two peas in a pod ;; mushie


It was always easy to pretend to be okay in front of others when he had other things to think about. Mushroomkit was his best friend, though, and his worry for her meant a little bit more than just a typical hurt clanmate. When she told him about her family, Fireflypaw imagined how she felt- to lose your family, to be so scared for your life like that.. He didn't know what that felt like. He'd been born from loving parents who'd risk their lives for him and the rest of his siblings, if they needed to. Blazestar would never just.. Let them get hurt, would he? He was strong, of course not!

Ever since she had been grounded, though, Mushroomkit hadn't been around often. He didn't have the time to constantly ask Morningbird for her, too afraid of the grouchy grumbles he'd get in return. His grand-daughter was safe with him.

Tonight, though, Fireflypaw would try his best to get the girl out of the den to at least sleep next to him. Wiggling himself into the side of the den, Fireflypaw nearly gets stuck as he whispers for his friend. "Mushie.. Mushie! Wake up, c'mon. We're goin' for an adventure." He hisses softly, careful to not wake any of the elders up. He didn't need to be stuck cleaning their beds out for moons..

She had gone back to her dream since coming back to camp and getting grounded. Ignored mentions of her outside family, stayed away from Pumpkin as much as she could, but she couldn't bring herself to be able to sleep after Fireflyk-paw. Since Fireflypaw and his siblings had moved to the apprentices' den. Even with Deersong having her kits soon, and Cottonkit right beside felt wrong. Like she'd walked into a play set where all the dolls were gone.

She'd started sleeping in the elder's den with her grandfather and Cottonkit after that, no matter what anyone protested. It was only temporary, she'd get over it soon, she had to.

'Oh look at you, you've grown so big my little mush cap! Our adorable Mushie is going to be a-'

"Mushie.. Mushie! Wake up, c'mon." She wakes up with wet eyes, frantically trying to rub them dry as she moves to sleepily remove herself from the coil of tails and legs. The chill in the air is unlike any she'd ever felt in the caves of her grandfather's den, it leaves her trying to puff up more fur than she, a fairly fluffy cat all things considered, possessed. The flame mink finally toddles over to Fireflypaw with a small yawn. "Fireflyyyyy its cold, what can we even do?" She whispers, nudging his face out of the hole with a still bandaged paw and slipping out after it.

Fireflyyyyy its cold, what can we even do? She whines out in response to his call, and Fireflypaw grins as her paw shoves his big face out of the hole he made. Once she crawls out after him, Fireflypaw is quick to shove a few pieces of moss into the hole to hide it from passing view. It would make it easier for Mushie to sneak back in, after all. "Lots'a things we can do, Mushie!" He chirps out with a smile, eyes shutting as trees part and the moon shines down on the two of them. "C'mon, I've got an idea!" He musters, already beginning to walk along the sides of the camp to make sure no warriors or apprentices saw them.

"Don'tcha worry about snitches. I saw this weird plant growing beneath the trunk of the half-tree. The one that's kinda funny-shaped, yeah?" He chimes, sincere in his intentions. He lets the fact that he's Blazestar's son get to his head sometimes; that he was untouchable because he had no mentor of his own in SkyClan yet. Who could boss him around other than his dad? "You should visit ThunderClan sometimes. It's different there." He starts the conversation there, though is quickly distracted by the little blue flower that seems half-dead beneath the snow. "Y'know.. I've been hearin' Dawnglare talk to my dad about my eyesight. He says its gettin' worse." He comments softly, lacking his usual pep- did it bother him that much? "Actin' like it's a big deal or somethin'. I'm not blind or anything." He huffs.

His ever present rambling is soothing to her, so much so that sleep still attempts to wrap its comforting tendrils around her sluggish paws, tripping her a bit as she stumbles after him. "Are you...." Her jaws open in a yawn as she whispers. "Talking about the climbing tree or 'nother one?"

Its hard to keep up with what he's saying for a moment, vaguely registering a notion to see Thunderclan's territory that she gives a clunky nod to, until he mentions his father and Dawnglare discussing his eyes. She hates to admit it, but their worry is founded, there's been more than one instance where she's kept a few steps ahead of Fireflypaw because he'd been obviously straining his eyes. " do force yourself a lot though Fi, you make your eyes go all wide even when warriors squint from the're not blind or nothin' now but what if light hurts you more than it does us? Your papa has a right to worry, its what parents are supposed t'do." There's a hestiancy in how she brings it up, but also a rather straightforward honesty, there's not a single doubt of him or his abilites in the way she speaks.....just the concern of a friend who wants to see him succeed.
