twilight woods | melisandre


untamed 10-04-23
Oct 1, 2022
If you don't like me, that's your problem
Citrine eyes gaze upon the starry expanse above now that night has fallen. Ebony paws remain tucked beneath curly fur to conserve warmth, while her tail wraps around her side. A multitude of things plagued her mind. Shadowclan was starving, the attempted raid on thunderclan was practically a bust, and it was becoming harder to spend time with Starlingheart because of Granitepaw. Not to mention her concern over Burnpaw, the tom lived in an enemy clan, thunderclan to be exact. His wellbeing should not be on her mind and still, an airy sigh slips from her maw. With all the chaos crashing down around her she held comfort in knowing that one of her desires came true. Her mother returned to her and that was a miracle in itself. The soft sound of sodden pawsteps draw her attention away from the stars briefly. "Hey mom." The girl whispers, greeting the ivory shaded molly with a low rumbling purr. "What do you think of the clan so far?" She asks, tipping her head back to get a better look at the femme. (@MELISANDRE)
When I let it bother me, that's my problem

Her days are spent learning, that much is certain but at least she has a warm nest to come back to when the day is over with. She really just wants to catch up with her daughter and figure out just what she has been doing She has her opinions of the denizens but she mainly keeps that to herself at the current moment. With a sigh she settles herself beside Tornadopaw and she lightly swipes her tongue over the top of her head. The question makes her pause before she frowns just a small amount. "Well...if I have to be honest they are most certainly not fun at parties. I'm trying my best to be cordial with them but they like to assume what they know of me." It actually makes her mildly annoyed and yet she finds herself not clinging to that emotion too much.

Because if she has to be honest with herself not a single one of them matters to her. The only one she came here for was her daughter. She found her and she will be damned if she loses her again. Tucking her paws underneath herself the woman smiles a little. "So you are an apprentice. Who is your mentor and are they treating you well? I wish i could help you with this but my methods are a little different."