camp TWO WAY MIRROR | sneaking out?


Jul 20, 2024
Oleander has only been here a day, but already she is tired of her small quarters. After being shepherded away from her old colony, she'd learned so much about the world. Namely, the fact that it was fucking huge. There was so much to see, so much she had seen, and walked through, and leapt over and ducked under; SkyClan's camp is new and interesting, but it only expands so far.

So, she nudges Mercury (Mercurykit now, but she forgets the new moniker) awake, seafoam eyes crusted with yellow rime but alight with curiosity all the same. Dawn has just broken. It is far too early for little kittens to be stirring, but Oleander hasn't been sleeping well. She coughs, tucking her muzzle into her curlicue chest fur, before returning her attention to her brother. "Mercuryyy," she addresses it, a stringy sound, come on an avenchur with me. Adventure." She corrects her mispronunciation swiftly. Just as swiftly, she hauls herself out of the nursery and away from the comfort of her mother's nest. Some cats might think it strange that she was so comfortable as to explore so soon, but Oleander is nothing if not insatiable in her curiosity. She turns, briefly, only to make sure that Mercurykit is following her — and then she plods away.

She gets all the way to the mouth of camp, daylight-blues shining, and even steps a paw beyond it — only to be scolded. Someone calls out for her and Oleanderkit's ears flatten to her skull. Is she in trouble? Had she hurt someone, stepping outside the boundary? Was Mercurykit okay? Warriors did it all the time, why couldn't she? Fearfully, the young kit turns to fix whoever had spoken to her in her gaze, only to find a beautiful black and fire-marbled she-cat before her. "What!" she yips, a large sniffle to follow.

  • ooc. please wait for @mercurykit and @butterflytuft !
  • OLEANDERKIT —— kit of skyclan . lovage x laurel . littermate to birchkit and mercurykit ✦ penned by meghan

    a willowy silver blue ticked torbie with low white and seafoam eyes. lonerborn, oleander struggles to learn the ropes of clan life while coping with anxiety and past trauma. may seem strange, and has unconventional hobbies.
    girl / she her pronouns / undiscovered sexuality / 02 moons & ages every 20th
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— will not start fights / will flee / will show mercy. a mere kitten, she cannot defend herself in battle.

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are in character
    full biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
Butterflytuft has done her best to make the new arrivals in the nursery feel welcome. She's made up their nest, given them lots of feathers from her own nest to make them more comfortable, brought them prey...what can she say, she's a softie for queens and their kits. But when she pokes her head out of the den this morning to see the pair of kits headed straight for the den entrance, her heart skips a beat. With a mrrp! she hurries over to them with a gentle urgency, maternal instinct driving her full force. "Oleanderkit, Mercurykit!" She calls out softly, concern tinging her voice. Despite her worry, there is an obvious air of understanding in her expression as she slows to a stop in front of them, calmly looking between the two curious kits. She moves carefully, slowly - after all, she doesn't want to startle the new little ones.

"It's not safe for you to wander beyond camp on your own yet. You see, this wall keeps us protected from dangers like dogs and foxes," Butterflytuft tries to gently inform them, her nose pointing towards the thorny boundary that surrounds the clearing. Memories of fox fangs sinking into cream fur, and a horrible baying sound that follows her best friend resurface, and she has to shake her head. She sighs and crouches down to their level, her gaze warm and reassuring. "I know you're curious about the world outside, but you must stay here where it's safe, okay? Let's go back to the nursery, and we can talk about all the adventures you'll have when you're older. How does that sound?" The tortoiseshell gently nudges the two back towards the holly bush, keeping a watchful eye out of the camp entrance. She can't blame them. They have so much to learn about SkyClan, but she will be sure to have plenty of fun with them right here in camp so they won't even want to leave!
  • Wow
Reactions: Oleanderkit
The nudge, the drawn out call of its name, they're enough to begin to wake the little kit but not quite enough to draw it fully out of its slumber. "Mmph..." it grunts, shaking it's head slightly as if to shake her words off, but then she begins to walk away without even trying to wake Birch and it is suddenly fully away. It can't let its sister go off on an adventure alone! Who'll be there to have her back if something happens? Mercury quickly blinks the last bits of sleep out of its eyes and bumbles after her, just barely catching up by the time she turns to look and see if it is following her.

It isn't paying attention to what anyone else is saying, it's hearing basically tuned out to anything but Oleander's words, so when she suddenly stops and turns around, Mercury doesn't stop in time and bumps right into her. "Ow," it whines, paw coming up the rub at its nose, a pout growing across its muzzle. It turns still-bleary eyes upon the queen that seems to have stopped them, though doesn't quite listen to the words that she's saying. It's still not quite all the way awake, and now its nose hurts, so when her nose comes close and tries to nudge each of them back towards the nursery, it doesn't hesitate to try to sink its needle-sharp baby-teeth into her nose, taking the attempt to come too close as a threat in its sleepy state.​
  • WHAT
Reactions: Oleanderkit

The soft blanket of dawn’s first light is nowhere near as warm as her mother’s plush fur. Most days Budkit slumbers comfortably beside Butterflytuft, though this morning does not shape up to be like most days. The source of her warmth and comfort leaves in semi-haste, rousing bleary sapphires and parting her maw in a wide yawn. Where is her mother going? Budkit waits for a second, two seconds, then three before stumbling out of the nest and plodding towards the mouth of the nursery.

