pafp Two Bums In the Sun ☀️


Just Pretend
Feb 26, 2023

The sun settles below the canopy of tall pine trees that shelter SkyClan down below. Patrols had been assigned and come back—it was time to settle down for the night. With the news of the patrol return from the shelter, everyone teetered on edge now more than ever; Auburnflame included. Usually not a tom who got the jitters, his usual prose of meandering about and strolling through the greenery had been replaced by busy paws and ever searching eyes. He can't settle and he feels a desire—no, a need—to be close with someone he cares deeply for. With Orangeblossom within the confines of the nursery now, she had been taking it more easily and he'd not bother her. She had enough to deal with without him crowding up her space. He craves companionship and good company, needs to laugh and feel at ease once more—someone to soothe the wild beating of his heart.
It's then that they rest upon a figure cloaked in pristine silver and white, tufts of his fur whisp in the evening breeze as he's settled by himself. Auburnflame seizes the opportunity and his heart gallops as patched paws move towards the fresh-kill pile. He tried not to seem so—eager, but the tingling within his paw pads makes it that much more difficult. If anyone could give him a laugh and soothe the tension in his taut shoulders, it was the phantom like lead warrior. Mint hues rummage through the pile until he finds a large jay bird that they could possibly both share if Silversmoke hadn't already eaten. Butterflies flutter around in his abdomen suddenly and he hesitates for a moment. Would Silversmoke deny him? Surely not—right? Their spat wasn't too long ago but he knows it rubbed a raw spot within the tom's wounds, but they had made up. Everything will be fine. Just act natural.
With the blue feathered avian clasped carefully within his jaws, he sunters over towards Silversmoke with a hidden smile beneath cerulean feathers, ten tension falling away from tortoiseshell festures. He settles his lengthy frame along his new companion's side before dropping the bird between them. "Hey, Silver." He trills to the tom with a friendly grin, pink lips pulling back to reveal ivory teeth."You hungry? I—uh, thought maybe we could share this if you want." His scent washes over him and Auburnflame sighs in satisfaction, taking a small bite of the bird before pushing it over towards him. "How's your day been?"

// please wait for @SILVERSMOKE :3

With the sky blended by sunset reds and oranges (he tried not to think too long about who that reminded him of), the silvery tom was curled up in a relatively isolated corner. Silversmoke licked long stripes up the inside of his arms, his ears twitching disinterestedly at the gossip that was being passed around. He'd never been particularly interested in who was dating who, but with the camp scarcer than ever and tensions still running high, it was harder than ever to pay attention to it. Still, he tried, knowing that each conversation could be the last he'd ever hear (as morbid as that was to believe). A figure wisping through the crowd like a fire caused his heart rate to flare as he turned his head to face them. 'Damn it, he's just a friend. He said as much.' It was a reminder that stung no less now than it had done in the heat of their argument, all the same, he offered a polite nod of his head as a ghost of a smile traced his scarred muzzle. Suddenly, he felt as if the eyes of the whole clan were on him.

Dilated pupils watched the bluejay, his mouth salivating, but the tom himself trying his hardest to feign serenity. "Hi." He started his mew, his tail curling from one side of his body to the other. Guilt still nagged at the spotted tabby when he tried to look the calico in the eye, his stomach did flips at the fear of seeing the pain in them again. He hesitated, thought he hesitated too long, then quickly butted the warrior's head in greeting. He tried to avoid thinking about how hot with embarrassment his ears were, or how likely he was to be teased by the clan - he was allowed to enjoy Auburnflame's company... right? "Haven't had the chance to eat today. Thanks." Silversmoke leaned down and tentatively nibbled at the bluejay's wing, a paw holding the tip of it down as he began plucking it free from feathers. "My day? Um." He cleared his throat, realising how much he must've sounded like a lovesick apprentice. In reality, he wasn't that bad, awkward in smalltalk had followed him around since his youth, but each hesitation and stammer lasted twice as long in the tabby's head until he was screaming at himself to just say something. "I saw a pheasant that looked like you today."

He slowly blinked and allowed his eyes to remain shut for a moment. 'StarClan's sake, what does that even mean? You didn't even see a pheasant, you just said the first thing that came to your head to sound interesting.' He decided to move on before he needed to elaborate on such a weird statement. "I don't know, patrolling is usually fun for me, not so much at the moment. Every time I walk past a tree I think I'm going to see that damned Twoleg again," he complained. Loafing as he took another tentative nibble, Silversmoke nudged the bird back to his friend with his nose. "Instead all I saw was a red pheasant..."