pafp Two birds on a wire ♡ Playing

Mar 30, 2024
*+:。.。 Boldkit was one of Thunderclan's newest additions, and Wrathpaw remained so very happy to have him!
Unfortunately, Boldkit arrived at the nursery just as Wrathpaw was leaving it, thwarting his chance to stay true to his promise and become his friend. Drats! It truly a shame, because from Wrathpaw's limited point of you, Boldkit seemed I know, I know, a very uncharitable opinion to have on a new member, don't underestimate how very ashamed Wrathpaw was for having such a callous thought! After all, it should be expected that Boldkit seemed a bit Unsociable? Let's see...shy has to be the right word! Anyways, it wasn't surprising that Boldkit was shy - even considering his given name, as he didn't have the opportunity to grow up in a clan like Wrathpaw and his friends. Poor Boldkit! Either way, Wrathpaw was determined to fix his perspective by hanging out with the other young tom, and today the stars aligned to give him that chance!

"Hey Boldkit, how're you liking Thunderclan?" Wrathpaw would inquire with a chirp, coming up to the younger boy. Plopping down beside him, Wrathpaw would stretch his sore muscles, glad to have the break from training but not quite tired enough to spend it napping. And with this free time, what better way to spend it than by getting to know Boldkit? Maybe today, beneath the beautifully shining sun with the sing-song of birds all around, he and Boldkit would forge a wonderful friendship! "Wanna play a game of moss ball?" he suddenly asks, spotting a nearby loose bundle of flowering green plants by a nearby rock. He couldn't imagine any kit never having played the iconic game!


    DMAB— He/Him
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Giggle-
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently