private TWO BIRDS ‧₊˚✩彡 OWLPAW

Feathers have always been near and dear to him. His own nest was packed with the brim with them. The black tom had such a habit when they were young. Collecting whatever they found interesting and storing it away. If he didn't store it away he would lose it. It would abandon him.. However, feathers are much nicer than cats he finds. Feathers aren't cruel. They don't lash out. They don't mutter lies as truth. He can't help be envious of the birds that soar in the sky freely. Even though he was a skyclanner he could never claim the skies like their feathery friends. No matter how much he climbed to reach the stars, it wasn't enough. However, Blazestar's words continue to echo in his mind. Strength isn't just fighting. It's more than that. Is that why he stares longer than usual at all the other apprentices now?

All of them laughing and chatting amongst each other while he watches like some creep. Ever since he was apprenticed, Silversmoke dragged him to train as soon as possible. He didn't get to pick out nests with the rest of the apprentices or talk to them about how things were odd. When he finally returned from his tour of Skyclan, all the apprentices were already asleep. All he had was himself. No one to talk to him until he went to sleep. Apprenticeship was lonesome. Cherrypaw had left him for Lupinepaw and he's still bitter about it. Cherrypaw was his best friend after all, but even though things were tense between them... He didn't hate her. I'm too weird, right?

In his black paws he has an owl feather. The memory of laughter and paws on his fur haunt him. The crow feathers weaved in his fur feel more like coals on his neck. And then, he lays his eyes on Owlpaw. He wasn't close to her. Wasn't close to anyone really. Before he's even aware of it he's in front of her offering the owl feather to her. This act alone is peculiar. Crowpaw is scarcely among his fellow apprentices much less talking to any of them. He's always out and away training with some adult, usually Silversmoke. He has grown for sure. It's an odd thing to think about. He used to be such a small thing, smaller than all of his siblings and now he towers over all of them. While his body screams adult, he is still very much a child. A child who stares for an uncomfortably long time into Owlpaw's own eyes. "This is for you. An owl feather for Owlpaw."
  • @Owlpaw! sorry for the delay but this is the thread we talked about where crow gives owl an owl feather because they thought it would be nice, has no idea that owlpaw doesn't like him...
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 10 moons
    — undecided / single / not looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
Knowledge was a powerful tool that Owlpaw considered herself proficient in wielding. Knowledge is what improves your skill in training, knowledge is what can keep you alive if you find yourself attacked or ambushed. Most importantly, knowledge can be used to build bonds with others or used to break those bonds. She prides herself in having that, so perhaps that’s why she found it so frustrating that she couldn’t figure out why Cherrypaw and Crowpaw were at odds these days. It was an open secret that Owlpaw was often silently involving herself into others business, never to give advice or anything of the sort but rather to collect more information for her mental folder of her fellow clanmates. Asking either party about what happened wasn’t on the cards for her, despite how obvious it was that she wants to know what happened she would never vocalize that. Besides, Crowpaw isn’t around much and she would want to hear it from both of them, even if deep down she knows that her loyalties lie next to her sister it would be only fair.

Owlpaw found herself cat watching again, wide eyes staring at anyone who passed by her. The perceptiveness she was trying to improve through this seemed to be paying off, feeling herself being looked at she looked around. Blinking in surprise when she saw the very tom she had just been thinking about, a less suspicious cat would deem this a coincidence however Owlpaw was never one to believe in things like coincidences.

Oh, he was approaching her? She tilted her head in confusion, trying to figure out what angle he could be coming into this from. They don’t really talk so she knows there should be no leverage against her for anything. Before she had the opportunity to say anything there he was, presenting an owl feather to her, she looked down to get a better view of it. It was rather pretty, she had seen few owls in her time but she admired the birds, her first attempt at climbing was spurred on by seeing one of those birds in a tree. Looking back on it, that was a very reckless thing to do, she’d never do something like that these days, the creature was alluring to her though.

She looked back at Crowpaw, he was staring. She returned that gaze in kind, waiting for which one of them would break this first, Owlpaw had an unfortunate competitive streak so she wasn’t going to allow herself to lose this. The tabby barely registered what Crowpaw said at first, too engrossed in winning this unspoken game. “I can see that” it seemed rather obvious, did he really think she didn’t know what an owl feather was? “Thank you? It’s very pretty” she broke eye contact to admire the feather again.

Right, what was the hidden motive here? Surely there must be one, she hadn’t received a gift before so there must be a reason for it. She narrowed her eyes, sizing him up in an attempt to figure out what this motive could be.
“...Why are you giving this to me? I don’t have anything to give in return”
Why was talking to his peers so difficult. The moment Owlpaw answers he can't help from hide the annoyance at her response, eyes narrowing into slits. "You don't have to say it like that," the tom grumbles. It's not that he didn't expect her to know what an owl feather was, more so he didn't have the time to think about how he would even start a conversation in the first place. Crowpaw has always been known for stating the obvious and it seems here, the effect was negative. Not surprising really. Nevertheless, she thanks him. A peculiar warm and fuzzy feeling seeps through his bones, enough to soften his gaze and look fondly towards the feather again. "Owl's are very pretty. I only have a few feathers from owl's they're so hard to get feathers from. They're so pretty, but so dangerous. Have you ever seen an owl hunt before?" They're so silent. That's what makes them deadly. Beautiful but silent when they strike. A smile he has. A genuine one. For a moment before he looks back towards Owlpaw.

He hasn't blinked not yet anyway as he tilts his head slightly. "I... Don't know." A black paw is brought to his mouth, grazing against the scar on his lip. "My paws moved first then my mouth. I didn't think anything, it just happened." Maybe his blunt nature would be his undoing in these circumstances. He would always say what was on his mind without really thinking about how strange it was. If Owlpaw looked at him as if he were some raving mad man at the explanation as to why, he couldn't blame her. His way with words and the mere manner in which he carried himself served as a repellant. After all, many of the apprentices were quite the opposite of his withdrawn nature. It didn't help that he spoke robotically either.

Owlpaw still hadn't taken the feather from him, he's beginning to feel foolish. Finally, he blinks. Why would I give this to you? Hazel eyes look up and down her figure. Well, she doesn't look much like an owl. Owl's aren't all orange maybe a little bit. Owlpaw is too orange, but she's named after them. Problem is, I don't know her well enough. We just have bird names? Is that good enough? She's saying she has nothing, makes sense. It's not like we're friends or anything. Then, he looks down at the feather in his paw. He urges for her to take it, "After thinking about it, maybe because we're both birds? I'm a crow and you're an owl. I have crow feathers in my fur and your don't have owl feathers in your fur? And it's fine. Not to have anything." It would be weird to ask you for anything anyway.
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 10 moons
    — undecided / single / not looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
Owlpaw tilted her head, narrowing her eyes as she studied the tom. She had never really spoken with Crowpaw, nor had she ever been too close to pay attention on the rare occasions that he spoke with others. Due to this, he was a mystery to her so any new reaction that he gave was something for her to take interest in. She followed his gaze to the feather, staring at it with curiosity “I’ve only seen an Owl hunt once, I’d love to see it again though” she confessed with a sigh “perhaps if I’m nearby next time you see an Owl you could come find me? On the off chance that it will hunt.”

Seeing Crowpaw smile brought a genuine smile of her own, it was nice to see that since he always seemed so tense when talking to others. Not that Owlpaw could really comment on this as she was never truly comfortable with speaking to others around skyclan either my first attempt at climbing was because an owl, it seems silly thinking back on it but I really wanted to be up there with it at the time” she chuckled, looking back up from the feather.

She hummed in thought, taking in the toms explanation. The reasoning was odd for sure but she could relate enough to it, she could admire the fact that he speaks his mind without actually knowing what his mind is saying beforehand. “I've done that once or twice before, often I find my mouth moves quicker than the rest of me”

She extended one of her front paws to take the feather from him. There was a hesitance in her movements, she wasn't sure if there was supposed to be anything else she should say. The act of gift giving was rather foreign to her, the idea of insulting Crowpaw through a lack of action was distressing. “Hm, I guess that makes sense. Thank you, if I come across a crow feather I could give you it?” that seemed like an appropriate repayment right? She loathed the idea of not giving anything in return, it felt like she would be breaking some unspoken rule.

“Do you think you could help me put it in my fur? you're the expert on this after all” she gently nudged the feather back to Crowpaws own paws. Unsure of what to say from here she stared at him for a moment, trying to figure out what counts as polite conversation. “Uh.. how has training with Silversmoke been? I don't see you around often so I guess it's been going well?” She decided now would be as good a time as any to solve the mystery of Crowpaw, maybe then she could figure out where to place him in her mental list of opinions.
A tail flicks to the side with excitement at her answer. She had no fear towards him. Not like other's whom he's seen screech and live in fear of those creatures. He's heard of elders telling tales of owl's who swooped down and took any misbehaving kits for a nice meal. Owls were not good things. Just like crows. Whenever there was a crow there was death, or at least that is what he was told. She invites him to drag her away if he sees an owl. That they should go together. No one has given him an invitation in moons. "Wouldn't it be easier if we were together in the first place?" Relying on chance was as it stands not the great. Owl's don't wait for anyone. Maybe we'll miss it if we go looking for each other. "Let's go owl hunting together? Doesn't have to be now, but it could be after or before training. Maybe on our days off? We look for an owl and watch it for a bit?" We're not that small anymore so I doubt it would try and hunt us. If it did, there's two of us. We'll look out after each other.

Seems like the pair had a lot more in common than they originally thought. If they thought about it at all, considering they've known each others existence for moons but never really crossed the line to converse, until now that is. While she may find it silly for her reason of climbing he shakes his head furiously. "That's not silly at all. My first attempt of climbing, well not sure if we consider the stump we were kits counts... With your mom that is. I didn't know what to do, I didn't even try to climb the stump. I was more interested in how wood felt under my paws and how your claws felt when scraping against bark." Now that he's said it aloud, it is embarrassing. Cherrypaw had been there and bragged for her prowess. He remembers her puzzled look when he just went up to it and was far more interested in texture than scaling the darn thing. His face feels hot, yet he continues anyway "My first real attempt of climbing was because of birds too. I just wanted to see them all." They're always so close, but so far from reach. I wonder if I'll be able to be as free as them.

"I've done that once or twice before, often I find my mouth moves quicker than the rest of me"

A bonified laugh echoes between them, coming from the black tom who has his head thrown back, haunches heaving with his bellows. When he finally settles he nods, "It's nice to know I'm not the only one!" It's nice that he hasn't been turned away yet. Talking to Owlpaw is quite pleasant despite this being out of his element in many ways. "You're welcome. It doesn't have to be crow feathers, I love all feathers. I'll take any feathers you want to give me, crow feathers are my favorite though." It's not rejection. He doesn't want her to think he is pushing her into not giving him anything, but he does feel it's appropriate that he should tell her that he loves all feathers. That she needn't be obligated to hunt for a crow feather in particular for him.

"I'm not really an expert, I just really like feathers. Birds by extension too I guess. Anyway, sure I'll help." Owl feather back in his paws he stares a little too intently at poor Owlpaw. Where would be the best spot to put it? I remember we used to put it on our tails as kits, but we quickly lost them... Legs are weird who even puts them there?! I've got mine on the back of my neck, but I don't think they would look nice that way for her. Hmm... Maybe there? Destination in mind, he draws close, throwing personal space out the window. He doesn't warn nor does he think he needed to in the first place when he puts a black paw to side of her neck. Orange tufts of fur are parted gently before an owl feather is placed. Then, he smooths orange fur to hold the feather in place, but not obscuring it.

Sufficiently proud of his work, a small smile slips past his maw. And then he's asked about his training with Silversmoke as well as his lack of presence around her. It is new, but not uncomfortable for her to inquire about such things. After all, he's scarcely spoken to his peers that he doesn't expect them to know or care what he's been up to. To him, this means much more than simple pleasantries. So much so he's a paw length away from her face when he answers, "It depends sometimes. Silversmoke doesn't know how to speak to me sometimes, so I refuse to train. We both step on each others toes here and there, it's not like I walk all over him. He punishes me often too. He doesn't hit me or anything. Just doesn't teach me anything for the day and tells me we'll train again when he feels like it. Although..." A memory of a silver hulking tom dodging hunting by saying Crowpaw needed to work more on strategy pushes to the forefront of his mind.

A little chuckle slips from him, "Silversmoke is a good fighter and all, but he's bad at hunting. He's embarrassed to teach me how to hunt, so I learn from others. He's a good mentor."
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 10 moons
    — undecided / single / not looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
The concept of going together from the start hadn’t crossed Owlpaws mind, in hindsight it makes the most sense but she assumed that Crowpaw wouldn’t want to. “Sure, I’d love to. I think going on one of our days off sounds the best” while she was trying her best to not appear too excited at the concept she had a lingering smile and her tail swished in anticipation at the concept.

“I wouldn’t count the stump, we were kits and I think most of us didn’t successfully climb it. It was to get you used to it right? There’s benefits to learning the texture of wood, you know, you can assess what trees are healthy that way and if there’s any hazards.” She was rambling, Owlpaw had the habit of rambling when trying to spin a story in her own favour, it was rare for her to do it for others but everything else seemed different today. It was nice to hear that she wasn’t the only one who attempted to climb so that they could be with the birds. “What bird was it?” Truthfully, she expected him to say it was a crow.

