Dec 17, 2022


  • THEIR STORY: Chrysaliswing's and Honeysplash's story starts in the midst of their apprenticehood, both meeting at quite a young point in their lives. Chrysalispaw was an irate and sarcastic apprentice who always lashed out, particularly at authority and outsiders. Honeysplash, then known as Bananapaw, was a bubbly and affable feline as well as the young sister to Orangestar (then known as Orangeblossom). She sought out Chrysalispaw as nothing more than a friend, at first. Their chance encounter started quite quickly, with Bananapaw persistently attempting to befriend the other time and time again. Chrysalispaw pushed her away, but she seemed to gravitate towards him more and more. There was something about her that he orbited around - perhaps it was their unending compassion or their determination to make him stick around in her life.

    Chrysalispaw could never sort out why he felt the way he did towards Bananapaw, even after the other feline pined after Quillstrike (known then as Quillpaw). Jealousy started at his heart at the thought of Bananapaw with another cat that wasn't him - and though he did not recognize it as such, he felt spurned from it. As time went on, the pair grew closer even as she held flames for other cats. Chrysalispaw helped her through the wrinkles and messes of her life, much to his chagrin.

    If their love was a sheet of stationery, then it surely would have been ripped in two when Honeysplash was taken by Twolegs when both cats had been fresh into their warriorhoods. Though it had been against her will, Chrysaliswing took it as a sign that he was not destined for love. Resenting the Twolegs for taking the only Skyclanner that truly cared for him, he repressed himself further into his own anger and hatred. There were many times that infatuation had crossed his mind, though none remained as strong and as fervent as the love he held for Honey. Honeysplash, in the meanwhile, had escaped from the Twolegs that captured her and wandered through the winding Twolegplace for many moons. For a while, it seemed as though the twin flames would never reunite.

    She returned almost a year later, frazzled and dazed from traversing a world so far away from the clans. It came as a surprise to Chrysaliswing, who believed that she had left forever. Although Chrysaliswing and Honeysplash had many arguments, their relationship rekindled from the stagnant ashes it once lie in. A tryst became a rumor, which became public talks, which became a substantiated relationship. Soon, they became so close that the rest of the clan had started to notice them always at each other's sides. Their lives were not all roses and rainbows, though, as they continued to argue about their differences.

    Then, an unexpected development arose: that Honeysplash was pregnant with Chrysaliswing's kits. Still harboring resentment from past arguments and holding onto the trauma from his own childhood, Chrysaliswing ran from the chance to start a family with the only cat that had ever been truly kind to him. Now, Honeysplash and her friend Flora are raising the kids, and the father of the brood shies away from his responsibility. Will the newly-made father return to his kits and mend the cats that he hurt? Will the abandoned mother manage to care for her kittens while navigating the landmine of her bond with Chrysaliswing?

    — Orangekit (played by @/wolfie)

    — open

    — open


  • — There are two slots available.
    — The choosing date for this litter is one month from the posting of this litter, or on June 6th. This date is subject to change, and we will update this litter if it ever is altered. The litter will be born shortly after, with a few days in between for winners to create their subaccounts.
    — The kits will start out at 2 moons old. They will age realistically.
    — Follow the genetics and naming guide(s) for the kittens, please. We would love alternative names provided!
    — These kits, ideally, will stay in Skyclan. However, if there is a good plot to warrant an allegiance change, please contact me or Wolf!
    — We will likely prioritize those without an active Skyclanner for slots. However, if you are currently in Skyclan, please do not be discouraged to apply!
    — Form is FFA but not FCFS. Please apply with all the basic information necessary, including but not limited to name, age, gender, appearance, and personality.
    — Casual activity for the kittens is allowed! However, we request that your kitten stay active enough to remain on the census.
    — We reserve the right to rehome your kitten for any sort of reason. If you wish to rehome your kit, please contact either me or Wolf.
    — Characters with physical or mental disabilities are allowed. Please research what you want to portray so you may do so appropriately.
    — As the circumstances of this litter are less than ideal, angsty characters will be allowed. Please note that Honeysplash will love her children dearly. It is also planned for Chrysaliswing to come around to fatherhood and attempt to be the best father he can.
  • Sire: LH black (carrying dilute)
    Dam: SH cream tabby w/ high white (masking black; carrying longhair)

    Toms can be red tabby or cream tabby
    She-cats can be tortoiseshell or blue tortoiseshell
    • kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
    • kits will have low white
    • kits can have any realistic eye color
    • red-based kits will mask black
    • shorthaired kits will carry longhair; non-dilute kits will carry dilute


    — Niblings to Orangestar, Applefrost, Apricotflower, Blueberrybounce, Cloudberrythorn, Termitehum, and Katydidcry
    — Cousins to Cherryblossom, Glimmersun, Owlheart, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw, and Robinheart
    — Grandchildren to Alice, Heavy Stone, Dragonflywing, and Earwigtuft
    — Related to the FruitFam
    Insects/Arachnids: Hoverflykit, Mayflykit, Beekit, Waspkit, Sawflykit, Antkit, Mothkit, Butterflykit, Gadflykit, Cicadakit, Grasshopperkit, Roachkit, Cockroachkit, Skipperkit, Ringletkit, Graylingkit, Heathkit, Hornetkit, Beetlekit, Ladybirdkit, Weevilkit, Springtailkit, Damselflykit, Centipedekit, Millipedekit, Chaferkit, Darterkit, Leafhopperkit, Caddisflykit
    Misc. Animals: Adderkit, Serpentkit, Finchkit, Woodpeckerkit, Squirrelkit, Mousekit, Volekit, Foxkit, Juncokit, Thrasherkit, Jaykit, Warblerkit, Chickadeekit, Robinkit, Hawkkit, Eaglekit, Owlkit, Stoatkit, Weaselkit, Martenkit
    Flowers: Cowslipkit, Anemonekit, Buttercupkit, Bluebellkit, Helleborekit, Rosekit, Primrosekit, Marigoldkit, Maplekit, Campionkit, Celandinekit, Pimpernelkit
    Misc. Plants: Oakkit, Pinekit, Alderkit, Birchkit, Yewkit, Hollykit, Rowankit, Hazelkit
    Family & Friends: Earwigkit, Termitekit, Katydidkit, Howlkit, Honeykit, Splashkit
    Names to Avoid: Firekit, Snakekit, Sootkit, Windkit, Spiderkit, Figkit, Dragonflykit

    Fruits: Apple, Cherry, Orange, Apricot, Cloudberry, Juniper, Gooseberry
    Cute: Sweet, Giggle, Downy, Joy, Wonder/ing, Silly, Goose, Olive
    Forest: Oak, Maple, Birch, Fern, Bramble, Bush, Flower, Robin, Squirrel, Mouse (for her forest home)
    Appearance: Black, Ebony, Sable, Raven, Dusk, Yellow, Amber, Daffodil, Spot/Spotted, Stripe/Striped (look based names)
    Family & Friends: Egg, Hiccup, Shine, Shell, Laugh, Jitter, Orange, Ginger, Gold, Blueberry, Blue, Bug, Pigeon, Bird, Termite, Hum, Peek/ing, Green, Emerald, Grass, Rain, Storm
    Miscellaneous: Flight, Cloud, Ferret, Rose, Silent, Flame
    Names to Avoid:
  • PLEASE NOTE: If you apply for a hypokit and you get a slot in the litter, you will also receive the transparent design file. Designs must come with the names! You may tweak gender and personality notes. Applying with a hypokit will not affect your chances of receiving a slot.

    HYPOKIT #1: Hoverflykit
    — Named after the black-and-yellow insect that resembles a bee or a wasp, as they are mimicking the more dangerous species.
    — A longhaired tortoiseshell AFAB with low white and green/yellow eyes (sectoral heterochromia on the left eye).
    — Quiet, complacent, and often finds themselves falling behind their peers in terms of social etiquette. Seems to always be angry or at least slightly perturbed, though just has a case of severe RBF.

    HYPOKIT #2: Greylingkit
    — Named after the speckled grey butterfly, with mottles that resemble rough bark.
    — A shorthaired blue tortoiseshell AFAB with low white and green eyes,
    — Outgoing, perky, and always up for a good adventure. Prone to idolizing their heroes to a fatal fault and often cannot tell when one is projecting a persona or it is simply their true self.

    HYPOKIT #3: Daffodilkit
    — Named after the trumpet-shaped flowers of sprightly yellow hue.
    — A shorthaired cream tabby AMAB with low white and green/yellow eyes (complete heterochromia).
    — They resemble their mother both in appearance and demeanor. Playful, sweet-natured, and impossibly kind - though they also tend to be quite sensitive.

    HYPOKIT #4: Apricotkit
    — Named after the orange fruit, sweet and vibrant in color.
    — A shorthaired red tabby AMAB with low white and green eyes.
    — Fiery, passionate, and ambitious. They don't know when - or how, for that matter - to give up, especially if they are quite fixated on something.

    HYPOKIT #5: Gooseberrykit
    — Named after the small, globular fruit that is often seen along the sides of fences or byways.
    — A shorthaired tortoiseshell AFAB with low white and blue eyes.
    — Dramatic, pithy, but ultimately compassionate behind the playful acts they put on. They have a flair for the exquisite and seem exceptionally slothful - perhaps they would be better suited as a kittypet than a warrior of the forest?

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━ Name to be chosen by Honeysplash
Names are Gingerkit, Goldkit, Blackkit, Hornetkit, Zinniakit in no specific order
━ AFAB, she/him
━ Skyclan kit, No former ranks
━ Unborn, Ages every [DATE]
━ Birthday is [DATE], Created on 04/04/2024
━ Penned by Reaver
    Saddled with long, willowy piles of black and ginger fur, she looks similar to her father, only in that they're both orange and black, her fur being far less spread out and relegated across the entirety of his rear legs and tail. Average in height, he doesn't tower over most but has a body that leans on the more muscular side with broad shoulders and large square paws, predisposed to being a capable climber. However, in spite of being shorter than many clanmates, he likes to act as a shield for his littermates with his burly build. Her face is where most of his fur sprouts from, thick and fluffy cheeks with tall ears and even fluffier tufts atop them. It's fitting though in that it matches his broader nose and somewhat distanced eyes topped with large "eyebrows." Her eyes, one a river-green and blue and the other a sunflower yellow are, in their neutral state, half-lidded and drowsy as if he can't get enough sleep.
    ━ Walks with her head hanging low, ducking at the back of crowds and doing his best to blend in
    ━ Doesn't really emote with her mouth, usually in a thin line and instead has very expressive eyes and eyebrows
    ━ For a perfectionist, his fur is rarely cleaned and is typically in a disarray, but he always makes sure her littermates' fur is groomed and detangled with careful attention
    ━ Speaks in a very flat, even tone, level in everything he says
    ━ Carrying dilute
    ━ Not one to initiate an interaction, she is very receptive to being approached though, casual and attentive with an ear for listening rather than speaking. While she enjoys her quietude, he does find that having the occasional cat hanging around and chattering away is good for him and keeps him grounded from drifting off into some sleep or daydream
