twilight woods | windclan patrol

Ire still burns within his belly as the group nears the border of Thunderclan's domain. His mind still lingered on why Scorchstreak called him out when there were a plethora of other warriors to choose from. His tail lashed, the quick snappy movement aiding in pushing the problem from his mind. For now, he needed to focus on marking the borders so they could return home. Mismatched paws trampled through the final remains of ash and soot upon reaching the border. The grass here was still as lush as he remembered and would become again in time once new life pushed past charred debris.

Slowing to a halt he casts a glance over his shoulder, eyeing the two warriors and singular apprentice in tow. "You all know what to do." The brute drawls before facing forward again. They didn't need to be reminded. At least they shouldn't. His gaze skimmed the dense underbrush as he prayed Thunderclan would not come sticking their noses around to interact with them. Tufted ears flattened at the possibility as he made his way toward a patch of heather, brushing against it to leave his scent behind. (@GRAVELSNAP, @FOXGLARE, @rivepaw, @sunlitpaw)
»»———- windclan warrior / sixteen moons old / he/him ———-««
Just... do the work and go home. That's all she wanted to do. Her paws feel like they are weighed with the body of her former mentor on her back... a need to fulfill her role in ThunderClan with more urgency than before. To be a disappointment to the memory of someone that had treated her so well... she couldn't stomach it. And yet... fear sat so closely nestled to her heart that even the regular goings-on of clan life made her want to bury her head under a tree and never come out again.

Wolfwind had been at home... in her own territory... and had still died.

What good did being on your side of the border do if you'd still get killed?

The scent of WindClan is a sudden assault on her nose and Doepaw blinks a shocked disgust off her face. They still smell bad... the other clans... time hasn't changed that. Looking towards her mentor with a small frown, she steps closer to him for some sort of security... protection? As long as she doesn't have to do the talking, that would be good enough. "They don't... smell like ash anymore." Did that mean the fires were done?

@COBWEBTAIL mentor tag !!​
➴➴ Gravelsnap can’t help but to be disappointed at their patrol assignment. It isn’t as though their strong distaste for Addervenom is a secret—they make their irritation clear as they stalk to the border a few tail-lengths behind the younger tom. When Addervenom turns to look back at the rest of the patrol, they return the glance with narrowed eyes; when he turns away, they take a moment to shake off the discomfort. They begin to brush up against the grass and other debris that lines their border with ThunderClan, eel-black tail lashing in a clear display of annoyance. But it isn’t long before a few cats arrive, the first to speak being a young cat with scars over her eyes. What had she done to earn those?

He greets the other patrol with a reluctant flick of a dark ear, hoping that they will refrain from instigating anything. WindClan does not need more trouble now, not after the fire that razed most of their territory. "The grass is beginning to grow back," they observe in a voice low and neutral. The newest little green sprouts tickle at their paws, but this border had been defended well enough from the fire, so Gravelsnap isn’t sure whether the newest grass growth can be seen by the ThunderClanners.

  • ooc:
  • 58921334_LvhpdhRxLH7s4eM.png
    GRAVELSNAP ❯❯ they/he, moor runner of windclan
    average-sized black and white warrior who seems smaller than he is. speaks rarely and quietly.
    sibling to slateheart
    mentoring sheeppaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
Much akin to his apprentice, he just wants to go home. But the patrol drones on and Cobwebtail grows restless with flighty paws that shuffle beneath him. He would have missed the Windclan patrol if he did not hear Doepaw's quip about them no longer smelling like ash. They don't anymore, do they? That should be good...

His stomach twists and turns but he offers Doepaw a reassuring smile as she steps closer. It's all he can do, really. He has to stay strong, if not for himself, then for her. "That should be good for them," he murmurs back to her, quiet enough for only his apprentice. "I'm sure Starclan wouldn't have... let a whole clan be wiped out." he swallows hard, the words catching in his throat. Was that Starclans will, anyways? What did Starclan even have a say in?

Cobwebtail almost doesn't want to try and converse with them, biting his tongue with a flick of his ear that mirrors the black and white Windclan warrior. "Windclan..." he has to and when he speaks up he wills his voice not to shake. "It's good to see you all... well..." I mean, how does one even address the giant fires that had spread across the moors? Oh, sorry your home burned down! Oh, sorry to see everything is dust and ash but you'll be okay! He suppresses a grimace. "How have you all been fairing?" he tries, nodding at Doepaw to start her own markers as he sets off to renew Thunderclans own.

