camp twice shy. intro


weather changes moods
Nov 27, 2023
She hadn't been able to wander out of the nursery in a minute since her grayed pelt bled away into soft yellows and whites. Revealing her curiously plain pelt in comparison to her other sibling's more intricate patterns. Foggy memories of soft smells and happy voices filled the spaces in her mind, but so did the aches of fevers of chilled nights. Life hadn't started out as the best in Thornkit's case. It seemed most of those troubles were in the past now. Now her head was occupied by the fact her siblings still hadn't been found. The first few nights without them had felt like a vacation. Now it was a nightmare that ticked onward without a break. Thornkit had begun stargazing as a means to pass the time. Silently hoping that just maybe they were looking at the same stars together. That maybe their mom was keeping a close eye on them.

Already the blonde she-kit felt like she was forgetting the faces of Halfkit and Tanglekit. Something that scared her far more than she could've ever imagined. Attempting to understand it all, she felt an overwhelming sense of solitude. Hiding away when most kittens her age would be bumbling and tumbling about. One Queen in particular was determined to get the kit out of her slump. She made quick work of chasing Thornkit from her corner and out of the nursery. Lacing her heckling with encouraging words and a firm push to the chimera's rump. Miffed, she was now sitting right outside the mouth of the nursery. Another sharp 'hmmph' made Thornkit begrudgingly walk a few more paces into the camp clearing.

Taking extra care not to pass the set boundary, but far enough, the Queen would stop pestering her. Talking was hard and without her littermates, it felt all the more pointless. Sure, she had older siblings, but half the time Thornkit could barely muster the courage to speak. The molly had even gone so far as to intentionally hide from them. Truthfully, she just wanted each day to end faster than the last, in hopes one day she would wake up beside them again. Praying that her naps and hidden corners would be enough of a distraction from the voids left in her heart. For now, she would absently smack around a small pebble. One that lacked any significant markings or colors. Just a regular gray dollop on the ground below being batted at.

//Feel free to interact! She's currently moping and playing with a pebble outside of the nursery.
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———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
One of Smogmaw's kits, was it? Scalejaw's brain was all over the place lately. Granitepelt forcing a spar with Applepaw and Flintpaw. The missing kits. Smogmaw's depression- which, by the way, what he had said was still bugging her to bits. A hunt completed, one that she had drug her apprentice along for, she dropped her catch on the smaller pile. She eyed the freshkill pile, before lifting her head towards the quiet drops and clicks of the pebble.

Scalejaw approached, facial features relaxing. She had held a soft spot in her chest for those kits since Halfshade had died. For a minute there, with all of the commotion of missing cats and dying cats to Yellowcough, then the rogues? It had been nuts- but she had always made time to poke her head in the nursery to ensure the kits were still around.

Until they weren't.

She swallowed that thought, smiling quietly at Thornkit and settled on the ground near the kit- not so close as to spook her. "Hello, Thornkit. How are you feeling today?" Her voice was nothing like it was towards Flintpaw, or even her own children now- no, she was soft toned and warm, head inclined gently.

[penned by dallas].

You've wasted your life, but thanks for applying

Snowkit all but understand the pain filled feeling that Thornkot felt. The two having some things in common yet, that was also where it broke off. Thornkit had lost only her mother to yellowcough, still she had a father. She also had lost her siblings, yet she had more that she didn't approach or made attempts to. Snowkit's pale yellow eyes bore into the other pale kit wondering if she should approach the other while hesitancy sat in her chest.

The two had stuff in common, right? They lost parents, so...Thornkit and her were the same, yet why did she find it complicated in approaching the other? Yet, before Snowkit could even settle on the idea of approaching, another appear. Scalejaw, an older warrior and recognizable as she remembered seeing the other a few times coming in and out of the nursery to check in on Thornkit and her siblings until... the day the others went missing of course.

A huff slip from her chest and she silently approached with hesitant pawsteps before finding a spot on the other side of the bigger she-kit, her gaze watching the two while keeping an eye out for a certain red pelt of a kit.