The tom that had been called as Blazestar's newest among his council is aptly named. A creature formed of nervousness. He had found him in the beginnings of the Gathering, and now again at its end. They mingle after announcements, Sootstar's sparking comment faded somewhat from mind yet tension remaining. Perhaps his presence here will only incense it again. He clears his throat regardless, circling from behind Twitchbolt at an angle so that he might never be far from wide eyes. It is nearly friendly. Were it not for their clans, of course, and the fact that he would never trust a SkyClanner. Still his mouth smiles where his eyes do not.

"You are Twitchbolt, are you not? Newest among Blazestar's council. Congratulations. I am not certain we have met: Sunstride, I stand on Sootstar's council just the same. I hope that your clan is doing well." He does not brush upon the fact that they had skirmished so recently, or that both of their leaders had lay bleeding to the stars afterwards. The details of what had happened escaped him. He was not there to witness, and was not here to learn of them now. As cleverly as he can, Sunstride winds towards his own goals. Hopefully it will come without Twitchbolt ever realizing the reason.

  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, he - him. approx. 40 moons old. lead warrior of windclan + former rogue.
    —— gay, monogamous. mate to wolfsong from 07.05.2023.  npc x npc, no larger family.
    —— has recently regained some of his earlier lightness, but maintains his steady facade.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
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Ever-aware, overly so, Twitchbolt could feel a presence nearby- if he were anywhere else it might have been a ridiculous conclusion to make, but in the Gathering's clearing.. it was more likely than not. Wariness prickled along his spine, the patchwork tom unable to wholly trust the vow of peace that they all took beneath this moon. Still- as this tom, vaguely familiar, approached him, Twitchbolt dressed himself with a cordial-yet-shaky smile. Despite the shivers that he could not control, he'd never been an awful actor- a politeness occupied his face that would not be conjured under any other circumstance.

"Yeah, we're- we're fine," he confirmed simply, wishing not to elaborate any further, a short nod dipping his skull. He swallowed, hard- and an eyelid twitched, a reflex unable to be wrangled. His expression did not change, despite the whirring worries in his mind- despite the fire that prickled beneath his fur. He was small, young- new, facing not only someone who had held this apparently-equal rank much longer than he, but a WindClanner, too. Sunstride was smiling, though- not snarling. And he wouldn't provoke someone by flinging his suspicion in their face- it would slumber behind his eyes, solely.

"Thanks for- thank you, for the... words." Congratulations. He'd heard it a lot lately. "Wwww-WindClan is well, I heard." His eyes tipped up to the stone where Sootstar had sat, the same words having fled from her maw. His gaze fell back to Sunstride then, questioning- waiting for a confirmation. For anything else... because surely he had not just approached to say hello. Surely.
penned by pin ✧
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He expects no less than the buried worries. In truth, though, Twitchbolt had exceeded his expectations– he kept them buried, and spoke with cordiality unlike most of the kittypets he had interacted with. Then again, he supposes he has only ever met them in battle. This will be one of a sort, that none may truly know of. Any who surround them would see only a pleasant conversation, and Sunstride will offer no less. "We are. And I am glad to hear that you have seen the same peace." A lie that both of them will know– there is no peace among the clans, and certainly not between their own. Yet outside of battle, it is a time for healing. So that they may begin their conflict anew with fresh bodies and spirits both. Sunstride is, as ever, eager for the time that it comes.

He knows he is strange among these forest cats. That he can fight and fight and then find peace with the same warriors he had bled in face of so shortly before. Battle was nothing grand to him; death, nothing more than one strand of one's well-lived tapestry. He did not take it as personally as any other he had met. This one is different for reasons he does not dare tell any but Wolfsong. That Vulturemask had been murdered while he watched on– that now it was his mate on the line, should these fools see fit to try again. This Sunstride will not let go. "I would think that SkyClan sees more than its fair share of traitors and trouble from outside of their borders." His brow lifts, and his head tilts slightly. "A cat– the color of sand with fangs that lift like tusks. Do you know of his name?"

  • ooc:
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, he - him. approx. 40 moons old. lead warrior of windclan + former rogue.
    —— gay, monogamous. mate to wolfsong from 07.05.2023.  npc x npc, no larger family.
    —— has recently regained some of his earlier lightness, but maintains his steady facade.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
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It felt strange, this dance- both of them tiptoeing around the tension they were no doubt both aware of, and yet neither would mention. His jaw tightened at Sunstride's apparent gladness, though it did nothing but tighten his smile ever-so-slightly, his head dipping in a nod. Still, though- they weren't fighting right now. There was no WindClan blood under his claws, no moor-fangs boring into his flesh. He swallowed, but it felt like he'd inhaled a stone.

Twitchbolt could not stop the twitch that seized him slightly as Sunstride spoke again- and he cursed himself for it, feeling his gaze widen. Must have looked like he startled- like he was afraid. He supposed that could be an advantage; he looked like an easy target, but he'd rather not look like a target at all. That whirlpool of overthinking petered back into waves when the Windclanner began describing someone- speaking of traitors, and leading to a description of the trouble. "Sharpeye?" He'd said it without thinking, tumbling from his maw like a dropped piece of prey. "I- I mean- sounds like him. Not- not a Skyclanner anymore. Not for a long time." He spoke quickly, face briefly contorting as he attempted a quickly-aborted calculation of how long exactly. Was- was Sharpeye harassing WindClan under the guise of a Skyclanner?

He lifted his gaze up to Sunstride's, shot wide. A conclusion had already been jumped to- was he attempting to get revenge on SkyClan by stirring up trouble? "He's- did he say he was one of us? He's not- he's a-an exile," Twitchbolt confirmed, affirmatively. Surely- surely Sharpeye wasn't out causing issues. He'd barely done anything the last time the brown-and-white tom had seen him, staring off into space along the border of Twolegplace.
penned by pin ✧
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