    ━ Despite the typical far-off look to her eyes and the sleepy sheen that blankets them, he is almost always paying attention. Perfectly aware of his surroundings and the soft whispers of those around her and in spite of his big paws, he's fluid in his movement, careful and impressively never bumping into things. Self-awareness of his size and weight never letting him tumble about even as a kit
    ━ A bit dog-like in his laidback obedience, he takes orders well and does as he's told with great attention to detail, never stopping till she meets her own impossibly high standard, never getting impatient or irritated all the while, always calm and always open to helping those around him that may be struggling with a similar task
    ━ She's as understanding as she can be, not especially good at sympathizing but is always willing to be a shoulder to cry on, always willing to be there for anyone that may need him whether they be one of his littermates or a cat from another clan. Perhaps in this regard he's a bit too soft-hearted and like his mother
    ━ Overprotective of her littermates, maybe even annoyingly so. Always keeping one eye on them, always ready to spring into action if they're ever in danger. Of course, he's like this with any of his clanmates, primarily those closest though. So he may have a bit of a knack for being overbearing and possibly breathing down the necks of others to make sure they're being careful
    ━ Seemingly perfectly unflappable. Still never one to take charge, she is ever calm, never growing visibly stressed or worried, even in the most dire of moments, he is breathing even and easy with a steady forward gaze. Ever ready to move into action. Only after ensuring the safety of his family though
    ━ Follows rules to a T and if he had a catchphrase it'd probably be something about safety having to come first
    ━ Likely to pick up some habits and traits from Flora just through hanging around her such as being a bit too casual or being very touchy-feely with objects, picking them up and turning them over trying to see every angle of something
    ━ Raised by Honeysplash and Florabreeze
    ━ Littermate to Orangekit, [NAMES]
    ━ Extended family is the Fruitfam
    ━ Mentor is [NAME], Apprentice is [NAME]
    ━ Former mentors, former apprentices
    ━ Cooperates well with others for the most part, but given certain tasks she has a tendency for being maybe a little bit bossy, disliking the way a cat may do things she'll force himself in and try and get it done the right way
    ━ Not necessarily trusting of anyone outside of Honeysplash, Florabreeze or her littermates, but she is easy to get along with and is friendly enough. Not enough to tell them of her grievances but enough for good rapport with others
  • ━ Voice is a casual drawl with a barely there hoarse grit to it
    ━ Pokemon typing would be ghost & ground, golett & golurk mostly
    ━ Maybe the firstborn of the litter if allowed?
    ━ Will have mixed feelings on Chrysaliswing, wanting him to stay away to avoid further damage to her family but also given her go-with-the-flow nature, he wants to talk and understand just why he ran from them. For the most part he keeps his feelings from her littermates, not wanting to frustrate or hurt them with his almost willingness to allow Chrysaliswing into their family
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tempted track w Hiccupkit possibly..


