelled wet, but not wet int he way that River Clan or rain did - this was more muggy. It reminded her of her dreams in a dark forest, lost and all alone. But she is respectful. Unaware of who the white coated molly is that holds her head so high, but respectful nonetheless.
She dips her head, not fully, but enough to let Mallowtail know that she had taken their recent conversation about respecting other clans to heart.
"Hello. I'm Wasppaw. I helped Sharpshadow a few moons ago when one of your clan mates needed help -" Unnecessary information, but hopefully something to further improve Wind Clan's relationship with the fowl-smelling clan. Sootspot's harsh and brutal comments on patrols such as these had only served to hurt that relation. Perhaps Wasppaw could help reestablish it for the betterment of Wind Clan, or at the least, been seen as a cat doing so. " - how does Shadow Clan fare?"

  • ooc//

    mentor tag|| @Mallowtail

  • 94346530_FkrDi0EEYWA3TvK.png
  • WASPPAW SHE/HER, Wind Clan apprentice, 16 moons. || Mentored by Mallowtail
    A small, long legged copy of her father, Snakehiss.
    Daughter of Snakehiss and Berrysnap || Sister to Laurelpaw, Rowanpaw, and Viperpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted || underline and tag when attacking
    speech is #ffe79b || Thoughts are #ffdc6d
    penned by Keee || Milksoda on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
  • WHAT
Reactions: Sloane
Rainbowpaw trails after his mother without much of a word simply observing and paying attention to each lesson that she provides him, he will lap up at any new information given to him like fresh water. His dark eyes focusing on the asphalt river that parted the territories of both Shadowclan and Windclan, the Thunderpath, despite its foul scent and the small bits of gore that he could make out from where he is... He doesn't think he would ever disobey Ternstar and wander out here by himself though he's curious of what there is on the Thunderpath that could be gifts from the monsters that rush through, his thoughts are interrupted when his mentor tells him to behave and he gives a curt nod "Of course."

The Windclan patrol approaches with a black and white molly approaching and decides to introduce herself as Wasppaw only to state that she had helped Sharpshadow with a clanmates several moons ago, Rainbowpaw's whiskers twitch with disinterest for this apprentice, and he could care less about what this older apprentice has to say. What did she want? Repayment for the debt of helping someone from Windclan? He practically has to lightly nibble on his tongue to refrain from saying anything sharp and recalling that he was told to behave, he didn't want to embarass his mother though he can't help but steal a glance in the direction of Cornflowerpaw.

He isn't certain if she will make sure to keep her sharp tongue in check but she isn't his problem, no, Houndcry could have fun dealing with the tabby apprentice and he blinks his earthy toned eyes in the direction of Wasppaw once more. The rather boring apprentice has already lost his attention and interest as she continues to ask how Shadowclan's faring, the two-toned tom's feathery tail sweeps behind him once only to answer in a blunt voice "Peachy. We're just peachy." Hopefully, that answer is satisfactory enough for Wasppaw.

☄. *. ⋆

ㅤcis male (he / him)ㅤ/ㅤasexual biromantic, taken by n/a
ㅤ6 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 8th of the month
ㅤapprentice of shadowclan for 0 moons
ternstar x snakehissㅤ/ㅤbrother to cornflowerpaw & ivorykit
ㅤmentoring n/aㅤ/ㅤmentored by ternstar
ㅤpenned by BossTaurusㅤ/ㅤmessage bosstaurus on discord for plots!
"speech", thoughts, & attacking ; uses his large size to try and overpower his enemies, he currently doesn't have a set fighting style
a large, longhaired black maine coon moggy w/low white and a pair of brown eyes

cornflowerpaw hardly pays attention when her mother speaks. it's nothing to do with her and everything to do with the fact that she simply is learning to not care so much. her paws carry her beside her mentor who makes a comment to her quietly, making her ears twitch in acknowledgement.

"thunderpath is quiiite dangerous. so don't cross it... unless you enjoy a bit of a challenge, hm?"

cornflowerpaw looks to the older warrior and only huffs before nodding her head, turning back to the patrol. she can see the way that her brother glances at her when her mother says to behave. her tail lashes and she only rolls her eyes, following after her mentor who is teaching her the proper way to mark the borders. her ears angle as she looks over at the apprentice across the border with disinterest in her gaze. rainbowpaw speaks and yet again she finds herself annoyed and bored all the same. her head turns away and she makes a comment under her breath which seems to make her mentor laugh.

"rabbit-brained weirdos. we don't need help from those freaks."

it's not meant to be heard by anyone but honestly she wouldn't care if they did hear. she simply is just not in the mood to be social, and probably never would be. especially with a windclanner.


Frozenpaw lingers near Snowlark's side, his ears pricked with cautious curiosity as Wasp-paw speaks. He remembers her…not well, but enough. Their first patrol had been uneventful, but she'd been...nice. Calm, thoughtful in the way she asked questions. Not like some of the other apprentices who always seemed ready to sharpen their claws on anyone outside their own clan. He shuffles his paws, feeling suddenly self-conscious. The easy way she speaks makes him wish he had something as confident to say. Instead, he glances briefly at his mentor, seeking silent permission before stepping just slightly forward. The younger apprentices were being less-than-friendly, and he remembers what Snowlark told him before, so he sees so reason to be rude to their neighbors.

"Um." His voice comes out quieter than he means it to, but he forces himself to meet the WindClanner's gaze. "I remember you. From before." He hesitates, tail flicking nervously behind him. "ShadowClan is...we're alright. It's been busy." That's a safe answer, right? Not too much, not too little. War does constitute as being busy. So does a rotted fresh-kill pile. A small, uncertain pause follows before he adds shyly, "How's WindClan?"

The patrol's set of new apprentices means Screechstorm has to listen to the same speech he's heard at least once a moon since Chilledstar had bestowed it upon him.

As expected, a lesson on how dangerous the Thunderpath is, on how to never step foot on it reaches his ears as the patrol nears the thick-scented border. This sort of thing is something the warrior would typically roll his eyes at, if it weren't for his own near death-experience on it.

His own stupidity — his own lack of attention, his ego, and desire to prove himself over a bird — is proof enough of how dangerous the Thunderpath can be. If it weren't for his brother, he wouldn't live to tell the tale... or, rather, keep silent about it as the memory of bright light rushing towards him plays in his head. He doesn't want to be used as this lesson's example.

The edge of warning in Ternstar's voice causes Screechstorm to look up. It is a jolting movement; he half-expects someone to have strayed too far onto the dark path before them, for a monster to come zooming past. But the leader looks toward him, toward Snowlark. Behave. His footing refound, Screechstorm flicks his tail in response.

" I always do, don't I? " the warrior answers, a crooked smile pulled on his face, feigned politeness at the ready despite mischief alight in his gaze. Screechstorm then sets off, getting straight to work on remarking the borders — and paying close attention to where his paws lie.


Named after his birth-given warning cry, Screechstorm appears in shadowed tones — save for splotches of orange that litter his left side. His mismatched green gaze almost always carries a mischievous glint, a crooked grin in tandem. Scars wrack his sides, a harsh reminder of his near-reckless nature.


He / Him ⋅ Single
Warrior of ShadowClan
Forestshade x ???
Brother to Briarthorn, Sweetpaw †
Mentoring no one ⋅ Mentored by Chilledstar
Penned by Abri ⋅ Message _abri_ on discord for plots!