camp two can keep a secret // questions

maggotfur 21 moons female she/her shadowclan queen
Queenhood suits Maggotfur in an unexpected sort of way - sure, paws itch to keep busy, but as the days pass and een walking becomes a chore she finds she minds the idleness less and less. But the rest? Oh, she's loving it - aws greedily snatching up prey without having to hide, the space that the nursery allows her, away from the constant press of bodies and sound of chatter that always filled the warriors den. And as she settles into her new reality, to she finds herself content for the first time in moons. It matters little that she hadn't planned this - life moves on, and she has a plan.

Her kits will be raised properly, in the same place she too called home, and would know the love of a parent that she'd never gotten to have. Of course, things are never so simple and clear-cut as that. It's not the first time she's caught the looks, heard the whispers - but it's the first time she's been so directly approached.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
M O N S T E R , - H O W - S H O U L D - I - F E E L - ?
// priv for now, title will be changed to "open' when others are free to post


Haretooth never truly paid much mind to the queens of ShadowClan. This was a respected role in the clan, if he had to force pleasantries he supposed he could even say that it is an admired role. To be able to support the youth of the clan, to foster the spirits, to teach clan roles and customs. It was a noble duty, he could prescribe that much to it. Yet, he never imagined what it would be like for a friend to be assigned that honoured title. That temporary title he hoped, surely Maggotfur would not take it upon herself to become a permanent resident after her kits reach apprenticehood.

He supposed it would be greed that motivated him for these hopes. The tom would never dare to utter it out loud but he would miss her if she never returned back to the warrior life. Is this a fear? Possibly, he was rarely afraid of anything he supposed. It was strange, to think of her as a queen. Who had she even been courting for this to occur? She didn't seem particularly close to any potential sires in the clan. The abstract and the strange flocked to her, himself included, so he had a hard time picturing anyone here in her circle actually committing to something like this. Unless it was an oversight? Unintentional perhaps?

The hypotheticals were driving him mad, he always thought his sanity would deplete via the marshland itself and not due to it's inhabitants. There was only one cure to this ailment of self induced stress and hungry curiosity, it was through simply asking the question of who. No one else in the clan seemed to have asked, which he thought was rather ridiculous because why would someone find it difficult?

“Maggotfur, might you indulge me in answering some curiosities of mine?” He brings a white paw to his face in an attempt to clean it. It's a practised manoeuvre, with the intent to self soothe. He had not calculated that this would be quite nerve wracking. “Will the sire be visiting you once your kits are born? Do I know them?” His delivery is rather blunt in the end, being unable to sound informal ever in his life had never felt like such a social blunder until this moment.
✧*:.。. Wormwatcher lurks in the clearing, blue fur disguised in the tall shadows casted by the surrounding pine trees. He's been sure to be around camp a lot more often since news of Maggotfur's pregnancy spread, the urge to be constantly busy and working tears him apart but it's important to be in camp. His presence is more frequent, he was always within shouting distance of a certain tabby. The tom does does not pester Maggotfur, is not overbearing, just a constant presence in her life. Pale eyes always follow and he keeps tabs on her whereabouts, always watching. The burning of his gaze is sure to be felt by Maggotfur; less creepily he is sure to check in at night, sneak out of the den into the nursery and seek refuge in her nest (away from the sad display of love) or speaks in hushed whispers to her so no one like himself can hear. Public displays of affection are not often between the two, Wormwatcher is simply not the kind to let leering eyes pry into his personal relationships. He considers himself a kind of... protector to Maggotfur, a sentry. This is why he must be in camp when he is able to, ensure no harm comes upon her.

Immediately, Wormwatcher does not like the tone Haretooth has speaking to his... friend. Bat-like ears careen forward at once when she is approached, his jaw sets stiffly and he leans forward to listen closer. Do I know them? A half-smirk dances upon Wormwatcher's shadowed face as he gets up and paces forward, strong strides pressing him forward to the snow-white tom. "That is not very polite to ask... a molly, hm? Well, you should be glad to know... I am the sire."

