private TWISTED TENDRILS [cottonpaw]

His nostrils burn as he breathes in harsh floral scents. The medicine cats den is an area he’s rarely roamed, it was frowned upon to nose around in here just as much as it would be to enter the leader’s den uninvited. He’s only been in here to get his scratched eye scratched out and thorns after reworking an area of the gorse wall. In time this den may now become familiar, for this would be his sisters residency for the rest of their lives.

He spots his sister sitting among piles of herbs, she might be sorting them… or studying…? Regardless he decides to proceed in interrupting her activity.

”Must be nice having a den almost all to yourself- aside from when you have to share it with the sick.” His nose wrinkles at the thought, it was a miracle medicine cats weren’t constantly dealing with their own ailments. Maybe it had something to do with their StarClan connection…? Who knew…

He smirks, ”Sootstar must be pleased. You must’ve gone from Bluepaw’s shadow to favorite kit real fast.” Shockingly, he is not envious of this. Harrierpaw has his own path, his time will come to shine one day, he’ll earn Weaselclaw and Sootstar’s rare praise in time. ”Never knew you had a connection to StarClan though… How’d you keep that a secret?” He says, assuming that Cottonpaw must’ve always been in StarClan’s foresight to have recieved this honor.
  • @cottonpaw
  • » Harrierpaw
    » WindClan Apprentice
    » He/him
    » A black and chocolate chimera with golden eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe who uses jeers and jaunts to distract his opponents.
    » Excels in using terrain to his advantage.
    » Fights to outwit and see another day.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Cottonpaw's handiwork is amateur at best. Wolfsong does all he can to help the young girl in her competency, however much of her training is still within her own limits. Silly little sorting games, such as this, keeps her occupied whilst she waits for direction from her mentor. Her tail twitches when she finds a scent above the herbs (something she's gotten decently good at,) though she doesn't turn immediately to face her brother.

"I don't know," she offers at first, moving one leaf to the left and another to the right, "I miss being under the stars every night. At least the snoring hasn't changed," Cottonpaw finally tilts her gaze at Harrierpaw, a smirk set in her features. He continues and she finds her rhythm again with her sorting - only for his words to trip her up. She knows why the concept excites her - to be their mother's sun and stars. It doesn't make her as sick as it should. She hasn't the time to reply though; his question of StarClan picks up first.

"Oh," her paws stutter for a second, and she runs through her head. StarClan... should be speaking with her, right? Just as they do with Wolfsong. He had been plucked out of a patrol mere days after Vulturemask had died, and StarClan approved of him... So why hadn't they spoken to her yet? "I guess I just never knew it was StarClan nipping at my paws, all this time," she lies, almost cleanly if he hadn't paid attention to her hesitation. She justifies it mentally just as she does verbally, "They're real quiet when they want to be."

Harrierpaw chooses to believe Cottonpaw, she never had been the brightest of the bunch. It taking StarClan telling Wolfsong she was connected to them for Cottonpaw to realize made sense. ”Well. I hope your special status doesn’t make you too busy to chat with your brother every now and again.” He purrs with a playfull smirk, ”But I suppose how busy you are is more up to StarClan than yourself now…” Especially with the yellowcough outbreak, he wouldn’t be stunned to see Wolfsong training the blue she-cat even harder.

”So whats going to happen once Wolfsong has his kits? Are you going to take over for him?” Harrierpaw has been meaning to ask for sometime. It seemed to soon, but Cottonpaw may have to try and carry the extra weight while his kits nurse.
  • » Harrierpaw
    » WindClan Apprentice
    » He/him
    » A black and chocolate chimera with golden eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe who uses jeers and jaunts to distract his opponents.
    » Excels in using terrain to his advantage.
    » Fights to outwit and see another day.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing