U&ME - lakemoon

As promised when they had first reunited, Lilybloom had sought out her mate. Whilst she had wanted to spend more time with her initially, she knew her siblings needed her more in the wake of the reveal of Steepsnout's death. She knew Lakemoon would have been understanding about that at least. Besides, getting to speak to her later meant they could talk without any unwanted attention from nearby clanmates.

"I hope you know, I missed you every day," Lilybloom mewed, padding over to Lakemoon's side and rubbing her head against hers. There was a strong scent of the mountains about her but beneath it all was the familiar scent she had missed this past moon. "You reek of the mountains," She remarked somewhat playfully. It wasn't an unpleasant scent in truth, just a bit unusual to get used to at the moment. Lilybloom settled in comfortably beside Lakemoon, tucking her brindled paws underneath her body. "So, how was the journey for you?"

@Lakemoon .

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
While Lilybloom tended to her family, Lakemoon was as dutiful a mate as ever, settling herself close to the river and letting her eyes truly rest for the first time since the warrior had left her forest home, the sound of a softly bubbling river almost a lullaby to the silver molly.
Deep in thought, Lakemoon reaches a forepaw out, letting ivory toes surf softly against the waters ripples. She prays to the stars that Flamewhisker would take her message back to her kin across the border, a selfish prayer when she knows all the ginger she-cat has on her plate.
Finally, there is a stir in her surroundings, and Lilybloom’s head is pressing against her own.
Lakemoon lets her maw part, savoring her mates soft presence as much as she could.
When the mottled warrior settles down beside her, Lakemoon curls herself around the other, head resting on Lilybloom’s shoulder blade.
Her beloved muses, asks how the journey was. "Being apart from you was a terrible agony. I hope I never have to go through it again." She purrs, cheek nuzzling into tortoiseshell fur.
"You would’ve loved the sights, the mountains were brutal, but also beautiful." Lakemoon hums again after a moment.


Lakemoon states that being apart from her had been agony and Lilybloom shares her sentiment. Even before they had become mates, become friends even, they had always been present in each other's lives. Lakemoon muses that despite the mountains being brutal they were beautiful too and that she thought Lilybloom would have liked them too.

"I think I would have," She hummed in agreement. "I used to love hearing stories about the lands beyond the clans when I was a kit. I always wondered what it might have been like to travel there one day, see those sights for myself, and return home with many stories to share." Stories had kept her company as a young kit. She no littermates and knew few cats of her own age until her family had joined the Pine Group. "I hope that whatever bad things you saw there you made some good memories too," Lilybloom remarked, speaking in a tone that almost made it sound like a question. "It must have been strange working together with all those cats from different clans towards a singular goal." She is quiet for a moment, reflective of her own time with the clans when they were forced to take shelter with ShadowClan. "It felt strange enought to be among the other clans when the rogues drove us out - first in SkyClan, and then in ShadowClan."

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
Idly, Lakemoon nods along to her mates melodic musings. It had been strange, and strangely gratifying. Dimly, the silvered warrior recalls her time trapped in the earth, forced to rely almost solely on their Shadowclan cave-mate for guidance, and how grateful she had been to feel her paws rest on sun-warmed stone once more.
"I’m only grateful you weren’t injured. All of you… crowded around that damned tree." Lakemoon shakes her head softly, the marshlands weren’t exactly comfortable even in their camp- let alone out in the territory.
"Not even a day into our journey we were almost stopped by a broken bridge across this river, until we camp up with a plan to fix it ourselves. " Lakemoon feels her maw quirk upwards at the memory.
"You should’ve seen Iciclefang and Fernpaw, they dove in headfirst without a second thought, it was quite admirable." The younger duo had truly made Riverclan proud, Lakemoon thinks.
"The best part, though? Coming home. To you."


"In a small way, it's probably a good thing the rogues caught us off guard. We didn't have much of a chance to fight back so it minimised a lot of injuries or deaths we might have otherwise had if a full-scale battle had happened," Lilybloom mused. She frowned slightly as she recounted what had happened to Cicadastar though. Lilybloom listens intently as Lakemoon explains about how the journey was almost derailed by a broken bridge, only saved by the quick thinking of the RiverClan cats, smirking slightly at her mate's quirk of the jaw.

At the mention of her siblings, Lilybloom does feel a warm rush of pride for them. "When they left, I must confess I had my concerns about them leaving," Lilybloom confessed, lowering her head slightly. It wasn't that they weren't capable young cats but in many ways Lilybloom couldn't help but see them as her small, baby siblings recounting the day of their birth quite easily. "It pleases me to know that they carried themselves so well. I'm sure our family is proud of them too." Even Steepsnout, she thinks sadly.

Lakemoon says that the best thing was coming back home to her and Lilybloom emits a loud purr, leaning her head against Lakemoon. "Actually now that you are home, there was something I wanted to talk to you about," Lilybloom says after a moment, a sudden serious expression on her features. They had discussed this topic before but with everything they and the clan as a whole had experienced as of late, the thoughts had returned to her mind. "I know we said we'd wait but...when newleaf comes I want to have a litter," Lilybloom finally blurted out. "Seeing all of you go on the journey and then losing Steepsnout it reminded me of how short life is. How one moment you're here and the next you're not. I don't want to wait anymore, Lake."

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
The peaceful expression on the warriors features quickly crease in intrigue, ears perked before Lilybloom has even finished her proposition- had something else happened? The molly cannot help but worry for a fleeting moment.
When Newleaf comes I want to have a litter.
Narrow eyes widen almost comically at her brindled loves admission.
I don’t want to wait anymore, Lake.
In all truth, Lakemoon used to envision herself having already climbed the ranks, sitting at the very top before settling down, taking a mate and having kits at their tails soon after.
Yet, her connection with Lilybloom had been unexpected and too strong to not embrace, and the mottled warrior made quite the persuasive argument, even if Lakemoon wanted to be reluctant the silvered warrior know she could never have said no.
Despite her initial reaction, the surprise was soon quick to fade to joy. Of course she wanted the same, of course she would finally give an eager nod.
"I would love nothing more, of course my love." The purr that rumbles from deep in her chest is genuine, ecstatic as she nuzzles her chin against the others cheek.
"Can we name one Lakekit?"

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