I merely present the problems.
Hiccupkit . Hiccup-paw . Hiccup?

↳ after his mother's friend
— Kit of SkyClan
— Cismale, he/him, homosexual, monogamous
Chrysaliswing x Honeysplash, sibling to Orangekit and ???

LH cream tabby with low white. Hiccupkit is a relatively small long-haired cream tabby with a splash of white dripped onto his face as if out of a paint can. He has very piercing yellow eyes that tend to strike one first and foremost, however much Hiccupkit might dislike the attention they bring. On his chest is a small locket of white that resembles a teardrop. Curiously, he has a few tabby markings under his eyes, giving him the appearance of wrinkles of someone who is older and more jaded than he is.
↳ carrying


Hiccupkit does not hate, but he does hold the feeling in a certain regard concerning his absent father, Chrysaliswing. He believes that he grew up without him, and so does not need him in any capacity, even if his mother forgives Chrysaliswing for his lack of paternal duties - however, this does not mean that Hiccupkit sees Flora or anyone else as a second parental figure. In fact, Hiccupkit is content to have only his mother, and he would do anything in his power to keep Honeysplash safe and satisfied.

Overall, Hiccupkit is a very quiet and shy kit who keeps to himself and his siblings. He feels no need to make connections outside of his family, and even then, he has to work to convince himself that his siblings are worth connecting with - that they might leave him behind is a constant worry in his mind, although he has built up a very positive presence to keep the lesser thoughts at bay in his mind. Despite this, he often comes across as lacking in emotion, or looking more tired than anything else.
mannerisms: much like his father and to Hiccupkit's dismay, his tail is a blatant show of his emotions
— will not start fights | will not end fights | will flee | will show mercy
— (will) excel at


— Something of a social climber, if only to bring fame to his mother's name


Bonus Information:
— Voice claim would be
— Human AU name would be Hichabod
— Similar characters to Hiccup: Russell Seager

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" ill be a real hero! "

Standing at approximately 7 inches tall full grown, Cloverkit is much like his father with a mixture of orange and cream tabby fur. His coat is longer haired and usually puffs out around his chest, neck and tail like a lions. With a long, lithe build, he is built for climbing and sticking himself into small areas around the place. He has tabby fur with patches intermingling his coat and white covering his front paw, his chest and underbelly as well as his tail tip. He is often referred to as looking like 'a mixture of both worlds' so to speak. Cloverkit also has round heterchormia eyes of an amber orange and a mossy green.

Pretty and knowing it, Cloverkit is going to be a rather shy surprisingly but always hides behind his mother or Flora. He wont like leaving the nursery nor seeing others' around camp. It is unknown why the tomkit is so scare and kiddish of everyone, but he is rather sweet and tries to make friends even if he is awkward and falls flat most of the time. Cloverkit is going to be a mommas boy, maybe even attached to Flora at the hip, and never really speak to others' for the most part.

As an apprentice, Cloverpaw will be more confident and wanting to prove himself. He will really want to get into fighting and defending his clan to an unhealthy scale. Though this is the same time that he will try to get Chrysaliswings' attention all the time. He wants his father's approval, to show him he is worthy of his love and affection, and this will lead him down a rather dark path as he realizes- he will never get that. Cloverpaw will become more reclusive, hateful and spiteful.

Cloverheart is TBD
  • Really likes being up in the air/climbing/hiding
  • OCD and Autism
  • Very obsessive with relationships, will not let anyone leave him
  • Named after Florabreeze, for the clovers they went hunting for in the twolegplace park
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It's not okay but we're alright
Weaselkit . Weaselpaw . Weaselstripe, Weaseltail, Weaselfur

↳ named because his chin and white patch on his chest are akin to the white markings on a Weasel
— Kit of Skyclan
— Tom, (He/Him)
Chrysaliswing x Honeysplash sibling to Orangekit, ???

Spikey furred red tabby tom with a white chin, chest and paws and amber eyes A bundle of scruffy thistle like fur; Weaselkit looks wild and unkempt even when his fur is completely clean and groomed. The fur running down his spine to his tail is always arched as if he's always raising it to hiss. He appears like a ridgeback dog, it certainly fits the prickly tom it belongs to. His fur itself is ginger and matched with darker stripes, the markings on his face particularly are unique. He has white from his chin to his chest and tummy and four matching white paws.
↳ Masking black


( + ) Confident, Loyal ( / ) Protective ( - ) Aggressive, Irritable, Rash, Unfriendly Not the kindest little boy, fickle tempered and crabby Weaselkit can be considered a little brat - he's as rough around the edges as the spikey fur running down his back. What a twist of fate it is for him to be born his fathers son; but fates always been funny hasn't it. A kit destined to pick on his smaller weaker peers when heads are turned, who will have a keen fascination with learning how to fight and idolizes the fiercest of Skyclan's warriors. He wishes to grow into his thorn like claws and is eager to explore the world, rash and impulsive it's expected the young kit will always be getting in trouble as he tests the boundaries of his clanmates and even his parents/guardians. He's got a quick tongue and the minute he's allowed an inch when it comes to spitting out curses the likes of "Foxdung" they will be flying into the air. The little spitfire he is he will mouth off to anyone he deems as challenging him no matter how big, the little scrap has an ego to defend and Starclan save you if you make a single remark about his mom.

Beneath all the sharpness, the sneers and hisses there's a soft plushiness - Weaselkit may not love his peers he may find it hard to get along with most cats he meets and may even tussle with his siblings but he loves his mom the only cat in Skyclan even surpassing the leader that has his whole respect and while he may try to test her patience he will always bite back his pride with a "yes ma" and come running back to her with nothing more then a sigh. Her guidance is likely to be the brightest guiding light he has a true test of nature vs. nurture, he's likely to keep his edges to still always be a reflection of his father if he'd grown up under a kinder more loving upbringing - they will soften over time but Weaselkit is unlikely to be the most friendly or agreeable cat but maturity will do wonders when he begins to figure out what he wants for himself and who he truly is outside of being his parents son. Right now he's just a bratty kit and as a apprentice he will be nothing more intimidating then a schoolyard bully figuring out his emotions.

While his father's emotions are held within tightly only shown by a lashing tail for the most part, Weaselkit doesn't know and (doesn't have to) stifle his emotions. They're felt and seen, the young kit cries more then most surprisingly he gets so frustrated - so bothered by how others treat him -bothered by his father and angry tears just soak his cheeks frequently. Warriors don't cry is not something he believes, if you even suggest he's less of a tom he'll shred you! He's so young doesn't understand his dads distance, doesn't understand why he'll be looked at as a mini Chyrsaliswing if that's even a good thing or a bad thing. He's so little and so in tune with the stress and feelings going on around him, I would not call him empathetic as he'd just use that skill to bully cats he doesn't like better but there's a reason behind why he lashes out more so then his peers and littermates more then his simple nature and personality.

Earning his friendship is hard but not impossible; those who remind him of his mom would obviously appeal the most to him. Those who show him things, who have the confidence to approach him despite his reputation will earn his respect - he wants to scare people away but those who stay will earn his curiosity if not his favor even if he may push them away and still tend towards cruel words to shoo them off. While kind and sweet cats have a chance at being his friend it's likely he will still step all over them, what he needs to better himself is someone who will both stand up to him who won't tolerate or back away from his jeers but also won't avoid him, those who will stick by him see both his roughness as well as the cat beneath it all. They'll be rewarded with a loyal friend and unflinching ally, he will move the world for those he loves.

His dev with his personality and how it changes/softens or even gets worse will depend entirely on his upbringing with how his father comes around, how his mom handles his temper and how the clan overall reacts and treats him. A kind patient force will do good for him later on especially as a mentor, someone who's immune to snapping remarks.
mannerisms: Very expressive always making some kind of face
— will start fights | will not end fights | will not flee | will show mercy
— (will) excel at Fighting, Climbing and bossing others around


— The most dependent thing with his development will be his fathers own and how he raises his kits; will he pass down his fathers ways and repeat the cycle of abuse even if unknowing? Will he go against how he was raised and rise to the challenge of parenthood and while not perfect still loving? The biggest thing that will be dependent is when in time Chrysalis will be around to properly be a father to his kits or if he'll be a distant figure for a while. If he's away still to stuck in his own head to father then it's likely Weaselkit will act out much more then if he's there from the start or early on. He will always be a difficult kit no matter what, and will test his fathers patience but much more so if he appears later on. He will want to push him away, will throw fits when having to be around him blaming him for things that aren't even his fault. He will be very hurt by his absence, and while being his son will always hurt the kit in some way not having him around and seeing him walk around camp will greatly hurt and affect the little kit.
Maybe they will grow close, that he will love his dad as much as he loves his mom but time will only tell.
— Early on in apprenticeship i'd like for him to start a border squabble with another apprentice or even another warrior, something that will be his fault as he will test what he can get away with and go on their land believing Skyclan should just take more territory and the other clans are weaker.
— Really want a childhood friend that will stick with him through thick and thin, a life partner for him he will rely on and trust his life with and vice versa. It wouldn't have to be romantic, just someone who's soul he's intertwined with his partner in crime and through thick and thin.
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Chirpkit ~ Chirppaw ~ Chirp(song?)
OR Damselflykit (honestly so cute)
AFAB girl, she/her
Skyclan kit, 0 moons
Chrysaliswing x Honeysplash, Gen 3

Shorthair tortoiseshell, low white with jade green eyes

Densely spotted black and brown, but white only on the tip of her muzzle, framing her mouth as if her very genes knew her most notable personality trait. Her fur is coarse and too short to hide how small she is, except for the oversized paws inherited from her father. On her, it looks ungainly, but she's young enough to grow into them. Her round eyes sparkle, despite being as dark as a pine tree at night.