The sire's black-dipped paws flex in the mud beneath himself and his tail lashes impatiently as he speaks, "Is this suitable? I did not know... you kept a list of mates. Did Smogstar assign you to this role? Hm?" A wicked smile spreads across his cheek and he pads to Maggotfur's side, pressing his angular chin onto the top of her head softly. As he does this he tilts his head to bat his eyes at Haretooth and sneers, "I confess! I confess! I am the father to these kits!" His spindly tail entwines with Maggotfur's and he presses assuredly against her shoulder, flashing a smug grin towards his companion.

  • ooc–
  • wormwatcher —— ✧*:.。.shadowclan warrior, he/him, homosexual, 28 ☾, tags
maggotfur 21 moons female she/her shadowclan queen
Haretooth is... a friend, sort of. And Maggotfur has far to few of those these days - internally wincing as she remembers Raggedbites body. Perhaps, if hey'd had this conversation in private, she'd be more forthcoming - or at least, simply told him it'd been none of his business. But he doesn't, and so jaws part to chide him waspishly - already tired and in a foul mood from her pregnancy.

But she falls silent, jaws snapping shut when another speaks in her place.

She can't quite hide the glimmer of pride that gleams in blue eyes, nor the way spine straightens as Wormwatcher speaks. Their friendship may have rekindled from embers into flames, all from one little lie - but it seems to have paid off, hasn't it? apparently, she had been wrong after all - there really would be some who'd question her ven at risk of anear for their troubles. " My mate is correct - not that it matters, right? "

She blames it on his youth - perhaps Haretooth has simply never been faced with an angry queen, does not understand that irritation he could've unleashed. But his question suits her purpose, and as she sinks into Wormwatchers embrace she shrugs off her frustration - there may be no romance between the two of them, but the comfort is decidedly comforting.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'
M O N S T E R , - H O W - S H O U L D - I - F E E L - ?
// this is now open, feel free to post!

Mirepurr appreciates Maggotfur's move into the nursery for a wholly different reason; her presence there promises new life for ShadowClan's ranks. The den had been feeling oddly empty lately... although that is no surprise, given the drastic changes and tragedies that no doubt keeps any sane cat's mind off of romance and what it entails. If they want to be nit-picky, they would glower at the time chosen — leaf-fall's arrival is a grim reminder of the near future —, but the new queen is lucky for the lack of true mean bone in their body.

They shuffle underneath the thorn bush that protects nursing she-cats and their kittens with one goal in mind: humor. Maggotfur might not be the easiest to tease, but they are determined to try anyhow; ask her about whether she needs the nursery redecorated or even enlarged, despite her lonesome within its confines.

Clippings of conversation reach them, and as context dawns on them, such a plan quickly evaporates. "Oh, congratulations!" Wormwatcher's reveal of his involvement easily overshadows Haretooth's rather intrusive question. Not that Mirepurr can talk; they, too, can be notorious for sticking their nose wherever their heart wishes them to... against their better judgment.

"You both kept it quite a secret... I never would have guessed," Mirepurr confesses. Wormwatcher doesn't strike them as the romantic type, but then again, they wouldn't have imagined Maggotfur as a mother before. ShadowClan is full of surprises.
Forestshade listens to the scene unfold from a shadowed spot near the edge of the clearing, her ears pricked with interest. She hadn't thought much about Maggotfur's pregnancy beyond the basic fact that ShadowClan would soon have new kits, but this public exchange is certainly drawing her attention. Haretooth's curiosity strikes her as strange. Why would it matter to anyone else who the sire was? No one had inquired who the sire of her kits were, and to this day it remains a mystery to all but herself. Kits are the clan's future, and that is all that should concern anyone. But of course, ShadowClan has its nosy birds, and Haretooth is no exception. She suppresses a snort when Wormwatcher steps in, theatrics and all. His smugness is palpable, and she can't help the amused flick of her tail at the sheer drama of it all.

When Maggotfur confirms Wormwatcher's words, her blind eyes narrow slightly. Something about it doesn't sit right with her - there had never even been whispers of affection between the two and now they're all pressed up together? But it's not her place to pry, nor does she particularly care. If they're doting mates all the sudden, it makes no difference to her.

