U & ME ☀︎ rabbitnose

"Did you ever think we'd be like this?" It was a question he'd asked himself a few times over recent moons only to slowly realize the answer was very definitive. Sunfreckle had never had much aspirations in life outside survival, he wanted to see the world at one point but having kits and being a parent had dampened that urge significantly and Little Wolf leaving and dying somewhere so far away where a grave could not even be visited had snuffed that last lingering remnants of this feeling. He was content here in ThunderClan, he was afraid of leaving it, afraid of losing everything.
They'd gone through quite a lot since he'd been a foolish kittypet joining alongside a loner mate, happy to lay around camp and not contribute while Rabbitnose hunted for them both. Eventually he learned to hunt, slowly he became capable enough of taking care of himself and finally he was able to give back to his clan - it had been a tiring but warming experience.
He thinks of Howlingstar laughing at him, voice high and amused though hardly malicious when she told him she did not make him a lead warrior for his prowess in battle nor his skills with catching prey; but for something else. Something else he could give - he was still slowly figuring out what that something was. Compassion, understanding, his own softer view of the hard and cruel world. Sunfreckle wasn't a daft little kittypet anymore, though he'd hardly ever been little, but he was still idealistic enough to wish for the better; hope for more.
"I never would have dreamed of having a family like this, a home I loved so much. From cage to clan, I think this is perfect..."
Perfect in a different way than what he'd expected, perfect in its flaws, how it continued to test them yet never enough to fully break. Yellowcough, the boars, the battle with Sunningrocks, the dogs who took Emberstar, Cinderfrost's betrayal, Trufflepelt's madness...he remembered it all and would not forget the lessons that came from each, but they had overcome.
The red tabby pads along into the woods further, brushing alongside his mate and smiling, now that he was out of the nursery he had plans. Countless plans.
"I want an apprentice again so desperately, you saw how proud other mentors were seeing their students graduate...I never got that, I'll never forget Shallowpaw...but I think I can move on. I want to teach, I want to see someone I trained named by my leader."

  • @Rabbitnose

  • 57579394_y5Qft2znjLniwSo.png
    —⊰⋅ Lead Warrior of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Large red tabby tom w/green eyes and no left foreleg.

When Sunfreckle asks him his question, it doesn't take him long to come up with an answer. "No, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine we'd end up like this... Here, with all these wonderful cats. I always thought we'd roam together." He says with a soft smile.

He does miss exploring sometimes, but he has grown complacent, admittedly. Thunderclan was home. This forest full of oak trees and shrubs was all he wanted to live in. It had family, friends, and food. That was all he needed, wasn't it?

And to have been able to watch how Sunfreckle grew as time went on here, it was like watching a caterpillar morph into a butterfly. A beautiful transformation that he is proud of every single day.

He purrs as he presses his face into Sunfreckle's neck fluff. "I'm so happy with the life we have.... I'd have been a lot more wary of having kits with you if it were just us. And now, we have so many!" He says, chuckling.

Even through all the hardships they have gone through here, it was worth it. There was always comfort to be found and no matter what happened, they all pulled through together. That's what he loves about Thunderclan. They are one big family, and that's all Rabbitnose ever wanted. Even if his father was gone and Sweetybee was in Skyclan and Fish was....Somewhere... Pine was wandering as he always did.... He never felt alone.

"You were a good mentor to Shallowpaw..." He says. He cannot say the same, does not consider himself worthy of mentoring any apprentice at all. "You should ask Howlingstar, love. I think she'll agree to let you have another! I want you to have that moment of pride, you deserve it." He says.​
"Maybe we have too many." He admits sheepishly, amused and leaning back into the blue tom with heavy affection. "Freckleflame, Sparkwing and Mousenose are so grown now - it feels like just the other day they were biting my tail and demanding to go out and play, getting into scraps with one another, causing mischief. Well, some of them still do cause mischief." Hopefully being mentors would instill in his adult children more responsibility but he had a feeling Mousenose might cause some entitlement to develop and Sparkwing would teach Pigeonpaw too many reckless idealogies.
Speaking of mentoring...

"Maybe. Maybe I will ask in a moon or two...I need to stretch my legs again first." He'd been so out of shape since being in the nursery, not even his jogging about camp had helped much and he wanted to enjoy his brief independence and freedom before focusing on an apprentice again - but he still really wanted one. Leopardtongue's kits might be apprenticed soon, he counts in his head how many moons it has been and can't recall if they were nearing four or if that was another moon away entirely. Maybe he would get one of Spiderlily's as well? Or perhaps one of the scrappy youngers taken in by the permaqueens. There were many options, surely he'd be chosen...
"I'm sure you'll get an apprentice again soon too....you know, I understand why you stayed silent about Patchpaw and Spotflare but you've learned since and I think you would do well with a new student.."


  • 57579394_y5Qft2znjLniwSo.png
    —⊰⋅ Lead Warrior of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Large red tabby tom w/green eyes and no left foreleg.