Twoleg smell is gross || Loner vibing on the border


It's high noon.
Feb 28, 2023

((Tickbite will relay any interesting information back to Sootstar, so keep that in mind!!))

He had never spied on a group like this before. He briefly wondered if it was a good idea to agree to Sunstride's terms, but he also thought.... What could go wrong? He didn't smell like Windclan, he smelled like hay. Usually. Sometimes he smelled of the twolegplace.

He padded along the fence that bordered Skyclans territory. It smelled an awful lot of twolegs. He wondered why? They don't usually look for their kittypets..... They always come home at some point. Was it just a few twoleg kits exploring? Could be. Those things were wild. Wild and loud and annoying.

Which is why he stayed on the fence, out of reach of any twoleg hellspawn that might come after him.

He twirled the stick in his mouth and peered into the forest, loafed on the fence and waiting for whatever found him first.... Twolegs or cats.

He preferred cats.

The spikey bark of the evergreen branches groan as he sails the canopy, the pinecones rattle in his wake as he leads his apprentice forth. Eyes combing the ground below carefully for any shiny twoleg tricks. " keep off the ground until we are done here- " he instructs Snowpaw as his claws scrape at the wood, tail swimming in the breeze with balance before he glares toward the fencelines. Searching for the red pelted warrior-stealing twoleg.

Thats when he catches sight of the stranger, sitting on the railing of the twolegplace looking into the forest like they always do. Only this time, Thistleback didn’t care for recruiting, he cared about getting any information he could- anything that could potentially bring his non-blood family back. He growled lowly, this could be a great risk-

" If you follow, stay close- I need to go speak with that bloke " Thistleback speaks lowly and snakes his way down the pine. His knuckles smack the ground and he peers around cautiously before sprinting across the lush grasses, he kicks off of powerful hocks and slams his grappling weaponry into the man-crafted wood and metals. Powerful forelimbs lift him onto the railing, he turns toward the stranger with his natural scowl with flicks his tail in greeting.

" I come peacefully " he speaks out urgently. " I have a question " he adds quickly.

  • @Snowpaw

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-seven moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png



"Something catch your eye, friend?"

The words were casual enough on the surface, the light accent causing them to appear almost friendly, but there was underlaying caution there that came from witnessing too many unpredictable things on Skyclans borders, from the riverclan apprentice begging for help, to the arrival of a madman guilty of killing and maiming cats from the clans. It made telling the good from the bad difficult, and so Johnny had learned to treat them all with civil caution instead.

He had not called out to the other from the woods though. No, Johnny was behind the cat, in the very garden of the fence they had chosen to perch on.

This was Johnnys yard.

A voice from the trees above put him a little more at ease. Thistleback and Snowpaw he confirmed with a glance upward. The lead joined the first cat on the fence, and the bobtail simply observed, having an inkling as to what it was the piebald tom wanted to ask.

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As safe as Momo felt from the consequences of the Twoleg threat, he still kept to the trees whilst on patrol with his clan. He had family that would come and collects him, sure, but to be stuffed inside a small trap and forced off to some unknown place was not a priority of the Daylight Warrior. The gold-collared tom craned his neck outwards as Thistleback's attention settled upon a cat by the twolegplace. Blue eyes blinked fervently as they quietly analysed Tickbite, and as their Lead Warrior began to exchange words with him, Momowhisker crept forwards. His claws clicked loudly against the thinning branches of the edge of the tree, elongated paws wrapping around it as dying twigs snapped off and fell to the ground below. 'Don't look down', the first rule of climbing, swiftly broken to assess the loner by their borders. A wave of vertigo rushed to the point cat's head and he grimaced to himself, spreading his weight more evenly across the dark pine. "Ah, hello." The lynx point smiled, bobbing his head towards the stranger on the fences. By the time he spoke, their nausea had been suppressed, replaced only with a somewhat vacant stare as he tried not to think about how far away the ground was.

"If I were you, I wouldn't hop down from there," he advised Tickbite quietly, as to try and not overshadow whatever Thistleback wanted the stranger for. Momowhisker could guess, it seemed like everyone in SkyClan wanted answers. He should've been able to provide some, what with that 'paw in each world', as another Lead Warrior had called it. Alas, he was as flabbergasted as the rest of him - he was too regal to have come from a place of forgotten felines and moggys, as acrid as such a statement was to realise.


He was beset by cats on all sides!! Where did they come from, he was just sitting here!! No matter, he wouldn't show any disdain. He was on the border of their territory, after all. Just sitting on the fence.

He looks to Thistleback as he scales the fence to meet him. He says he comes in peace, but Tickbite wasn't sure he could trust him on it yet. He was so spiky and intimidating.

"I'll be happy to answer as best I can... What's on your mind?" He asked.

His ears swiveled as he picked up the voices of other cats. One behind on the ground, and one in the tree. He glanced to the one in the tree.... Was he going to fall??

He offered him a smirk. "I don't plan on jumping down, least not on your side of the fence." He said. " You gonna be okay up there??"

He was surrounded on all sides and had very few options of escape.... But he would see where this goes. He was small, but unlike his brother, he could pack quite a punch. So at the very least, he could ram Thistleback off the fence perhaps.... Then run..... Or cut through Johnny's yard...... Hm.

He chewed on the stick in his mouth. He'd just figure it out on the fly. If they even attacked him, he could very well just be paranoid and pessimistic.