
Nov 20, 2023


β€” junco - a greyish new world sparrow native to temperate north america
β€” cis female \ she/her \ sexuality undiscovered
β€” 7 moons \ created 11.21.23 \ ages one moon every 21st
β€” moor runner apprentice of windclan

β€” no siblings
β€” windclan parents; former rogues of gin's group
✧ MATE TO...?
β€” mother/father/parent to...?
β€” previously mentored ?
β€” mentored by mocking-grin

mackerel silver tabby with green eyes
β€” average size, long fur, grey claws.
β€” minimal scarring from battle training

✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: loyal, cunning, swift
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: antagonistic, disobedient, selfish, hypocritical

β€” juncopaw is lawful to a fault, happily and unconditionally accepting the authority of whoever is in charge (if she deems them worthy of this loyalty) and relentlessly bullying those that don't. however, this loyalty and support does not come out of good faith or belief in her leader; she views this simply as a tool, a means of getting what she wants. juncopaw will work tirelessly to get on the good graces of whoever she views as powerful, in hopes that doing so will give her an advantage or benefit from being on the side of power; specifically, that they will eventually owe her for her undying loyalty, whether that be through a big favor or simply defending her in her times of need. she is hopelessly oblivious of the rejection of those in power, such as sootstar's aloof nature towards other cats, consequently getting on their bad side as she is often viewed as more of a nuisance than anything. despite any rejection, she will keep steady in her attempts to please her leader.
β€” juncopaw's loyalty extends only to one cat; and that is the cat she views the strongest out of all, the cat she can reap the most benefit from being their 'loyal second hand' as she views herself. that being said, she will resist the commands of any other authority figure, such as the deputy, medicine cat or lead warriors; her mentor especially is a victim of this, unless they are able to tame this unruly apprentice with an iron fist.
β€” as young as she is under sootstar's reign, juncopaw was influenced very early on in life and never really formed her own moral code; she simply adapts to the ruleset of whoever is in charge, and whenever it is convenient for her. while she harasses and bullies those that break these rules, this hypocritical apprentice is not a saint by any means, and will bend the rules as she pleases to suit her own needs, sometimes even blatantly so but usually in secrecy or around cats she thinks aren't smart enough to fib. lacking a personal moral code, juncopaw is 'neutral' in the sense that she will not go out of her way to do good or bad for a greater cause; rather, she will only act to benefit herself in the moment, whether her actions are ultimately good or bad. the most action she does for a greater cause is re-affirming sootstar's authority and bullying those that don't follow. anything else is done out of her own interest. some every-day examples of this are feeding herself before feeding others, refusing to do helpful tasks if she doesn't feel like it, etc.
β€” overall, juncopaw is antagonistic, arrogant, hypocritical, and selfish - only acting out of her own interest, only helping others to put them in her debt, and frequently putting other cats down to enforce herself as above them. she is an extremely difficult cat to befriend, and the friendliest interactions she typically forms is alliances with other loyalists. whether or not there is a softer side to her is yet to be uncovered by an exceptionally close bond she may be incredibly unlikely to form.

β€” intj \ neutral evil

trusts no one. exceptionally difficult to befriend.
✧ will start fights / will not flee / will not show mercy
✧ excels at cunning, stealth, running
✧ poor fighting head-on, moving in enclosed areas (tunnels, forests, water)
✧ smells like burning wood
✧ powerplay allowed β€” minor wounds, major healing (fatal wounds, heavy bleeding etc), non-violent interactions, minor physical interactions (shoving, blocking, etc.)
✧ ask β€” major harm, minor healing (only bc she's stubborn)
β€” penned by ixora

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  • juncopaw's parents were rogues from gin's group: upon his death, they were welcome into windclan, and gave bith to a single kitten. as a kit, she was simultaneously spoiled and brainwashed by her parents, taught to believe that sootstar was the most powerful cat in all clans, and that she owed her life to this leader for allowing her to be born on windclan land. it is because of these teachings that juncopaw is an avid loyalist for sootstar, going as far as to relentlessly bully cats that don't follow these ideals, and even other loyalists that she sees as competition for sootstar's favor. despite these teachings, however, her loyalty is not unconditional; she strives to get on sootstar's good side for her own benefit and advantage only.​
  • β­ƒ 11.20.2023. MAKE ME EVIL ✧ juncopaw aids other warriors to help get rid of an adder that snuck into camp.
    β­ƒ 11.22.2023. WON'T GET A SNIFF ✧ juncopaw observes nightmareface playing with her food, intrigued by her intentions.
    β­ƒ 11.30.2023. DOWNWARD DESCENDING ✧ juncopaw watches an argument unfold in camp, and becomes annoyed with the growing tension as cats begin to break it up.

  • β­ƒ 11.30.2023. make penance, for with vengeance ✧ juncopaw is assigned to a border patrol with other loyalists, where she is ridiculed by the older cats.

  • β­ƒ 11.23.2023. CUDDLE WEATHER ✧ juncopaw listens to (and potentially joins) other cats gossip about love, revealing a rare moment of genuity and normalcy from the typically aloof and cold she-cat.
    β­ƒ 11.23.2023. RUN ALONG NOW ✧ first official training threat between juncopaw and mocking-grin.

  • β­ƒ 11.22.2023. YOU'LL NEVER MAKE THE PLACE ✧ juncopaw gets herself stuck in a thorn bush, and meets the medicine cat cottonpaw, who rescues her with the potential help of others.
    β­ƒ 11.21.2023. GATES OF STEEL ✧ juncopaw joins snakehiss in an altercation against sedgepounce and others after sedgepounce was formally thanked by howlingstar for a good deed.

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β™‘ Haven't properly met yet
β™‘ Loathes
β™‘ Fearful of
β™‘ Dislikes
β™‘ Suspicious of
β™‘ Rivalry
β™‘ Jealous of
β™‘ Distrustful of
β™‘ Annoyed by
β™‘ Weirded out by
β™‘ Confused / Unsure of
β™‘ Complicated Feelings
β™‘ Wishes to know better
β™‘ Shy towards
β™‘ Respects
β™‘ Comfortable with
β™‘ Likes
β™‘ Finds Entertaining
β™‘ Friends with
β™‘ Close friends with
β™‘ Safe around
β™‘ Like family
β™‘ Family
β™‘ Protective of
β™‘ Admires
β™‘ Platonic Love
β™‘ Puppy-crush
β™‘ Crushing on
β™‘ Head-over-heels for
β™‘ Romantic Love

put a message in ixoras-sanctuary in the windclan discord to get your character added here!

SOOTSTAR / β™‘ β™‘ β™‘
juncopaw's parents were rogues from gin's group, and subsequently followers of sootstar. they raised her on stories of how the windclan leader 'came back to life' after being killed by gin, and struck him down with such power that the rogues were enamored and followed her home. similarly, juncopaw was raised on the ideal that she owes her life to sootstar for giving her parents a thriving home to birth her in. despite this, the only loyalty she shows towards sootstar is purely out of self-interest, if not with a touch of fear. she feels that, should she show enough obedience and support towards this powerful being, while simultaneously competing with others that feel the same way, she will rise in power herself, and hopefully gain benefits and advantages from sootstar to reward her for such loyalty.

MOCKING-GRIN / β™‘ β™‘ β™‘ β™‘
mocking-grin is juncopaw's mentor, and after moons of training together, she has finally began to warm up to him. she views him as an older brother, and consequently experiences a relationship with him akin to that of a brother and sister: she finds him annoying at times, and loves to push his buttons, but is simultaneously comfortable with his presence, and enjoys bonding over their shared ideals and tag-teaming to pick on other cats.

HOLLOWCREEK / β™‘ β™‘ β™‘
of all the loyalists in the clan, juncopaw seems to beef with hollowcreek the most. she feels a sort of one-sided rivalry with him as she competes with him for dominance and sootstar's attention; on the contrary, he views her only as a naΓ―ve child and a source of amusement. she picks quarrels with him often, ones that she will never win, and ultimately ends up getting humbled. despite their differences, she's shown occasional tolerance of him, looking up to him for stories and radicalized opinions.
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-ˋˏ ༻☽༺ ˎˊ- TEXT

  • JUNCOPAW ✩ she/her, moor-runner apprentice of windclan, seven moons.
    β­ƒ an antagonistic silver tabby she-cat with green eyes.
    β­ƒ mate to no one. daughter to former gin rogues. apprentice of mocking-grin.
    β­ƒ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    β­ƒ penned by ixora ↛ @.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

[justify][font=tahoma][size=3][subquote=#8C6060][color=#CD4343]-ˋˏ ༻☽༺ ˎˊ-[/color] TEXT[/subquote][TABS][slide=β€Žβ€Ž β€Ž  β€Ž  β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž  β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž  β€Ž  β€Ž  β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Žβ€Ž  β€Ž β€Ž  β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž  β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Žβ”Œβ”€β”€ I AM THE ANGEL] 

[color=#CD4343][b] [/b][/color]
[slide= SENT DOWN FROM ABOVE  β”€β”€β”β€Ž][fleft][img]IMG[/img][/fleft][size=5][url=][color=black][b][font=book antiqua]JUNCOPAW[/font][/b][/color][/url] [color=black][i]✩[/i][/color][/size][color=black][i] she/her, moor-runner apprentice of windclan, seven moons.[/i][/color]
[color=black]β­ƒ[/color] an antagonistic silver tabby she-cat with green eyes.
[color=black]β­ƒ[/color] mate to no one. daughter to former gin rogues. apprentice of [url=][color=#ACA4A4]mocking-grin.[/color][/url]
[color=black]β­ƒ[/color] peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / [u]underline[/u] and tag when attacking
[color=black]β­ƒ[/color] penned by [url=YOURLINK][color=#CD4343]ixora[/color][/url] ↛  [color=#CD4343]@.ixora[/color] on discord, feel free to dm for plots. 
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