The laugh had surprised her, the Crowpaw in her head didn’t laugh; this wasn’t a bad thing though as she quite enjoyed listening to it. She blinked at him in confusion as to why he was laughing, she didn’t think that she said anything funny. The confusion melted into understanding and her smile blossomed into a grin “I have to admit that it’s nice knowing you also do that.” While Crowpaw was trying to give her other avenues for feathers she had her mind set on looking for a crow feather in particular, she was sure that she saw one recently when with her mentor; she wondered if that would still be there. Owlpaw returned the stare, while hers was less intense than the toms she was never one to look away when being looked at. Her body stiffens at the contact, she wasn’t used to anyone who wasn’t family being this close in a social context. She reminded herself that she was the one who had asked Crowpaw to do it in the first place and she let herself relax under reminder.

It was surprising when he didn’t move away to where he was before to continue the conversation, if he wasn’t going to move then neither was she. Owlpaw wouldn’t dare admit it but Silversmoke did intimidate her, in the way that the majority of the lead warriors did. She listens intently, nodding along as she listens “I think that sounds like it’s going pretty well? I don’t know if I could work with his methods but I’m happy that it’s working for you” She was genuine in her reply, she was happy for Crowpaw and he seemed to be happy with it himself. She hummed in thought at Crowpaws confession “truthfully, I’m having the opposite issue, Dovescar has been trying her best but I don’t have as much confidence in my fighting compared to my hunting.” Her ears dropped slightly, she hated admitting her faults but he had been honest about how his experience with Silversmoke had been, so it seemed only fair for her to share the honesty with her own mentor.
"Yeah, I think so too. Would you like me to come find you so we go together? Or would you like to find me instead?" It sounds as if he is talking about a business deal instead of a hang out with another apprentice, which may be disheartening to Owlpaw. Then again, he's always been rather straight to the point. So much so he doesn't notice that Owlpaw is brimming with excitement and is trying to suppress it. "Sure, I'd love to." As soon as those words finally registers in his mind, his maw moves with no hesitation, "I'd love to spend time with you Owlpaw." He hadn't even realized that looking into her eyes while saying such a thing could have been taken a certain way. Perhaps spending little to no time with other apprentices did have it's drawbacks. Had he spent more time with them, maybe his phrasing would have improved. In any case, it is clear that he is thrilled that she wanted to do such a thing with him and was actively trying to work things out with her.

Guess that's true. Now that we're older, I wouldn't say that was climbing. It's kind of laughable how small that stump is now. Pupils widen when she doesn't laugh at him or call him weird, in fact she understands. Not like Cherrypaw who looked at him as if he'd lost his head. No, For the first time he feels seen by a peer that the ice encasing his heart melts. He doesn't mind that she's rambling. I want to listen to you more. "All I remember is Cherry bragging about it because she was one of the ones to climb it. And yeah, it was to get used to it. Guess it winded up working in the end... I know there's benefits to it now. Back then I just wanted to memorize how it felt and tasted. It wasn't knowing about hazards or where I should sink my claws into to scale it faster. The worst part is the spiders." As soon as he spits out the dreaded insect, the tom shivers. He despises spiders. They are quite literally his worst nightmare.

Owlpaw yanks him away from his worst nightmare by inquiring what bird was it he saw. "It was a blue jay." Crowpaw doesn't elaborate, not finding any reason to. All she asked what bird was it, nothing more. She had to know what a blue jay looked like.

Everything is going smoothly. He's never felt so... Free. To think, he would be having a nice conversation with another apprentice. All because his paws decided to take charge and left his mind scrambling to come up with something. Her grin is infectious that he finds himself grinning as well. It's not as friendly as hers. To be honest it is quite creepy, but it is genuine. He has nothing to say for once, and winds up giggling. The longer the speak the more he appears to be a young tom. Not some stoic untouchable man. No, he's just an apprentice who is clumsy and awkward.

"It is. It is going well. I like Silversmoke, but I will admit his methods aren't for everyone. He drags you to train before the sun comes up and when everyone else is asleep in the apprentice den and you finish when the moon is shining in the sky sometimes. I used to wake up super sore, but I got used to it in the end." I remember it hurt every step I took, but Silversmoke said it gets better the more you train.

