two tribes go to war | apprentice training

Having two apprentices was a little odd for Howlfire. She had been used to simply training Hawkpaw for so long, that it had taken a day or two to adjust to the notion of having two apprentices she was personally responsible for. Still, despite the adjustment, she quite enjoyed having two apprentices, and was glad they were of a similar age so they could hopefully become warriors together.

That morning, Howlfire decided to test her apprentices combat abilities, not on other apprentices, but each other. Howlfire admittedly did not know much of Sillypaw's combat abilities, so this would be a good excuse to see what they were proficient in and what skills they needed to focus on before they became warriors. Leading them to a clearing, Howlfire turned on the spot, addressing both her apprentices at the same time. "This morning, I would like the two of you to spar against each other," Howlfire begins. "Claws will remain sheathed, and you are not to purposely injure each other. Other than that, I would like the two of you to treat this battle as you would any real one, do you understand?" She gives a moment for her apprentices to respond before nodding curtly. "You can begin when ready," She mewed. "I will be watching closely."

@Hawkpaw @sillypaw
As Howlfire gives the command to begin, Sillypaw feels a surge of excitement and determination. Sparring with Hawkpaw is a chance to prove himself—not just to Howlfire, but to Hawkpaw too. He nods firmly, a flicker of a grin tugging at the corner of his mouth as he meets Hawkpaw's gaze. They both know what's at stake. It's not just a test; it's another opportunity to compete with each other. She watches Hawkpaw, her muscles tense with anticipation. They’ve sparred before, but this time feels different. Howlfire is watching closely, and Sillypaw wants to show her that he’s more than just a gentle spirit—he’s a fighter too. His eyes are sharp, scanning for an opening. He’s seen Hawkpaw’s moves before, knows that he’s fast and strategic. But today, Sillypaw’s determined to be faster, smarter.

With a quick feint to the left, Sillypaw darts to the right, aiming to catch Hawkpaw off guard as ey swipes at Hawkpaw's leg, trying to unbalance him. Ey can feel the competitive fire burning within, pushing em to be smarter, to think quicker, to fight better. But even in the heat of the spar, Sillypaw’s careful. Howlfire’s words echo in eir mind—no injuries. And so, despite being cautious enough to not cause injuries, he doesn’t hold back, not when he knows Hawkpaw wouldn’t either. Each move is calculated, his mind racing, fueled by the desire to come out on top. With Hawkpaw hopefully unbalanced, Sillypaw uses her weight to try to grapple him and bring him to the ground. As they spar, Sillypaw can’t help but wonder what Howlfire thinks. Is she impressed? He hopes so. Because today isn’t just about besting Hawkpaw; it’s about showing Howlfire that she's that she’s more than ready for becoming a warrior and whatever challenges lie in the future.​