pafp TWISTING SPIRE [🌲] brotherly idiocy

Dec 13, 2023

Claws scrape and tear against fragile bark, kicking up the acrid scent of ash. The heavy-weight tom was no graceful climber, he struggles with every reaching paw but laughs heartily anyways. His brothers are in swift pursuit, it had all started in a crow-brained dare to see which one could scale the burnt tree the highest. Inexperienced with scaling trees, all three of them, none stopped to think on why racing up a deceased, creaking and croaking tree would be unwise.

Scrambling up onto a twisted bough to catch his breath, one of his brother's aim to join him. Yellow eyes glint mischievously as a big grin unfolds upon his face, "Nuh-uh, this is my branch! You want somewhere to rest I suggest you keep climbing!" It is then he rears up onto his hindlegs, pushing out his two front paws in an attempt to stumble his kin back towards the base of the tree.
  • Please wait for @Hawk and @pipit !! !!
  • » Snipe
    » Loner
    » He/him
    » A heavily-scarred chocolate tom-cat with amber eyes.
    » "Speech" ․ thoughts ․ attack
  • » A foe who uses brute strength and hits heavy.
    » Excels in taking opponents head-on.
    » Uses slow but powerful hits to bring them to the ground.
    » Fights to overpower and defeat .
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

A wild-child at heart, it is evident in the way the trio still play like little kits that their spirit for exploration and foolery wasn't something they'd grown out of. It is reserved for quiet moments alone, usually now, as the eyes of strangers scour their backs for any sign of burden or treachery. He doesn't really let it get under his skin... knows there is safety in numbers, amongst his family here and his litter-mates. He could trust them not to abandon him like trailer-park trash.

Sprinting across the territory like a bunch of squealing squirrels, they lunge for a tree that looks older than any living cat is and Snipe is the quickest of them- scrabbling up the bark with hindlegs spraying frail bark chips at golden eyes. He turns away to keep his face free of splinters before glowering up at the chocolate pelt that blends in with the gnarled trunk.

Leaping at the tree with claws outstretched, he clambers up to reach for his brother's branch only to be swatted at- he returns fire, of course, flailing a free paw wildly back at the ruddy tom with a hissing laugh. "Cheating little rat! Let me up!" He crawls like a frantic squirrel to scramble out of reach sideways, hoisting himself up onto a different branch (thanks a lot Snipe!) with a groan of effort.

"Can't stop me, you absolute pinecone head!" Trotting confidently down the branch, he stops to whirl and stick his tongue out. "My branch is better than yours anyways."