This is the part where he's supposed to comfort her. I don't know how to though. Lupinepaw was always better at that. A bitter reminder of one of the many ways his sister was superior to him. Owlpaw looks almost ashamed and he can't understand why. He had just told her himself that he wasn't great at hunting due to lousy Silversmoke avoiding hunting with a passion for whatever reason. There was strength in saying what one lacked and it didn't didn't sit right with him that she appeared to be saddened by this fact. For this reason he huffs, "What good is knowing how to fight if you can't even hunt for yourself?" The black tom doesn't give her a chance to interject as he rather passionately continues, "I think you should give yourself more credit. Yeah they'll test us on fighting, but Skyclan doesn't really get into that many fights with others. Not like Windclan. I'd say hunting is more important and if you're confident in that then I'd say you'll pass. But, there's no harm in practice, right? I'm always up for a spar and Silversmoke may not look like it but he leaps for joy when someone asks him about battle." I remember we were supposed to quickly go over strategy and we ended up finishing up when the moon shined.
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 11 moons
    — undecided / single / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

“I'm happy to come find you.” She could appreciate that Crowpaw was to the point. It made the room for confusions or miscommunication slim, which was something that Owlpaw found she enjoyed about him. Despite that though, something did feel off about the exchange. She didn't know much about dating but on the faint glimpses of insight into it she had heard around camp this.. kind of sounded like one?

Owlpaw should be appalled, she should reject it. It would be the right thing to do, he had upset her sister after all hadn't he? What hit harder than the thought of it being a date was the realisation that she actually wanted to go on it.

“I'd love to spend time with you Owlpaw”

She wasn't sure what about that sentence struck a chord with her, maybe it was the sincerity? No one had ever said that they don't like to spend time with her or anything like that but there was something different about being told that someone would love it. There was a fluttering feeling in her stomach that made her feel uneasy, her fur bristled at the sensation. Despite this, she couldn't help but smile, this feeling was new but she didn't entirely hate it.

“I'd love to spend time with you too Crowpaw, I look forward to it!” The idea of going owl watching was going to sit in the back of her mind for the coming days. A part of her just wanted to go looking for them now, that part of her was impulsive though and she usually pushed that deep inside her subconscious. It seemed to make an appearance here though, as the thought lingered.

The mention of Cherrypaw brought her mind back to that internal conflict of what to make of Crowpaw. He didn't seem to regard her with venom, which threw another spanner into Owlpaws pre-existing expectations of the tom. “Yeah, that sounds like something Cherry would do” a small laugh escapes her at the thought “well, now you know about these hazards, if anything you probably learnt faster than most of us since you spent time understanding how it tasted and felt.” It was confusing, this warm feeling she held in regard for Crowpaw. She was supposed to be meeting him with indifference, he had upset her sister hadn't he? Perhaps she should actually ask Cherry about it sometime.

Crowpaw just seemed… so nice? when one actually spoke with him that is. The she-cat didn't know what to make of this, usually the preconceived notions she made of the other Skyclanners were right but Crowpaw wasn't this cold harsh figure that she had thought him to be. Learning that the bird was a blue jay caused the apprentice's eyes to widen in surprise “oh! I thought you were going to say it was a crow, blue jays are very pretty, I haven't seen many of them.”

It was strange to see Crowpaw grinning. She committed the expression to memory, something positive to recall whenever she thought of him in future. It was off putting but she didn't mind, it was just nice to see. Owlpaw for once, was relaxed when talking to someone other than her siblings. This conversation was going well and she saw no need to keep a stern persona. Somehow, even discussing training wasn't a stressful thing for her. She wondered if Crowpaw would keep this unorthodox training habit when he becomes a warrior. She couldn't imagine having to go through that kind of training, if it worked for the two of them then she wouldn't bring up any criticism, it wasn't her place. She offered a simple nod in understanding as she listened to him explain, sometimes actions were better than words.

Her ears dropped as she explained her own shortcomings, she was ashamed of them, sure, but it felt easy to talk about. Crowpaw's words were a welcomed surprise, her eyes widened at the passionate speech. It resonated with her, shaking away that insecurity she held within her fighting ability. “I..” for once she was at a loss for words, this never happened, Owlpaw always had something to say no matter the subject matter.

She sighed, taking a moment to collect her thoughts and let what Crowpaw said sit with her. “You're right, I should give myself more credit. Thank you Crowpaw I- that means a lot to me. I'd love to practise sparring with you sometime, you're welcome to join me when I practise hunting. I'm sure that despite your concerns you're great with it.” Owlpaw's small grin had returned, the weird fluttering feeling returning with it.