From her vantage point she sees Butterflytuft try to herd two of the new kits back to the nursery (Budkit can’t remember how to say their names - they’re much too big for her burgeoning language skills) and one of them moves to bite the queen on her nose. Something flares up in the little point kitten’s chest at that sight. Not a shriek like Fluffypaw had released, or a frown like Butterflytuft had worn when Budkit bit. It’s… anger. A burning heat that furrows her brow and lashes her kinked tail back and forth.

It dares bite her mama?!

Budkit is moving without thought. Inky paws slapping the ground in clumsy stride as she toddles towards the trio. Deep oceanic eyes lock onto Mercurykit and a rumbling growl erupts from the back of the young child’s throat. “No bite mama!” Budkit demands as she nears it, pearly teeth bared in the glory of the dawn, before adding a swift “Budkit bite!”

And with that she aims to bite Mercurykit’s haunch in righteous revenge for the injury inflicted upon her mother. Fortunately she does not aim for the other kit’s tail - Budkit remembers that she is not to bite tails.
[ penned by kerms ]
Butterflytuft's information comes gently, to her credit. Oleander's initial shock simmers quickly into an alarmed, gape-mouthed curiosity as the queen outlines the reasons she cannot leave the bracken circle. It's a large circle; she should really be quite grateful for the roaming she's allowed to do, and yet. She's been outside of it before — she'd come from outside of it in the first place and had not died. Though, Butterflytuft would be right in that the outside world was dangerous. Nightshade lived in it.

Dogs and foxes, though, she had never heard of. "What's dogs and foxes?" she chirps, pale-furred body knocking against her sibling's as the queen ushered them away from the bracken wall. She'd been told no, but maybe that just meant she'd have to try again when nobody was looking. Unless these dogs and foxes were truly a concern, that is. She is pondering these things when her littermate sees fit to sink its teeth in Butterflytuft's nose.

Oleander tilts her head at this impulse. She has never felt compelled to bite another cat even when scolded, and so doesn't understand the thoughts behind its decision. If there were any. "Mercury?" she calls simply, neither alarmed nor excited by this development. Her silver-silk brows are knitting together when a new kitten joins the fray, a chocolate muzzle sinking right into her brother's haunch.

There is a distinct feeling in her chest that this is all not quite right. Kittens shouldn't bite warriors, and kittens shouldn't be bitten by other kittens for that crime. Something makes her nervous about it all. Mercurykit bit Butterflytuft, which was certainly a faux pas of some sort, and Oleander has been made an accomplice to that crime. Budkit's retaliation against her littermate also should not fly — but what to do? Board the biting train? Decry their behavior as other and something she would not stand for? Oleander's chest squeezes as she struggles to discern which side of this binary she ought to stand on.

Ultimately, she chooses to save face: "Don't bite! It's bad!" The girl attempts to serve both kitten parties a swift thwack on the head with a cream-hued forepaw. Maybe this would put her in Butterflytuft's good graces! Then the queen might let her out of camp after all.

  • ooc.
  • OLEANDERKIT —— kit of skyclan . lovage x laurel . littermate to birchkit and mercurykit ✦ penned by meghan

    a willowy silver blue ticked torbie with low white and seafoam eyes. lonerborn, oleander struggles to learn the ropes of clan life while coping with anxiety and past trauma. may seem strange, and has unconventional hobbies.
    girl / she her pronouns / undiscovered sexuality / 02 moons & ages every 20th
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— will not start fights / will flee / will show mercy. a mere kitten, she cannot defend herself in battle.

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are in character
    full biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
Butterflytuft gently pulls back as Mercurykit's teeth graze her nose, a soft gasp escaping her as she instinctively draws away. She understands the kit's reaction, knowing it's still young and easily startled. With a calming blink and a gentle, reassuring purr, she begins to speak softly to Mercurykit, "I didn't mean to startle you-" But she is interrupted as a tiny growl sounds nearby. She jerks her head up in surprise to see her daughter toddling angrily forward, her teeth bared. Oh dear! She gets up, but before she can stop it Budkit launches open-jawed at Mercurykit in defense of her mother.

"Oh, Budkit, no!" She cries out pleadingly, dancing around the fray on hesitant paws. She repeats Oleanderkit, "Don't bite!" Leaning down, she attempts to grab her daughter's scruff in her jaws and pull her away, ears flat to her head apologetically. This is not helping!