  • 70465135_T7AXRhwAl3U4ZQt.png
    cobweb ,, cobwebtail
    cis male ,, he/him ,, 44 moons
    thunderclan warrior ,, mentoring doepaw
    spindly blue & white tabby tom with blue eyes
    "speech, 827aab" ,, thoughts
    bisexual ,, single
    smells like oak trees & an odd mixture of smoke
    art by inkcap ,, penned by chuff

The fire that raged through WindClan's territory, he imagines, was not much unlike the fire that had swept through ThunderClan's shortly before he had been born. 'It was good for the forest' he remembers his mother saying 'without the fire burning away all the bad things, new good things wouldn't be able to grow' It was her explanantion for why she had named him the way she had, not only for his father but also for that fire, for the hope she held that he too would one day grow to be strong just like the forest. Perhaps WindClan's moors, for wahtever reason, had needed it as well.

When they reach WindClan's border, Doepaw remarks that the moorlands do not smell like ash anymore, and he merely nods his head, golden eyes shifting to his uncle as he speaks for him, speaking of how StarClan would not just let a clan simply die out like that. Burnstorm wonders if perhaps they should. WindClan, in the past, had caused a lot of trouble for the whole forest. Maybe it would have been best if they were gone, maybe it was the forests way of trying to get rid of the infection so that something better could take it's place.

Again, his uncles words are enough. The light-furred tom asks WindClan how they are doing and it comes out infinitely better than his own forced pleasentries would have. In truth, he doesn't really care how WindClan is doing, just as long as they stayed on their side of the border line and didn't get any ideas about hunting over here.

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably

sleekserpent & 16 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan warrior

SLeekserpent doesn't bother to do more than nod towards the other patrol - offers no niceties, never asks how they're fairing. Part of her thinks it rude - they'd been on fire, nearly lost their home And while sleekserpent hadn't been born when thunderclan had been ravaged by flames, they do remember the stories. Fire was never a good thing to have to deal with. Instead, he turns his focus upon his apprentice, beckoning @sparrowpaws forwards with a flick of his tail. " This is windclan - you should memorize the scent, " voice is raspy with injury and disuse alike as she speaks, words quiet and meant only for the young toms ears.

b]" Normally it's far greener here - we'll make sure you learn the boundary markers in time, "[/b] they continue, voice lilting with a wheeze halfway through before pushing onwards. The cats of windclan aren't the nicest by any means, but also for all the stories of soostars insanity, and all the time that she'd waged war upon the clans sleekserpent can't recall more than a pawful of negative interactions with those who dwell on the moors. Still, it's best to be cautious anyways.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

B O Y S D O N ' T C R Y A N D I W O N ' T T O O


Out of the other clans that ThunderClan bordered, WindClan was the one that Sproutpaw disliked the least. He could never see himself living in the moors - too out in the open - but he respected their resilience, their need to do what was right when it came to Sootstar and their ability to actually do it. Ears flicked forward as they near the border, the chimera trying his best to listen to whatever conversations were going on.

It wasn't hard to notice the lack of that fire smell that he had associated with WindClan alongside the moors now, though it hadn't happened for too long he had assumed the smell of the fire would be a permanent fixture of the moors now, and though he had gotten used to it he was glad that it wasn't something that would assault his nostrils every time he neared the border now.

Staying silent the apprentice would move forward to mark the borders as was the purpose of the patrol. Even though he didn't completely hate the other clan it didn't mean he was going to have idle conversation and waste time that could be used for more productive things.

  • -- mentor tag @BIGFANG
  • SH chocolate tabby/lilac chimera w/low white, heterochromia, folded ears
    rarely talks, listens to conversations
    6 moons old; ages the 20th every month
    bisexual biromantic ; interested in no one
    currently being mentored by Bigfang
    not easy to befriend/interact with; slow to anger, slow to calm
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat due to age
    peaceful powerplay allowed

oh he knew the scent! he had talked to a windclanner at the gathering! they were super nice! parts of him wonders if she would be here, too? he hops excitedly ahead, giggling with a smile before slowing down, and turning to look at butterflyskip with wide eyes. he turns back to the patrol, offering a wave of his tail and a grin.

"hi windclan! hi!"

he subconsciously looks for brackenpaw but they're not there. oh, man! maybe he will see them next time! he sure hopes so! he still isn't that upset. not that he doesn't wanna see the windclanner; he just doesn't see the point on dwelling!

"can you tell brackenpaw i said hi, please? I hope they're doing okay!!"

// mentor tag @Butterflyskip