twinkle twinkle || lux


he's out of pocket
Apr 26, 2023

stars twinkled above, a canopy of distant lights that he remembered one day as fireflies. some of them even moved, which was a strange sight. they blinked their light across the sky, while the others stood still. but, pocket didn't just see it like that- some stars seemed stuck in place, either too scared, content, or unsure what they wanted to do to progress. if he had to take a guess, that star that ran across the sky had done something amazing that moved them forward in life.

the small brown and white tom sat perched in the shadows of the camp while most of everybody else found their way to escape the land or the living and dream. he was too small, though, like a kitten or maybe a fresh apprentice? it was hard to tell except for there was no kitten chub, but rather there was muscles pressed against the fur in his back legs, and the fact he was out here rather than asleep.

but the biggest problem was, pocket could not sleep. occasionally he would have nights like this, unable to fortify his mind from the feeling of impending doom. I'm going to be a warrior in a moon or so, he thought, with a little frown. But how come I feel like I won't be accepted? His stomach lurched, yet he stayed physically as he was, green hues watching sadly up at the stars.

just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
Another nightmare woke the cream-ticked tabby from a dead sleep, jerking awkwardly in his nest with a silent gasp against trembling lips. His mind rolled like angry waves, paw pressing against his chest, feeling his quivering heart that thudded harshly, skipping and pulsating, unable to draw a single breath into his lungs.

His cream-ticked fur remained rumpled, stomach rolling uneasily, nearly threatening to spew yesterday’s breakfast across his nest in need of something else than prickling bramble that scratched and poked at his spine, sending jolts of pain every time he twisted. He breathed shakily, pressing a paw against throbbing optics, willing the tears to go away, to leave him be.

Gathering himself onto quivering legs, Tatteredlight slipped out of the warrior’s den, meeting the crisp, chilly air of perpetual night that stretched for as far as the eye could see, sparkling lights illuminating the dark background, spotting Pocket’s slouched frame amongst the shadows, looking troubled.

A distraction. His mind whispered teasingly, caressing his mind like some twisted part that nearly sobbed. He wanted to collapse, to curl into a ball and wish the world away like a helpless kit. No. Get it together, Lux. He hissed brokenly, straightening up with a closed-eye smile across soft-bitten lips, padding up to the troubled male with a soft purr in greetings. “You look troubled.” He whispered for only Pocket’s ears to hear in the quiet night, staring at the other with a slant of his helm, smiling warmly. “I’ve been told I’m a great listener.” He added with a slow swish of his tail. “Maybe I can help?” He finished, chittering softly.
thought speech

he was too distracted in the thoughts of his mind, the small apprentice jolting in surprise as the appearance of a bleached cat approached him. tatteredlight, a warrior he knew very little of. but he didn't know a lot about any of them. he'd let out a soft sigh, curling his tail around his paws.

he was just disappointed in himself? was that really troubled? he had no real issues. the only pain he experienced was losing his family, but that was before his twolegs stripped him of them, and before they tossed him to the side like rubbish. yeah- he'd have to remind himself every now and again that he was fine.

"I've been- well.. I'm supposed to be a warrior soon. but I am not sure Blazestar will even want to give me a name. I can't... I can't fight, I'm lucky if even before leafbare to bring home food, and- just pitying my skills I suppose." he said, turning his head away with a shrug. "I'm just a kittypet that can climb. and maybe catch something here and there."

sweetybee was always trying so hard to build him up, just for his thoughts to crush him down further into a pit of dismay. "it's nothing to worry about- why are you up? are you going on a patrol?" pocket would ask, trying to deter the conversation.