Pushing herself to her paws, Forestshade pads over to the small group, her demeanor casual as she leans to stretch her legs. "I didn't peg you for the fatherly type, Wormwatcher," She says dryly, her voice laced with just the faintest edge of sarcasm towards her clanmate. "Congratulations, though. The clan could use some fresh blood." She doesn't linger, her words brief as always, but she sends an encouraging nod in the queen's direction before moving away.
Sharpshadow would be lying if he said he hadn't been wondering the same thing as Haretooth. Cause like... y'know... It's Maggotfur, and while she was easily losing the Worst-Cats-in-ShadowClan competition, she still wasn't really someone he could imagine... wanting that sort of thing with. Was that too far to think? Sharpshadow would think the same thing about herself, frankly... And- if she ever gained the ability to read minDs and caught someone thinking, who would have kits with him? He's self aware enough to not be mad... ( Of course, that's a lie. )

Though she had thought it, she probably would'nt have had the gall to ask, so she's a bit glad that Haretooth did it for her. The one that does end up stepping forward was probably the last cat she would ever expect, especially considering that she honestly expected Maggotfur to tell him to get lost and for nothing to come of this, but lo - and - behold, Wormwatcher struts forward. Uh. Well and truly... struts. Like, seriously, were reveals of this nature meant to be this dramatic?

Sharpshadow lingers longer than Forestshade does, frankly, a little confused as to what's happening here. Surrounded by Congratulations from her and Mirepurr both, he feels the need to be contrarian, simply uttering, " ...Um. Okay. " Or maybe that's just him being bad at talking to others. Take your pick. Sharpshadow glances the couple up and down. She can't really say that they... fit each other. But, that didn't really mean anything, did it? Maybe the fact that Sharpshadow figured the both of them would be alone forever makes them fit together in a weird way. Or something.

" No one forced you to "confess" that, you know. " He had kind of wanted to know, but now that they told them in this annoying of a way, he was going to act like he hadn't.
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Much like the frogs that lurked into camp one horrid night Wormwatcher appears to the scene from seemingly the same murky depths. His pride oozes from him, along with some other wretched ego that he could not match. The smirk irritates him, his words insufferable but perhaps he only strikes such an ire against the tom because he had been shown a youthful fool. Exposed to be stumbling through a social interaction and floundering where he normally strides. While he wasn't sure what his intended purpose was he instead had clearly upset Maggotfur. He considered the queen a friend, the thought of actually upsetting her when he didn't intend to made his stomach curl.

"You're the sire?" He doesn't hide the suspisicno in his tone nor the incredulous look that is given to the sleek tom. There's just no way, him of all cats? Haretooth may not be especially close to the queen but he could have sworn that the two had never interacted in an intimate way. Was that too strange of a thing to consider? He wasn't too sure, in concern for further damaging a tentative friendship with Maggotfur he concedes to not speaking on his doubts further.

"You're right Maggotfur, it is of no concern of mine who your mate is." There is a pause as he deliberates over how to repair this situation, he was not one to apologise so he takes wide strides from this matter. "Congratulations" He echoes Mirepurr's and Forrestshade's sentiments of commendation. It is a silent relief that he is at least not singular in the doubt over Wormwatcher's announcement, it still seemed rather gallivant and well time. Too much flourish, a flair for the dramatics. Even though Haretooth decides in this moment to let that issue lie, he can't help but nod in agreement with Sharpshadow's sentiments. Asside from his petty agreement to show his displeasure towards the tom he decides that his best course of action is to retreat and let the incident wash over with the passage of time.

// he's outta here
  • Dead

She finds herself halting beside Sharpshadow, her nose wrinkling in distaste with the thought. How could any cat stand being pregnant? What made them think having kits was a pleasant idea? "You're pregnant?" The woman gives Maggotfur and Wormwatcher a questioning, almost disgusted glance as the news settles. "I don't understand how anyone could stand that." Better you than me. She adds to herself silently as she gives the pair an uncomfortable nod. "Er- congragulations? I guess?"

  • ooc. — ​
    ↪ salamandersnap / cisgender female (she/her)
    ↪ 24 moons / ages realistically on the 19th
    ↪ shadowclan warrior
    ↪ lh black smoke
    ↪ "speech" / thoughts
    ↪ peaceful/healing actions may be powerplayed / attack in underline & @/account
    ↪ note: all thoughts/actions are based off ic opinions only !!
    ↪ penned by halimede
  • Dead