Energetic, loud, and childish
Shockingly for a child, Chirpkit is self-centered and doesn't get why not everyone likes her. Perhaps they find her constant prattling annoying, but she has so many real and imagined stories to share. She takes annoyance with her in stride, until it gets to ignoring or being outright mean to her, in which case she gives a nasty cold shoulder and holds a grudge for a long time. She's very expressive, both in her words and her excessively exaggerated body language.
When she's not engaging with anyone who'll listen to her new ideas, she's deceptively quiet, watching her clanmates go about their lives with glee. As a people-watcher, she's privy to a lot of local drama, but as a baby, doesn't get what's important, what's private, and what's completely uninteresting, so she'll accidentally spill secrets without meaning to and tell completely innocuous events conspiratorially. Because she spends her time talking or watching clanmates, she doesn't spend much time training or playing very active games with her littermates and is distractible when she does.

Depending on how things go, she'd probably already start with the impression that Chrysaliswing doesn't like her, and react to this by entirely ignoring him. She doesn't see anything special in him just cause he's her dad and doesn't expect anything from him. I imagine she'll lean hard into her relationship with her siblings, but completely not get/be annoyed by their feelings regarding Chrysaliswing.
UNNAMED is a tortoiseshell kit with low white. She appears very standoffish until you get to know her.

. ☼ .
———-,. ° ✧- GENERAL INFO -✧ ° .-,———

Adderkit or Foxkit, chosen by Honeysplash
↪ meaning
AFAB & she/her
↪ unknown sexuality
↪ birthday
SkyClan kit
Thoughts, "Speech"
. ☼ .
———-,. ° ✧- APPEARANCE -✧ ° .-,———

Fullbody ref not yet completed
UNNAMED has thick, short fur and similar face spotting to her father, in that there's almost a straight line division between the orange and black half of her face. As for her body, most of her orange comes from a few large spots, rather than many small spots. She has one white-tipped paw, a locket, and a tiny spot on her nose. Her build is slightly on the stockier side.
↪ Scars, injuries, other notable traits

. ☼ .
———-,. ° ✧- PERSONALITY -✧ ° .-,———

( + ) loyal, hard-working ( / ) independent, quiet ( - ) standoffish, arrogant, envious

UNNAMED has a hard time making friends. It's not that she has a temper- in fact, it's almost the opposite. She's aloof and can be brutally honest, and as she tends to think she's better than her peers, she can come across as arrogant and uninterested. She desperately wants to be the kind of cat who has a whole group of friends, and is incredibly envious of those who do, but simply doesn't know how to open up to other cats.

Once you win her over, however, she is incredibly loyal, due to her abandonment issues. She is an incredibly loyal cat, especially to her family. In her eyes, Honeysplash can do no wrong. She can be a little protective of her siblings, especially any of the shier ones.
↪ Quirks, mannerisms

. ☼ .
———-,. ° ✧- RELATIONSHIPS -✧ ° .-,———

Chrysaliswing x Honeysplash | siblings
Slow to trust, slow to befriend, does hold grudges​
Mentor to/mentored by
↪ Previously mentor to/mentored by
Mate to
↪ open/closed to plots
Friend with
↪ Honeysplash, any siblings most likely
↪ Chrysaliswing (will grow out of this)
. ☼ .
———-,. ° ✧- INTERACTIONS -✧ ° .-,———

Excels at will determine in roleplay
Poor at will determine in roleplay
Peaceful powerplay allowed, harmful powerplay not allowed
↪ penned by @petramity :)

. ☼ .
———-,. ° ✧- PLOT IDEAS -✧ ° .-,———

Severe abandonment issues, thus leading her to be incredibly attached to Honeysplash and her siblings. Hates Chrysaliswing for walking out on them, and hates the fact that her face spotting is vaguely similar to his. Often wishes she looked more like Honeysplash. When Chrysalis starts to be a father figure, she is Not Happy. She'll either be very vocal with how much she dislikes him or will completely avoid him until she ends up having a moment where she gets over that. It would have to be plotted out. I don't know if she'd ever be his biggest fan ever, but she will most likely stop hating him.

