twolegplace TWO WORLDS || relaxing

Oct 16, 2023

It was a nice enough morning, chilly, but cloudless. The sun that clambered above the horizon was bright and pleasant, it's rays of gold spilling across his scarred and collared form. Tigerscar was still blinking sleep from his one eye as he stretches out in a patch of sun along the top of his old, wooden fence. In the next few hours, he'd make his way into the forest, where he'd join SkyClan as he usually did, patrolling, hunting, and defending. Then, he'd come back in the evening, where he would be pampered by his twoleg owners. It was a good life, in his mind. Exciting, yet comfortable. While other clans began to starve as the cold crept in, Tigerscar would remain pleasantly plump and well-fed. He would sleep by the warmth of a roaring fire. He would enjoy the soft cottons of his kittypet beds.

His mind continues to wander as a satisfied expression rests upon his maw. For now, the brute naps, patiently awaiting his breakfast to be presented to him by his owners.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Persephone went where she pleased, and Twolegplace was not excempt from this. Every few days, she would make her way back and spend her day roaming the streets, rubbing against countless friendly Twolegs that she has grown familiar with and learned the schedule of. While not a kittypet by any means, she wouldn't pass up the opportunity of a good head scratch.

Another past-time of hers was, of course, meeting cats new and old. She was a social butterfly, communicating with others indiscriminately, even if it was as small as a friendly comment to a passerby. Of all the cats that came around Twolegplace, the ones that intrigued her the most carried the stench of Clan scent. She'd observed these strange felines returning for the night, some returning for a day or more, before inevitably returning to the place they came from. From her encounters with grouchy Clan cats that seemed to bear no tolerance for outsiders, it was certainly an odd phenomenon to her that some cats were allowed a paw in two separate lives.

It was after rounding a corner and approaching a new neighborhood that Persephone caught sight of a large brown tabby. His face was mangled, of course earning her curiosity, but she was not so rude as to ask about it upfront. Instead, as she approached with twitching whiskers, she briefly looked him over for something else to strike up conversation over, as she did with all strangers. "Lovely collar," Persephone commented, though not very convincingly. She eyed the teeth that adorned the tom's rainbow collar, wondering where they came from and why on earth he would wear them in his collar. Another intrigued twitch of her whiskers, and she couldn't contain her next comment, as blunt as it was: "Do they ever poke your neck? I can't imagine how uncomfortable that must get!"

  • perse-2.png
  • perse-pixel.png
    PERSEPHONE she/her, loner, fourteen moons.
    a kind-hearted yet stern lilac calico molly with amber eyes.
    mate to no one. mother to no one.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


One eye blinks lazily open to dart toward the source of an approaching voice. For a few quiet moments, Tigerscar simply studies her curiously. Notably, she lacks a collar. A stray, perhaps? Or was loner the appropriate term? Flicking his feathery tail which draped loosely over the wood of the fence, Tigerscar offers the newcomer a seemingly friendly smile. Would anyone notice if that one went missing? Not a kittypet, not a clan cat... Dark thoughts twist and writhe throughout the brute's mind, though his expression reveals nothing of the sort.

"Thank you, dearie." He trills in reply, "They don't really poke me. They're not very sharp, if I'm honest! Just something my twoleg folk thought would look cool, I suppose." Tigerscar admits. The teeth were rubber, dull-pointed, though they looked real enough from afar. "Truthfully, I hardly notice my collar these days. I've worn it for so long!" Oh, but he was quite proud of it, vibrant in color to reflect his bold personality. "Who might you be, by the way? Haven't seen you before." Tigerscar probes with a curious voice, the darker intentions behind the question masked behind a charming smile.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- His expression seems friendly and welcoming - charming, almost - so she sticks around to chat, relaxing what little guard she may have had when approaching the stranger. The idea that the Twolegs picked out such an addition to his accessory was curious. "Interesting. I always wonder what's going on inside their heads," Persephone replied. She wondered if they ever thought like felines - how they hunted their prey, what they found interest in, what their groups were like. Anyhow, its not like any cat would ever truly no, much less herself, who only interacted with the lanky creatures in passing. "Well, I suppose that makes sense. I'd never wear such a thing - I've seen some kittypets get these jangly bells on their collars, stars know how they would ever hunt with that thing." They wouldn't, she corrected herself. Her recent encounter with the stray Polynesia taught her such; some cats just don't hunt.

She lets the dearie pass, paying no mind to such a name. Tom-cats that tried too hard to be charming would only earn a friendly eyeroll. Moving on - she wanted to ask about his residency here in the Twolegplace. There was no masking the scent of Clan on him; she'd been around their borders and snuck around their lands enough to tell the stark difference between a hardened wild cat and a pampered kittypet. "You smell of the forest cats, yet you wear a collar and lounge on this fence. I always thought the Clans were apprehensive of us outsiders. Do they make exceptions, now?" She wasn't asking for herself, but merely out of curiosity and for the interest of the conversation. She couldn't see herself ever joining a Clan - she valued her freedom far too much to be bound to territories and extensive rules. Not to mention how impolite some of them were!

To the inquiry of her name, the calico dips her head. "Persephone. I don't come 'round these parts often, and this is a new neighborhood for me. I travel here and far, but I only really hang around this place"- she gestures her tail towards the broad Twolegplace - "maybe every three or four days, or whenever my paws feel like taking me." Her whiskers twitched; she wondered if this tom had a kittypet name, or one of those weird Clan cat names. "And yours?" she asks, pulling the corners of her mouth up in a small, yet polite smile.

  • perse-pixel.png
    PERSEPHONE she/her, loner, fourteen moons.
    a kind-hearted yet stern lilac calico molly with amber eyes.
    mate to no one. mother to no one.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.