Likely won't make any real friends until her mid-late apprenticeship. Even if other cats are nice to her and attempt to get past her icy exterior, she likely won't realize that they're trying to be her friend.

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Name: Warblerkit (possibly named after a pitching cry she gave after being born)
~~Warblerpaw, Warblerskip/heart/throat/?~~

Age: 2 moons

Gender: she/her

Sexuality: tbd

Appearance: Blue tortie w/low white, short hair, dark amber eyes


Personality: definitely something that will flesh out in rp and depend on her parents/sibling dynamic! However here are some of my thoughts:
- Warblerkit sees goodness wherever she goes and in everything around her. The smallest compliments lift her up for days, a drink of sparkling clean water reminds her that life is beautiful, the birds of the morning echo in her peaceful dreams. But as high as her highs can be, she is also rather fragile. With her head so full of joy, disappointments bowl her over with little effort. She takes everything to heart, the bad as well as the good.
- incredibly loyal (clingy might be a more precise description). She loves her family, she loves her clan, and above all she loves having cats to rely on. The world can be scary, so friends and family should stick together. She may have a tough time understanding boundaries, delighted when she finds a new friend to play with, and devastated when they need a break from her boundless energy. She will give endless second chances to cats that don't deserve it, pulling in those that push her away. She will have great capacity to either force connection with those who need it most, or scare/annoy potential relationships away
- she wants to be liked, almost desperately. By her family, by her peers, even by those outside her own clan. This means she'll be willing to work hard at any task she's given, and StarClan as her witness she'll do it with a smile. It also means she'll be incredibly easy to take advantage of, and she may be found doing more than her share of unpleasant chores with enough pleading from her fellows. If someone is determined not to like her, she may become pushy in her need to know why. This could cause problems in more than one way depending on the other party

Plot ideas:
I really want her to be close to her siblings and mother, if possible! Feeling abandoned by her father will cause her to cling desperately to the family she has left. If allowed she may trail Honey like a shadow, especially if she has trouble making friends. When Chrys eventually tries to be a part of the family again, Warblerkit will welcome him with open paws, dying to prove to him that she's good enough to not leave behind. If her siblings feel differently about Chrys it could lead to strained relationships
- she's definitely going to be a bit too friendly with cats from other clans, and she for sure has a shot at getting in trouble for cross-clan friendships. I'm considering maybe she has a cross-clan crush… would probably fall apart from her realizing she can't risk losing her clan and her family over someone from another clan, however she would never be able to confront them in the future with a clear head
- she's going to have opinions about right and wrong as she ages, but I'm not yet sure about how she will go about expressing those opinions. She may end up as a bit of a gossip, unwilling to shout unpopular opinions too loudly but still hoping to get with various "in" circles by keeping up on and spreading all sorts of thoughts and information. This could get her friends, it could get her tick duty, it could get her in a "must choose sides" situation, and if that happens with her good friends on one side and her family on the other she will be utterly torn

Themes: birds might be on the nose but I kinda like the idea of her associating different feelings/emotions with different birds, or thinking in themes of flight and falling
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HI GUYS! Me and Wolfie had such a hard time trying to decide which two kits we wanted to go with, as we loved everyone's applications. Thank you to everyone who showed interest and everyone who applied!!!

We decided on @Kedamono and @petramity for our two slots, alongside Wolfie's Cloverkit! I will add you to a Discord group chat to plot further, but you will have at least a few days before the birthing thread to make your accounts. Thank you again to everyone who applied <3!